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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. I'll go check the new levels later. I put more effort into this one that I intended, this was meant to be something easier for me to create and for you to play, before I start on my next "real" level. Well, it still is, just less than intended. Obviously some changes were made since I can't recreate it 1 on 1. Most changes were due to limitations, workarounds, or balancing. But also some artistic license (i.e. trolls ). Edit: Oh that should be "1-3", but can't be arsed to delete that tweet fo a 2nd time. Edit 2:
  2. Pre-orders for the regular and the CE will be up Friday. Now I know what the contents are.. Not sure if I'll go for it. The box is beautiful.. But if I ever get the soundtrack, I'd prefer a vinyl + digital combo, and those and the posters are all available as merchandise. The rest I'm not interested in, there's a better pin available as well.
  3. I love how Mario Maker is bringing back old members and attracting new ones.
  4. The comments.
  5. (one of @ViPeR's levels)
  6. Oh yeah that's what I meant! Sorry! How the hell did I mention Cube? Is he even playing the game?
  7. I played some great levels from you guys. @RedShell The vertical water one was you right? Love the 2 options you have. I got the "bad ending". @Glen-i Sorry for a bunch of deaths, I was trying to speedrun your level.. It's fun for going fast. @ViPeR I really love your SMB3 levels!
  8. I don't like his style, but a lot of his videos (some of you posted other videos of him) are interesting. This is incredibly useful:
  9. Yeah but that's the problem. For the later ones (most of them actually), you can't see all of it. So you don't have an overview, and have to guess what the shell's path is. Which leads to trial and error. It's not a huge problem though, with the checkpoint and the relatively small puzzles. I'm finally done with my first level! Video preview in the spoiler. My creator ID: V1B-R8X-71G Course ID: FTQ-PJN-MGG
  10. There's no easy way to check how many coins you've put in the game, is there?
  11. Before we go any further, can I ask everyone to post their creator id's (why the hell can't I just find friends easily in the game?) and for @Ronnie to update the OP with them? I've played a few levels from NE people so far. 2 of Ronnie and 2 of @GenericAperson I think. Super Bell field was a nice first level. Easy right? Was meh. Beetle drop was somewhat fun and much better, but I found it annoying you can't see what you're supposed to be doing. Learning the timing is trial and error. Plus you could use some resets as you can kill the beetle. I'll play some more stuff later.
  12. Just checked for you. I'm level 7 now, but I've leveled up in the town and surrounding area at least once, so I assume I was level 6. Used the claymore like I said, plus also the fireball. I died 2 or 3 times, was too aggresive and not really paying attention to the tentacles, which don't attack that often but do the most damage. I have (as far as I can see) 4 areas left to uncover on the ship. The small room near the exit, the large hallway right above where you start, and 2 corners in a small room and a bigger one. Must need some jumping ability yeah.
  13. I had a small break from Mario Maker this morning and did the prologue. Maybe it's the latest patch, but while obviously not as smooth or pretty as on PS4, it played absolutely fine. And with plenty of MetroidVanias on my system by now, it felt absolutely great to actually play one of the 2 games the genre it's named after! More or less. Like I said, I've only done the prologue, but I can see the game later overwhelming me with options again. I've only tried a few weapons, used the Claymore against the first boss, but I can see myself preferring something faster. Haven't tried out a lot of them, like the guns. And then there's plenty of magic as well.
  14. I can recommend it. I wanted to post about it, but I didn't get around to it yet. But yeah, overall: good. There's also a demo up for God Eater 3. I have some figures from the star of the first 2 games, without knowing what the source material was. The series seems to be some sort of Monster Hunter-type game? Though much more anime-style. I prefer the style at least.. But I barely tried out the demo because I was too giddy for Mario Maker. Any people who have an opinion on this? Especially Monster Hunters?
  15. So as someone new to Mario maker, can someone confirm some things for me? After watching the All fortresses SMB3 race on SDGQ, the first thing I wanted to create was a Fortress level, but: 1] Am I correct in thinking you can't get rid of the lava in the castle theme? Hide it at most? I actually want the bottomless pits. But also the castlwe theme. 2] It isn't possible to get rid of the goal? I want to finish the level with the traditional Boom Boom fight. Closest I can get is change the clear condition of the level to defeat the Boom Boom, but that still leaves the goal. 3] Those glowy orbs that circle around the red orb, they're not available? Nor the iconic B&W floor tiles? Edit: One more thing.. Lifts, is there a way to set the distance they travel without using tracks?
  16. A few more hours for me. Ugh, agonizing! I wanted to make the wait shorter by staying in bed like I usually do, but I was already designing a level in my head. So I just got up, and started to watch some Mario maker videos.
  17. (Assuming the quote shows what I got..) Edit: no, judging by Eevilmurray's post it's not. I got "Heroic police dog Finn moves the Judges to tears | Auditions | BGT 2019" I can assure you I've never watched this before, nor will I ever again.
  18. A little taste of Night Call, The noir taxi cab driver visual novel. PC release is 17-07, Switch is later. No specific releasedate, but shouldn't be too long after PC release. Edit: Too be clear: click the tweet, and follow the thread.
  19. That Titanfall speedrun is a real rollercoaster! Right now they're doing a "Super Mario World" race. Modded levels, some cool stuff shown. I like the Mega Man level.
  20. Actual t-shirt which will go up for sale in July, on the MyNintendo store. Apparently buying them will get you some exlusive in-game gear as well! https://my.nintendo.com/news/4ef506a5d1eff6d7 They look cool, and I intend to get both. Oh more stuff! Edit: The 3 posters are bundled, are 50*70 cm, and cost 300 platinum points. Wait, Platinum points??: Alse, there's new free Apcolaypse gear available, check the news articles on your Switch!
  21. I obviously don't have any actual experience with the previous thread (ehh, still the "current" thread as of yet), so I don't know how big of a problem it will actually be. I'm also not sure how sharing works in Mario Maker 2, but I'm sure it has been improved? So I'm guessing the thread won't be actually necessary for "sharing" (assuming you have everyone here on your friendlist), it's just going to be a thread for "showcasing" or promoting your levels within NE. But with showcasing in mind, and having a quick look at the future previous thread.. I urge everyone to post some captured screenshot or preferably a video of your level at the very least. A post with a code isn't going to get me excited.
  22. You could solve that by double posting. But the game has an internal appreciation system, with a bigger audience than just us, so it's more useful to just check that.
  23. I'm not a fan of the "blocky aesthetics" you see in so many games in general, but I can overlook that. I think my biggest issue was the collecting grind. I can't be arsed to collect all the materials. I don't want to do it. I may have fun if it was just building stuff.
  24. Is there any point in trying out the demo for 2 if the demo for 1 didn't impress me?
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