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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Your hitmen mucked up Moria! They mucked up! And as for Cube! Im just trying to take Moria down help me agains this tyrant! Also how come the lower league is blatently the best atm? Sierously though all the activity is form our half you other guys should do something.
  2. Im determined to finish above Moria now know one makes a mockery out of my club apart from me!
  3. I think the office will go down in history as a great show. However I think the guys a one trick pony and a bit of a ****. Wow thats censored? Really? Yet people can say fuck? Damn was hoping that would censor and it would be like a episode of AD whenever GOBS talking. I **** ed Kitty!
  4. Division 1 just heated up Moria.
  5. You know all those press relelses are you guys writing them yourselves? They all seem in the same writing style which makes me say you arent but then some of them are downright scary which makes me think you are whats going on!
  6. Haden


  7. Are we going mano o mano? Your main striker is going to slip up in the bath hopefully
  8. Awesome im in the lower league! This way no pressure of going down just able to get to grips with the game.
  9. Ah ok no I was thinking of something else I know what you mean though. This. Its just like aghhh man it would freak me out but yeh as im not gay I guess it isnt gonna stop me having sex or anything lol.
  10. lol lol is that where you keep ejactulating until your dry? If so ouch that would be painful and put you off sex I would have thought.
  11. I will wade into the smoking debate here and say on the one side I dont smoke and love the smoking ban as I dont want cancer thanks to some other person who enjoys smoking. On the other hand when im pissed I enjoy cigars and pretend im james bond so im a bit of a hypocrite. But I always though when Im sober that smoking was such a stupid thing to start up. I mean I know once youve had one you have to have more but why have one in the first place! I mean its like smoke in your body! And you know its bad for you. Something to avoid I would have thought. Time to put the flame suit on something quite ironic in this thread! lol
  12. wow yeh maybe he was Who cares its a forum for ffs!
  13. Haden


    Yes but they arent the executive so its a bit different.
  14. Im really hoping 2008 turns into this and that King game these are just the games I brought a wii for.
  15. Haden


    lol ok sorry then with chavez it really is bad news. In america however it would be impossible to do that unless it was a very unique situation with most of the countrys consent I think Roosevelt pulled it off?
  16. Haden


    If you really believe that then oh dear god thats really ignorant. If not and it was all one big joke then take no offence and lets move on!
  17. Joined up everyone join 10 members are in the league already this is gonna be awesome! Mr Odwin held a gun to my parents face and made me say this. Im joking it should be great fun...
  18. No No No Noo Noo Nooo Nooo No No No Isnt Oscar with you just to stop things like this happening? Oh sorry I thought the question was can you move in with me. Anyone who gets that reference gets a cookie. But yeh it wasnt 2003 was 2005 I think?
  19. Oh yeh I forgot about. Still nice to see Bard isnt breaking old habits.
  20. Why no thread? The meanless post of the day is just awful at stopping threads. Anyway I cant wait for them to come back! I saw the blonde guy from the band in national art gallery in london wandering about.
  21. Jees louise those scans are amazing what a nice suprise!
  22. Haden


    Er what? He asked a question he didnt put a view forward. To be honest a lot of people in the region and political experts are worried I would say a war is unlikley but not unthinkable. Iran is aiming for domination of the region and pressure on Israel. It is using Iraq to its advantage and sponsering terrorist groups all over the region along with Syria. As for North Korea hopefully China can keep them in check.
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