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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Well, I didn't put that there . They work a bit differently then I'm used to on other forums (tried <spoiler> xxx </spoiler>). Anyway, got it sorted.
  2. Just finished last night, with 100 % items (revealing the item locations felt like cheating though, in retrospect..), but not all the scans, includings some "should be obvious" scans like the fleet admiral, but I was too busy watching the pretty explosions outside, so I couldn't be bothered to scan him . I wish I started with Veteran mode immediately though, normal was too easy, but I figured "I have to get used to the controls first, and the first 2 were already pretty challenging on normal". Wrong. This game is pretty easy compared to the previous 2. The only things that really gave me trouble were
  3. No, you didn't. I also remember the Zelda 2 ad, but somehow I can't remember anything else between the NES and the DS/Wii era (== Nicole Kidman). Except for the Perfect Dark commecial.
  4. For the Dutch people (who don't already know about this), there's a launch event (on friday obviously) at Fame in Amsterdam. They seem to be handing out coins, I wonder if those are the same coins as I've seen somewhere else on this forum.. I'm don't know if I'll be able to make it, but I do like to get me those coins.. I'm not going to get the game there though.. With any luck, I'll have it the day before (like Metroid and Zelda).
  5. Heh, I neglected to post in the Metroid thread, but I'll compensate by posting here. I'll make it short though.. Super Mario Bros 3 The first time I had some real gametime with this, was when I rented it. I had a whole week with the game. I couldn't get passed the first brown castle in world one. Crap, or just impatient? I thought it was a dead end at the point were the ceiling comes down.. I never waited long enough to see the door appear. Then again, I believe I didn't realize at the time there was a safespot for the crushing ceiling. It never occurred to me to fly above the ceiling to get a whistle either.. Super Mario 64 Never had a Super Nintendo back in the day, So this was the first Mario game I owned since Super Mario Bros 2, and actually the first game I bought myself. I bought a N64 as soon as I could, and although I couldn't get home fast enough, I played Super Mario 64 in the store to get a quick feel what it was like. It was my first experience with the N64 controller I believe, and as a result, my Mario kept running circles around those bomb-ombs.. Oh well, don't worry, I got better eventually .
  6. Does this game finally has some RTS-like controls or not? I haven't played much of the first one yet, but I didn't like it very much.. Controlling other units was too cumbersome for me, so to me this felt almost like a pure 3rd person shooter.. And I don't like 3rd person shooters. If this one controls similarly to the previous one, only with wiimote controls, then I think I'll pass on this one (which won't be that much of a problem I think, with all the games coming out first quarter next year..). I must say, it does look gorgeous on the screens.
  7. Thanks for reminding me, I intended to order earlier, but I've been putting it off 'till now, I've finally placed my order. I've also ordered another anime with it (with English subs), which resulted in onother free gashapon for me . I'll get a random Campcom figure. Anyway, it'll be here in 1-2 weeks. Too bad about the bonus discs though, I've finally found out the specifics about them. We all know the first one, but the other 3 will apparently all be soundtracks of the corresponding episode. This should be the same for the exphere editions, except it has some other videos on the first bonus disc, and the artbook contains animation artwork instead of the character sketches. Anyway, the way they've done things, you're missing out on a soundtrack from episode 1, and bonus materials from the other 3 episodes.. I was actually looking forward to the clean (and full) ending videos from the other 3 episodes, as they have a different stop-motion animation. Oh well, they're lovely collectors editions nonetheless.
  8. Oh well. I had a big post about Zelda where I pointed out its topic had replaced this one as a sticky, which was funny since I bought both games last thursday. Anyway, I lost that post when I had to log in again.. Post gone :|. I'll try again another time. Anyway I haven't played much of this game yet (because of Zelda amongst others), so I can't fully comment on it yet, but it looks great.. It was partly a gamble buying this game, I think I've read a hands-on on IGN some time ago, but I really didn't know what kind of gameplay to expect. It resembles an action RPG the most I think.. If you combine all the necessary stats into one superstat . It's weird, but genious. I of course already knew about the artstyle.. Well, I think the game appeals to people with a certain taste and sense of humour. The people who like Tingle because they know he annoys other people greatly . And this game is weird, and I like it. Some very strange (and ugly) characters in this game. Anyway, can't wait to play this game, unfortunately I have plenty other games that need to be played, and that number only increases (Metroid takes priority as soon as I get it, and I also need to buy the orange box for example..).
  9. No, you're all wrong. Being a fan of femine beauty, I coudn't resist posting in this useless topic . It needs to be Kristanna Loken. She's blond, she's hot, and has plenty of experience in action movies / series. She's Samus, if there's going to be a movie (in the not so distant future). That said though, a Metroid movie probably would turn out to be a disappointment, and the last thing this girl needs is another bad movie adaptation of a game to add to her filmography. If it's done, you can't expect her to be "power suited" for 95 % of the time, I bet this would cost a fortune in SFX, and I don't think it 'll do well in a movie. I'd settle for 50 / 50. As long as they'll offer a good excuse to show Samus without her power suit (other than showing off her hotness), kinda like Zero Mission did. That said, a 3D animation would probably be a better solution like somebody already mentioned. Edit: On a sidenote; Jessica Alba? Come on.. Although she outclasses everybody mentioned in this thread so far, including my suggestion, she's almost hideous in Fantastic Four. The blond hair.. Is wrong.. The blue eyes however.. Are pretty sickening. No blond / blue-eyed Jessica Alba please.
  10. I bought a 2nd hand SNES last year (my first, missed the SNES area). Last game I played was Metroid I think, but I got stuck somewhere,
  11. Does anyone know by the way if there's an official way to get those pink t-shirts? /me wants one.
  12. I don't really know what to expect from a 2D side-scrolling RPG.. Unless it slightly resembles Zelda II? Anyway, RPG's always have my interest. And the artwork looks fantastic.. Which makes me wonder though, will it see an European release?
  13. Sméagol


    I'm not going to read any of the posts, because I'm avoiding almost any spoilers, just like I'm completely avoiding the Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy threads. I pre-ordered mine like a week ago (!) I'm happy I still managed to do so. I've asked like a month ago about the CE in a store, but they didn't have any details on it.. So no pre-orders possible. A week ago I checked the official Bioshock forums find out about any pre-orders, and I was shocked to learn various sites were accepting pre-orders.. So I pre-orderd mine immediately from a Dutch online shop. Still no word from the store though, I wonder if they'll even be available there? Again, glad I ordered mine already. Too bad about the tin case though, I saw mentioned above.. I don't like tin cases. I just got the mail that my copy has been shipped. Whoei! Too bad I have to wait a year before I have a computer that can run this game though :roll:. Luckily for some things I have almost endless patience. This is my most anticipated game, even more than Metroid Prime and Mario Galaxy.
  14. Starfox Adventures for me too. Looked pretty fantastic when I played it at a friend's house, then 4 years later when I bought my Cube, well, it still looked fantastic, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.. It was ok, but not great. It was one of my must-buys when I finally got my Cube though, and this was one of the first games I got. Assault was also a bit of a disappointment, but not nearly as much as Adventures was. Assault at least has some fantastic moments, allthough far too few. Then there's Batallion Wars. But I haven't played that game much yet, so I can't fully comment on it, but it seems more 3rd person shooter than I hoped it was. And I don't like 3rd person shooters. I hoped there was more (Real-time) strategy involved, but not as much as I'd like.. I don't think I'll really enjoy the rest of the game (played the first campaign I think). I hope the Wii version will be better, with the overhead view finally used for some classic RTS action I believe, no? On a N64 sidenote, I actually enjoyed the Forsaken mentioned above, although it had a serious flaw (auto-level and roll for such a game??), and I hate Jet Force Gemini, again because I don't like 3rd person shooters. I know I'm in the minority on that one .
  15. You may be right, I thought I read it was going to be marketed as a Wii game (pretending to be a Wii game, while actually being a Cube game. Would be the cheapest way to handle this I reckon). Oh well, wishful thinking I guess. I'm not sure now, I'll probably wait for a "proper" Wii Harvest Moon.
  16. I never played a Harvest Moon game, and I was looking forward to this as one of my last Cube games, because it looked like a great example of a Harvest Moon game.. I am somewhat glad I still get the chance to get this game (probably?), but while I'm such a difficult person, I hope they'll have "gamecube" editions (packed in black Cube boxes that is) for people who specifically want to add this game to their Cube collection.. There's no way I'm putting this in my Wii.
  17. I might buy the Japanese version, if it compares to the regular Wii as the Panasonic Q thing did to a regular Cube (looking a whole lot slicker that is), then I'll be able to play import games as well. I currently don't have a DVD player in my room, so this would be convenient (although I really should take my "real" DVD player to a service).
  18. I love the style, and I love point & click (& twist & shake?) adventures.. This is a must-buy for me. I recently bought the Myst collection.. Too bad I can't progress because of a glitch.. But yeah, I need some adventuring. And that monkey is fantastic!
  19. Sky temple, loved the mini boss, loved the boss, loved the atmosphere, loved the artstyle.. Everything. And the new weapon.. When you get it, you go "ah.. so logical and convenient.. Why didn't they put those in a Zelda game earlier.." I agree though, the ball & chain thing is very cool indeed, albeit a bit unpractical . The mini boss where you get it from was also very cool, nice to see him promoted to mini boss in this game . [Playasia] seems to still have them in stock, but you have to buy them per piece. They're no longer available per box where I got them from, [HLJ]. I dunno how many you should buy to get the complete set (they seem to sell them randomly, Play-asia]. Try the various other Asian shops.. Or Ebay perhaps. I like the gameplay as it is, it doesn't have to change that much, allthough new features, like the wolf gameplay in this game, are allways welcome. I do agree that the bosses in 3D Zeldas are way to easy.. Most of them are pretty cool to fight, but easy nonetheless, and the few that actually put something up of a fight, always do pathetic damage. It took A Link to the past to remind me how Zelda bosses should be.. Zelda bosses should take a cue from Metroid bosses. Pretty hard when you first encounter them, and taking a few tries for the harder ones.
  20. Have you triend manual mode? I made the mistake of playtesting this game in semi-manual, then decided I'd go play Baten Kaitos.. Semi-manual mode is the reason I'm not into Tales of Phantasia (allthough I'll try to get back at the horrible GBA port :P).
  21. Let me elaborate on my question a bit . For the people who've played both versions, which do they think is better? To me it seems obvious, but since I've played neither of them, I can't say for sure. From what I remember from (p)reviews, is that some actions feel more natural on the DS (slicing stuff), while others are more fun on Wii (the new defib!). Plus all the extra's of course.. But maybe some people think this is more suited as a DS game? So which one to get, Wii version, DS version, or is it even worth getting both (which seems unlikely to me)?
  22. I guess it does.. A bit strange though, if it's involves the LAN adapter, why are some online features functional and others not..? I guess I'll have to wait for the fix, I didn't buy a LAN adapter for nothing . Allthough, I could try to get the USB adapter working again, but I don't like the stability of my connection through it.. I think it 'll be worse for the Wii.. Too bad for Nintendo I guess. Now I can't spend my money in the shop :P.
  23. Japanese only. I don't understand any of it. But it's not the first time I've enjoyed media without understanding the language.. It's obviously not the best way to enjoy it, but I ordered the DVD's anyway, as I don't expect them to be released outside Japan.. And even if they are, you won't find such nice releases as this one. Plus, if you've played the game, you obviously should get most of the story.. Just enjoy the pretty animation and character designs. Even if you don't understand Japanese, it's worth the money for Symphonia and animation fans. I guess I'm a bit of a fan.. I've also ordered 3 boxes of the Symphonia gashapon.
  24. Simple question, Wii or DS version?
  25. I'm also having connection troubles after the update.. Opera works, dunno about Mario Football (WFC), but weather- / news- / shopchannel don't work anymore.. I especially want to check out the new shop.. I tried pulling the plug, and the network cable, as well as reconneting in the Wii settings.. Any other solutions?
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