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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Sorry, games keeping me distracted . Plus the fact I was pretty late with the last deadline, so I'm giving it a few more hours. I'll do the count round noon. And.. Aren't you guys forgetting something? Anyone for the button?
  2. From the time PC games came in giant carton boxes.
  3. Ah. The Peeps hinted in a PM that I had been targeted by several people that night. So that's you, Jonnas, and jayseven I believe.
  4. formidable != fearsome
  5. Voting count: There are 10 active players. Absolute majority is 6. Lynch: [Paj Meen Ah] [2]: The Peeps / mr-paul [Zell] [1]: Ellmeister / heroicjanitor [Aqui1a] [3]: Zell Majority for lynch vote has not been reached. Well, that's because I prefer individual PM's even from the mafia. However, because it's tradition to just post it on their forum, I'll allow that in general. But I'd still need to see some activity on that forum from everyone.
  6. This is good info by the way, however, are you even supposed to reveal this info?
  7. I personally wouldn't call it way inferior. ME2 is better yes, mainly presentation-wise (graphics, leveldesign & story) and the feel of the controls, but I thought the customisation was way better in the first, also I didn't like the key mapping in 2, and what the fuck is with the ammo and the fuel?
  8. Is that what his face looks like?!
  9. If you're not going to start before either my or The Peeps's game has ended, then give me the last spot .
  10. vote: Dazz As long as something's happening.
  11. Haha, Half-life became even cheaper :p. So Idecided to get it for € 1,49, and to get The Dig for € 1,99 as well while I was at it. I've also decided I definitely can't be arsed with the HL1 expansions. Just the canon stuff for me. Now I have everything complete, and when I finish HL1, I can finally install that orange box that's been sitting on the shelf for quite some time now . Also great to finally experience The dig. Yay for oldskool point 'n click. VVVVV is also on sale, but I'll just get that directly from the official site.
  12. End of turn [5] - nightphase The doubtful woman is walking the corridors of the Galactica. She seems to have trouble maintaining her balance.. She passes by several people, before she sees a nervous man and watchful woman. They look like perfect victims.. If only she could focus. "Hey you! You.. Guy.. Heh, you.. You.." The nervous man looks annoyed, the watchful woman looks surprised at the commotion. But before she could finish her sentence.. She falls to the floor. A loyal man walks by, and sees the pathetic Colonial lying on the floor. "You are a disgrace to this fleet!" he says to her with a vile look on his face, like only he can. He arrests the woman for disorderly behaviour, and drags her to the brig. But she's to passed out to notice. The nervous man, still annoyed a bit, heads back to his office. A defected woman was already there, waiting for him. "Ah yes, the test, I'll go get my equipment" he says to her immediately upon seeing her. "Is it really necessary? I mean, surely, you know what the result's going to be?" she asks. "It's just for the record, so there's no doubt about it when I receive my results" "Ok, go ahead" He takes a bloodsample. "I will have the results in the morning" The defected woman leaves the office, going back to her work. The idealistic man is headed towards the hangar. Once there, he walks towards a Raptor. An anxious woman is beneath it, doing some repairs of some sorts. "Can I help you?" the woman asks. "No not at all. I just wanted to say to you that I love your flying. Everytime I look out of the window, and see your Raptor flying off, I can do nothing but admire your skills. "Ah, thanks. It does take great skill to fly one of these things." "That's what I thought" The idealistic man and the anxious woman continue talking a bit about her being a pilot, but then she ends the conversation. "I'm sorry, I loved our little chat, but I still have some stuff to do" "Ah ok, no problem" The idealistic man leaves. Back at the brig, an inquisitive woman is looking for the doubtful woman, but the news of her being arrested she didn't receive well.. "For frak's sake! Why are my guests being arrested all the time! I have a show to run you know!" she shouts angrily at the guarding soldier. "Sor.." "Yeah sorry ma'am, I know. You're useless" she interrupts. She storms off with her crew. The loyal man is heading to the brig, for the second time this night. On his way, an angry woman passes by.. He doesn't give it much thought. "Sir, you again?" the guarding soldier asks? "You know what to do" The guarding soldiers sighs, and opens the door. The loyal man enters the same brig where he dragged the doubtful woman into earlier. The woman has woken up in the meantime, and although she has a major hangover, she's at least finally aware of her situation. "So what am I doing here?" she asks him. "You were drunk." "Ah. So what are you doing here? Have you been drinking too?" "I have. But unlike you, I can hold my liquor.." "That's a lie!" "Anyway, I came to bring you your cat. And also.. I feel safe here." "It's not my cat, it's.." The cat seems at ease. Untill a loud barking can be heard from outside the brig. "What the frak is that soldier??" the loyal man shouts. "Nothing sir.. Just a dog. He ran off again" After a while, the 2, and the cat, fall a sleep. Inside his office, the nervous man is testing the bloodsample the defected woman provided earlier. His computer is about to display the results, when a shot is heard. The nervous man drops from his chair. On his way down, he breaks the vial with the bloodsample. The blood of 2 people lie spilled on the floor. Gaius Baltar is deceased. He was unfortunately a bit clueless neutral, and a scientist. He was played by Diageo. Various people witnessed a woman fleeing the scene.. Start of turn [6] - dayphase
  13. Did you try another socket? Is it possible for you to try it on another computer / motherboard? Tried another sata data and / or power cable?
  14. You know, I'm totally unaware of any new Wii games coming out I need to have.. I only know the ones I have on my backlog (but that's quite a few, so maybe it's a good thing). For me mainly: Mass Effect 3 Deus Ex 3 Crysis 2 (I just happend to have started a new game of Crysis 1 on New Year's morning.. In my first playthrough, I didn't know what vsync was / did. It makes all the difference! ) The Witcher 2 Guild Wars 2 Portal 2 To lesser extent: Rage Dragon Age 2 Batman 2 And some others to even lesser extent (Oblivion, MvC3). I can probably already tell my GotY will be either ME 3 or DX 3.
  15. Don't forget those PM's people! .
  16. Ok, fair enough. Vote: ReZ
  17. So ehm, I can't find all my tickets from this year, I only have the ones from the cinema I work in within reach. Some of the movies I've watched in a (open-air) cinema this year: Black Dynamite Surely the baddest motherfucker to ever hit the scene? On the one hand, it is a parody on blaxploitation, on the other hand, it remains just as cool to watch. Great. Toy story 3 Wasn't expecting that much, but I was amazed Pixar delivered one of the greatest 2nd sequels of a franchise I've ever seen. 3D was great by the way. Gorgeous setpieces, some genuinely exciting action sequences (forget what I said about Black Dynamite, the clapping monkey is the baddest motherfucker to ever hit the scene), and just a lot of fun. Great. Inception I probably need to see it a 2nd (and completely dissect it) before I can properly judge this, but I wasn't convinced. The whole film I had the feeling something didn't make sense ? wasn't right, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Again, need to watch it again, but for now..Meh. Machete Intentionally bad movie. So great in in't bad execution, that it it's genuinely a blast to watch. And the gorgous ladies help things too. Fun. The road I only saw this a few weeks ago (special screening). Not familiar with the book, but the atmosphere was great. Good. Evangelion 2.0: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!! I'm ashamed to admit I've never seen the series completely. Part 1 pretty much summarised what I've seen of it. And part 1 didn't diverge too much from the series. Part 2 however.. I really wonder what they will do with the next 2 parts, because this part already seemed to cover an alternative to the end of the series. Anyway, obviously not an fulfilling ending, but some great animation to behold before it. EVA & Monster designs a bit hit and miss, Don't like the EVA 05 (the ehh green one), but I love the monster it's battling in the begin, for example. Some lovely fan service, including a parody (of which I assume wasn't in the series) on the infamous "toothpick scene" (which itself was shown again in part 1), and I'm in love with the [new EVA pilot]! . Sugoi. Alice in wonderland So yeah, forgot I saw this crap. Was anticipating it, because of Burton mainly, but he disappointed greatly. Too much CGI. Don't ever want to see this again. Bah. El mal ajeno I wonder what I can say about this Spanish movie, without spoiling it a little, so I'll leave it at: it's a drama with a bit of a fantasy element, about a doctor who is shot in his hospital. When he recovers he finds his patients react in unexpected ways. Good. Tamara Drewe This was great. Very funny, mainly because of the ridiculous characters in the film, just watching that drummer's face cracks me up ! And eventhough the guy gets the girl in the end, some things happen which I didn't see coming along the way.. And of course, I could watch Gemma Arterton's ass all day, whether it's covered in oil, or by some tight shorts. Hilarious. Winter's bone I'm not a fan of this aspect of American culture (..), but if you look past that, this is just an awesome thriller with a great, nasty atmosphere, making you hate those hillbillies even more if you didn't already. Except for the poor girl of course, whose performance is outstanding. Great. The red shoes This is not a new film, it's a restored rerelease of apparently a classic. Regarded as one of the best examples of films in technicolor. I can see why, this films is absolutely visually stunning. I also never expected to enjoy ballet scenes so much, let me tell you, I'm not much of a ballet guy. But it greatly helps if the movie / ballet scenes is / are based on a fairytale. And Moira Shearer is such a cutie. Lovely. The fantastic mr. Fox I love animation in general, and I'm a sucker for stop-motion. Coupled with some [wonderful dry humour], and the voice of George Clooney, and you have a hit in my eyes. Great. 500 days of summer Yup, I know this one is from last year (I usually can't remember :p), but it had a screening at an annual open-air cinema event thing we have here. I went to see it a second time with my brother, because I just love this movie! Fantastic, especially as it was in October, so occasionally you could be distracted by some (although some of 'm were just bugs flying through the projector lights . Hilarious. The social network Yeah, so.. I wasn't particularly excited for this film. But hey, I had a free ticket, so why not? It's like, I think Paj already said.. The subject sounds really boring, but they managed to make a very entertaining film out of it. It was a very pleasent surprise. Great. Scott Pilgrimm vs the world I've been anticipating this too, and it mostly delivered. Great to see the guy from Arrested Development finally doing something else a bit. Still not sure if I think it's a great movie, but it sure is very entertaining to gamers like us. KO. Tears for sale Saving the best for last. Saw this at a festival, wouldn't have seen this otherwise. I'm very glad I did. This is a Czech movie. What? Do they make films over there? Yes! Never seen a Czech films before either. I'm a sucker for fairytales, especially when they're drenched in melancholy. Couple that with some stunning visuals / setpieces, and 2 gorgeous leading actresses, and you make me very happy. Since this may be the most obscure film on my list, but also one of the films I most enjoyed, this is the one I'd recommend to everyone. Who likes the stuff I mentioned above, obviously. Beware though, I've read some things about a heavily cut release existing, the one on the UK DVD release for example. Yay.
  18. So ehm, Happy New Years Eve from the Netherlands everybody . Now to wash away the disgusting prosecco stuff with yummy [oil spheres].
  19. Oh I liked Kasumi too, especially her character, but yeah, too bad the mission is short. And the sky texture yes.. I just took a few minutes just standing on the side of the ship, watching it . But then I also did that on the Kasumi mission. Fantastic background there as well. I had no problems with the carchase. Controls could be better, but they could be far worse as well, and that part is very hard to fail (as far as I can recall). I simply saw it as a humorous intermission .
  20. Very cool.. Is that a bunch of real photo's, or something made with Terragen (or something)? And Rummy's is very cool too, too bad of all the junk in front of it .
  21. Are you the target switcher Jonnas? Or is that something you got from the write-up?
  22. Ah.. I missed a lot of movies I wanted to see (I missed the film festival, and I missed a lot of Hollywood summer blockbusters). But since I work in a arthouse cinema, I've seen a few. I'm catching up. I'll go over all my ticket stubs to see what I've watched this year, then I'll get back to you . Edit: Do they have to be released this year, or did you simply have to have watch 'm this year? Just cinema, or TV / DVD / Blu-ray / other as well?
  23. Comment: Maybe hosting a game during the Christmas period wasn't such a good idea . A grand total of 10 posts is a bit disappointing. Final voting count: There are 11 active players. Absolute majority is 6. Lynch: [gmac] [1]: heroicjanitor Majority for lynch vote has not been reached. End of turn [5] - dayphase Everyone had a hangover from the party last night. They were celebrating.. Something. They can't remember what though. As such they weren't inclined to get things done today. Nobody is deceased. Start of turn [5] - nightphase
  24. Can somebody just shoot the damn parrot. Once again I see no evidence of my actions this night. The cook is detained, but ReZ claims to be the cook, and I targeted Cube. I.. Doubt the last section is the description of some action, it looks like a (creaive) warning for an inactive player perhaps? It doesn't look like it involves some mutinous pirates. Since there is no death, I think the only leads we have are the fact ReZ and Cube were roleblocked. I personally believe ReZ, so: vote: Cube
  25. Dibs on Q. Otherwise I want to be holodoc!
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