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Everything posted by Haden

  1. I voted Coffee but im a Latte man I cant stand proper Coffee or Tea.
  2. omg what a beatdown! Again apolgies about the intial disaster of a game I made so many cock ups I would make Japans plan to take on america look good!
  3. Sorry 10 characters worth of apologies!
  4. Crap sorry it was something worse i wasnt online i went to watch big brother and forgot the game was still runnning!
  5. The secret alliance stuff is for risk not diplomacy btw. If we get a risk game going shall we have an msn convo as well? [email protected] haden90 is my risk identity. Made a game can I invite people?
  6. For rules check this out keep watching the movies. http://www.stabbeurfou.org/IntroductionDiplomatie.php?film=1#film
  7. Diplomacy is a really really interesting game one that I love so much as I love 19th century and early 20th diplomatic history as im a geek for taht period lol. Its basically all about diplomacy lol I guess thats obvious but basically all the backstabbing and negotations etc is absolutley classic fun.
  8. Wow now I know why your called SUPERgrunch! Shall we organise a game maybe in a different thread unless the fish doesn't mind this sabtogae? Diplomacy rocks so so much.
  9. Ah actually diplomacy would be so much better isnt there a version of it? Cmon google help me out. Ah damn all the game versions seem to be unable to be dld :/
  10. OMG! This literally is teh best thing ever by the looks of it thankyou fish. Can we get some uber N europe game going then with this room declaring alliances and teh such? This could be so sweet! The different maps rock so much.
  11. On virtual console. And man alive what a great game its like being in a hillarious Nintendo pantomine. But a good pantomine as I hate all pantomines but its to cheesy to be a play. Whatever it is its classic.
  12. Far from it I was using it in an attempt to try and relieve a tense situation kudos the Dandelion well done on that btw And to Moria its probably because I post a picture like once year or something :wink:
  13. Evil whats going on your grudge towards Ashley is longer running than the hair on Dandylion! In the words of a great man "high five!" Oh and as for a photo for my legions of fans heres one from Italy!
  14. Crimean War old chap back in the day erm 1853-4 I think (wiki it). Us and the Frenchies teamed up with the Ottoman Empire and smacked down the Russians. They never thought it could get worse than being beaten by the French then the Japs beat them 50 years later! lol My girlfriend who is russian and me had a great conversation about this. It involved her saying Britian was very stupid and would pay big time once the russian secret services got involved and me saying the British Empire will destroy anything that moves including Russia single handidly and we still have the Falkland Islands so we still rule teh waves. Yep that was a productive conversation!
  15. One of my favourite programs ever criminally underated. Literally to many favourite bits but heres some of the top of my head quotes may be a bit wrong. Tobais having covered himself in blue paint for the Blueman group. Tobais "Im afraid I blue myself" Michael "Im sure theres another way you could say that" Michael "There appears to be an N bluth on the witness list" GOB with his african american handpuppet in stupid african american voice "I HOPE THAT DOESN'T STAND FOR WHAT I THINK IT STANDS FOR!" GOB after being kicked out by his latino girlfriend to his Mum. GOB "I just need a place to stay for a bit" Lucille "You can stay here for two days" GOB "If I can't find a horny immigrent in two days I don't deserve to live in this country! Also what is harder to put forward is the long running jokes like the "her?" comments and also the looks that Michael gives when hes disgusted or GOBS high fiveing at the worst possible moments. A truly great series the DVDs would 100% be in any desert island collection I had. As long as the island had electricty CMONNNNNNN!
  16. Choze your back!!! Or am I way behind the fanyboy times?
  17. Condemned 2 looks immense! http://www.gamersyde.com/stream_4108_en.html Oh man I cant wait to get a 360 now you guys better watch out when I get gears! By watch out I mean watch out for the new whipping boy
  18. Same here im trying to get gears a headset and a 360 with a memory card but its still to much!
  19. Just a quick question about amazon here. Wondered if anyone had joined up to the marketplace and sold stuff from there. Im looking to offload some of my academic books and ebay is a disaster for trying to sell books so thought I might sell them on amazon. Is it easy to do or is it just reserved for small companies rather than indivduals? Thanks for any help oh and if any of you need history books let me know lol.
  20. Heres a wierd question. Could I play this game coop with one controller do you guys think? As in could I use the analogue stick to move leon about and my Dad who is awful at games but could cope with aiming do you think he could use the wiimote to aim? What controls are mapped onto the nunchuck? Thanks for anyone who answers this odd question lol.
  21. Haden


    You completley missed the point he was making. About indivdual responsibility and not being part of a group collective who attacks other groups although in a sense you demenstrated the point very well. Man Ive had an absolute horrific day this thread is the last thing I need so I apologise if im short with people. Its just I cant stand the way teenage atheist members of this board get away with so much shit and abuse of other people who have religions and think they know the answers to life and they literally haven't lived at all. So many great thinkers in the past were theists and to have members of this board so assuradly without any reasons to back them up be so sure and aggressive with their beliefs is laughable. Im not saying you cant be intellegent and be an atheist or your not allowed to have an opinion if your a teenager. But its just the sureness and aggression of some members which is awful. Lets remember this thread is about should scientology be a religion and instead of debate on that subject we just get what we usually get from this board. A delugue of anti religious posts its simply ridiculous and shows that the maturity needed to take part in a discussion about something like religion is beyond some members of this board.
  22. Get in line!
  23. Haden


    Your literally a complete bigot
  24. ffs it looks like one of those pub games
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