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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Damn youu!! At least on the plus side losing to you keeps Moria further away from winning the league!
  2. Being a christian I think God made the universe. For who created God he isnt part of nature but is supernature therefore doesnt need to be created. My friend who does physics at uni and got a 1st isnt a christian but says he finds it impossible to be a theist but I cant speak for his ideas but just thought it would be fair to say not everyone who takes an interest in science is an atheist. But well I might stay out of this thread as these topics usually need flameproof jackets and im getting to old for this lol but pm me if anyone wants a discussion on msn as I love talking about this stuff.
  3. Oh ffs in GOB style CMONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done though to dyonism. Damn I needed those points. Ah well onwards and upwards oh dear god my next game is gonna be tough.
  4. Good luck tommorow Dyson :p Im hoping I can cause an upset but im not counting on it lol.
  5. Ah man thats a real shame id love a cup.
  6. Ah man the next few games for me are damn tough if I salvage draws I will be happy. I think the lower division will split into two soon which is a shame as its so exciting atm!
  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4-2! Godamnit how am I Germany and worse of all how is Moria Scotland! Damn I thought the match was yesterday my tatics werent in order. But even so well done Moria you won this round fair and square but this isnt over I will have my chance for revenge and I will pull out all the stocks to get it. Man I was hoping to launch myself into the bigtime with a win especially with dyson getting destroyed. Oh god tough games from now on well at least I cant get relegated!
  8. But it mentions my home town leatherhead so is 10/10 oh and I saw Godfather tonight 10/10 but as I just gave that to I want candy 11/11
  9. Moria you are getting destroyed I cant wait to make you firmly in last place next game! muahahahha
  10. Ah jesus agian I hate sucking up to the obligtary female but as I said Dante was handsome it would be stupid not to say your stunning. Sieroulsy did you say you had low self esteem issues :S you shouldnt your bloody georgous.
  11. Sabotage! So anyone up for the ace cool NE one still need someone with some technical nohow I guess :S
  12. Damn about Wii Sports thank god for the other two though. Cmon Pioltwings and Fzero! Who am I kidding it just means Wiifit will get a big push.
  13. If we went down the music route one person on would be ok I would have thought? But yeh skype sounds cool.
  14. Hey guys feeling that NE could do with an injection of communtiy spirit and landing myself a sweet headset recently. I was wondering if any people would be up for a NE podcast or even better kinda radio thing. Although im not sure how that would work. By radio I mean just playing songs with a bit of talking not sure how easy that is to stream? Anyway input in here if anyone wants to join in. Anyway any ideas or input and technical knowledge would be ace. Over to you
  15. Wow 20? Really?
  16. I think if it is that means my club wins a record? Im sure Moria is gonna try and wipe the smirk off my face by putting mice on my pitch or some tom foolery.
  17. A solid draw after the super victory last time this league is really evening up. I need to win the next game against my arch rival Moria though
  18. Noone off to Royal Holloway? NE has to keep the tag team going. I joined in 2004 as Johleain old school NE poster left and I will be gone by the end of this year! Damn noone to hand the baton to next year unless someone steps up.
  19. Lucille: Its an idiot on a sedgeway at night of course its your brother. Lets give him a scare... and Michael: Mum I think they are going to break GOBs legs. Lucille: Well at least he already has that thing to get around on (bursts out laughing) Oh and theres no dialogue but the scene where GOBs on the sedgeway at the construction yard is hillarious.
  20. Damn you!!! This girl whose my friend played on my emotions saying she was gonna get a sedgeway and I could ride it pretending to be GOB. I asked her when she was gonna get it the other day and apparently it was all one big pratical joke. Cmonnn!
  21. Stop turning this mock sex thread into a mo... I was in trouble like two words into that sentance.
  22. Its an internet forum full of teenagers who this hasnt affected directlly. Sadly then they will come out with justification like there are bigger things that happened in the world when in reality they dont give two shits about that either but will cry with passion if the latest game they love gets a bad gamespot score. I completley disagree with the eevils attitude but at least he has the bulls to say it out straight and not cover it with excuses. Anyway past the rant yeh really sad day I was coming home from school and saw my mum watching the news then just sat and watched it with her
  23. BOOM HEADSHOT! Wow that was a classic game for the legends unlucky conzer :S bit scared that cube got beaten by two goals though better tighten up the defence for next game.
  24. Dont get worried yet. Get worried when I send you a robot themed valenties card
  25. lol no need for embarresment dante. Not to sound gay but your probably one of the better looking forumites although you could still be a robot especially in the grainy one so I hope you dont turn terminator on us!
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