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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. MadDog looks a bit inactive (unlike him..).. I haven't receives a PM from him for my game.
  2. End of turn [1] - nightphase A fearsome woman has something to say to a defected woman. She has some time to think about it. An idealistic man has a nice chat with a pragmatic man. He seems to be enthousiastic afterwards. A doubtful woman is harrassing a watchful woman. "You arrogant fraker, you said:" "While clearly, it isn't! It proves I'm better than you!" The watchful woman is shocked, then starts crying. She hurries to her quarters. The doubtful woman is left behind, she'll need to provoke someone else. An inquisitive woman is looking for a nervous man. She sees him at the end of a corridor. She catches a glimps of an anxious woman beckoning towards the nervous man. The nervous man had plans, but the anxious woman seems.. Well, anxious, so he follows her. They get in a raptor, and take off. They both haven't been seen again that night. A shady man is inside the inquisitive woman's quarters, she hasn't returned yet. He puts a small item in his pocket. The inquisitive woman enters her quarters.. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?", the woman asks angrily. "Oh, I just wanted to have a little chat, but you weren't around", the shady man replies. "Well, I'm here now" the inquisitive woman replies. "Yes, well, I'd like to get to know everyone around here, and.." Before he gets to finish his sentence, a soft purring noise can be heard from a pet traveling crate which is lying on the floor. The shady man looks at the crate, with an understanding look on his face. "Don't worry, he's with me, and I'll be going now, I think I know enough." The shady man leaves, wit the traveling crate in his hand. A serious man returns to his quarters, a curious dog is following him. "Shoo, go away!" the man shouts to the dog. The poor dog barks loudly at the man, then leaves. The night is drawing to an end. Several people were seen together, but who knows what goes on behind closed doors inside the quarters of the others? A dedicated woman is resting inside her quarters. Then the doors are blasted open. A Centurion walks in, and doesn't hesitate. He folds his claws back, and shoots a salvo from his gun. The dedicated woman falls to the floor, she's losing much blood. The alarm sounds, soldiers come rushing in. They still find the Centurion, watching the poor woman bleed. The Centurion turns his head in reaction to the soldiers, but the soldiers, just like the Centurion a minute ago, shoot without hesitance. Disregarding the now malfunctioning Centurion, they bring the dedicated woman to the doctor as fast as possible.. start of turn [2] - dayphase
  3. Can someone else do it? I have so many notes alreadY!
  4. A turn is simply what I call the combination of a dayphase and a nightphase. I'd like to have a specific non-ambiguous term for it (as opposed to simply "day"), because that makes my rules and ability descriptions clearer. Ability Points is what you use to activate your activated abilities. Activated abilities have a specific cost, usually simply "one", indicated by (1) in your role description before your ability's name. You get 1 Ability Point automatically at the start of new turn, you won't get a specific notification for this. If you don't use them in your turn, you'll lose them at the end of the turn. They don't accumulate. See my diagram (also in the OP) . ########## Oh, I forgot about Chuck. It starts in a minute, so I'll post the write-up after it, in about an hour. I have received private messages from pretty much everyone though, so it shouldn't take me to long. ########## I will send some PM's first, then I'll post the write-up. Anti-automerge please?
  5. You're not grey in the players list. The grey in the voting count simply indicates your vote was made after majority had been reached.
  6. Haha.. Perhaps he's a bit.. Nervous? :p ########## Or perhaps this is how he activates his double vote.
  7. If we're doing funny pictures:
  8. Tracker I assume? vote: MadDog
  9. Hmm. To me it looks like Diageo has been targeted twice, and he himself was doing something too. I don't have anything either. ########## And it looks to me like Diageo targeted heroicjanitor.
  10. Yup, forgot to remove it. Comment: In case anyone missed it: the [end dayphase] command is gone. Instead, you simply need to reach a majority for the lynch vote within 24 hours, but on election days, the President vote as well. In order to facilitate this and speed things up a bit, if you're not interested in choosing a new President, you can vote: no President. The easiest thing to do is to to vote for both things at the same time. Anyway, I'll be making various tweaks still, you'll be notified if there's something you need to know. Now to organise all the private messages I have!
  11. Final voting count: There are 17 active players. Absolute majority is 9. President: [no President] [9]: heroicjanitor / The Peeps / Aqui1a / Jonnas / Dannyboy-the-Dane / Nintendohnut / Ellmeister / Diageo / Cube / Paj Meen Ah [Cube] [1]: ReZourceman [Tales] [1]: Tales Lynch: [no lynch] [9]: jayseven / Ellmeister / Dannyboy-the-Dane / The Peeps / Jonnas / ReZourceman / Cube / heroicjanitor / Zell / Paj Meen Ah / Tales / gmac / mr-paul / Aqui1a [Jonnas] [1]: Tales Majority for President vote has been reached Majority for lynch vote has been reached. [volunteer for executioner]: Ellmeister End of turn [1] - dayphase Due to the low voter turnout, no new President has been elected today. The current President remains President for another turn. The people of the fleet didn't want to take action immediately. Except for one person. "There may be no lynch, but I really, really, need to push the button." That person closes the inner doors, then the outer doors of the airlock. Air is vented outside. Oxigen is greeted by the cold vacuum of space. Nobody is deceased. Start of turn [1] - nightphase
  12. Well, I think you're not realising that players who fulfill their win condition and survive, get an half point extra over dead "winners". I'd like to think they contributed to winning too, that's all, this is how I like to show that. If you did realise this, and really object, and others do as well, I can reconsider that. Voting count: There are 17 active players. Absolute majority is 9. President: [no President] [6]: heroicjanitor / The Peeps / Aqui1a / Jonnas / Dannyboy-the-Dane / Nintendohnut [Cube] [2]: ReZourceman / Diageo [Tales] [1]: Tales Lynch: [no lynch] [9]: jayseven / Ellmeister / Dannyboy-the-Dane / The Peeps / Jonnas / ReZourceman / Cube / heroicjanitor / Zell / Paj Meen Ah / Tales / gmac / mr-paul / Aqui1a [Jonnas] [1]: Tales Majority for President vote has not been reached Majority for lynch vote has been reached. [volunteer for executioner]: Ellmeister Just had a quick look, I'm back around midnight, and will post the dayphase write-up then.
  13. I know my game is confusing Dyson . Get out or you get a Warning Point! Voting count: There are 17 active players. Absolute majority is 9. President: [no President] [4]: heroicjanitor / The Peeps / Aqui1a / Jonnas [Cube] [2]: ReZourceman / Diageo [Tales] [1]: Tales Lynch: [no lynch] [9]: jayseven / Ellmeister / Dannyboy-the-Dane / The Peeps / Jonnas / ReZourceman / Cube / heroicjanitor / Zell / Paj Meen Ah / Tales / gmac / mr-paul / Aqui1a [Jonnas] [1]: Tales Majority for President vote has not been reached Majority for lynch vote has been reached. [volunteer for executioner]: Ellmeister Going to bed after no sleep last night and mini movie marathon this evening.
  14. Yeah, if there are any other things that could do with a diagram, I'll make some more I guess. Having all these mechanics is no use if nobody realises the intricacies
  15. Is this enlightning by the way? Nah, I'm not used to it myself obviously . The thing is, I created not just a theme, but a sort of template with core mechanics and rules which I will also use for future games. Eventhough I'm not used to it myself, I always saw thanking as a way to subtly circumvent rules and post hints you're not supposed to (while dead, or when silenced etc). So just don't do 'm in those cases. Or hope I don't notice it myself like now . I'm not trained in modding .
  16. No, see my last edit, it is there to make sure eventhough there is a majority for no lynch, people still need to be able to vote for a President if they want to. I'll update the rules slightly though, and hopefully make it more clear. In the meantime, maybe I should also introduce a vote: no President to make things easier on election days. If you people all remember to vote for both lynch and president at the same time, and vote no lynch / no President if you don't give a shit, then it will be easier to get a majority on both probably. Just remember to vote for 2 things. Voting count: There are 17 active players. Absolute majority is 9. President: [Cube] [3]: Aqui1a / ReZourceman / Diageo [Tales] [1]: Tales Lynch: [no lynch] [3]: jayseven / Ellmeister / Dannyboy-the-Dane [Jonnas] [1]: Tales [volunteer for executioner]: Ellmeister [End dayphase] [11]: The Peeps / Jonnas / jayseven / ReZourceman / Cube / heroicjanitor / Zell / Paj Meen Ah / Tales / gmac / mr-paul To accommodate you, the ban on images is lifted (I originally had a very good reason for the ban, but the reason is not in the current game anymore).
  17. So, where were we? Oh Cube: yes i think you're right (your PM). It's a remnant that doesn't make sense anymore, so I think I'll drop the [end dayphase] command, and simply let a majority shorten the dayphase to 24 hours if applicable. Edit: Ah, feels so great to be able to edit stuff in a mafia game! edit: No, never mind Cube, I forgot why I needed it in the first place.. A no lynch may get a majority, but does that mean people are done voting for President too? So the day continues untill the regular 48 hour deadline. On non-election days you're right though, if a no lynch has majority within 24 hours, or when on election days both the President and the lynch have reached majority withing 24 hours, than I can safely end the day at a 42 hour limit. I will do a voting count now, but I don't believe a majority has been reached for President, so the day continues.
  18. Goddamn, instead of sleeping, I've been thinking of my game.. Tweak this, add that.. Hmm. Seems I'm not done tweaking even when the game has started ! On the upside, I'll sleep great tonight. Quick update, I won't be here for long, but I'll be back after a little movie marathon around midnight. Voting count: There are 17 active players. Absolute majority is 9. President: [Cube] [2]: Aqui1a / ReZourceman [Tales] [1]: Tales Lynch: [no lynch] [2]: jayseven / Ellmeister [Jonnas] [1]: Tales [volunteer for executioner]: Ellmeister [End dayphase] [5]: The Peeps / Jonnas / jayseven / ReZourceman / Cube
  19. Voting count: There are 17 active players. Absolute majority is 9. President: [Jonnas] [1]: Jonnas [Cube] [1]: Aqui1a [Tales] [1]: Tales Lynch: [no lynch] [1]: jayseven [Jonnas] [1]: Tales [End dayphase] [3]: The Peeps / Jonnas / jayseven
  20. Voting count: There are 17 active players. Absolute majority is 9. President: [Aqui1a] [1]: Aqui1a [Cube] [1]: The Peeps [Jonnas] [1]: Jonnas [Tales] [1]: Tales Lynch: [no lynch] [1]: jayseven [Jonnas] [1]: Tales [End dayphase] [2]: The Peeps / Jonnas Hmm? As opposed to, letting others do the thanking? :p Anyway, I finally got through all the role PM's. I hope I didn't make any mistake by forgetting to remove info you shouldn't know . If you think you see any mistakes, or when you have questions about your role, please ask me. I'm drinking my final tea for tonight, I'll head to bed in a sec (and get up in a few hours probably ). I have plans for today, so except for when I get up, I probably won't be online 'till midnight.
  21. Sorry guys, didn't take into account the forum is crap at night, making the sending of the role PM's even slower.
  22. End of turn [0] - nightphase It started out as a usual day onboard the Galactica, but that's not how it would end.. <alarm is sounding> "Action stations, action stations, a Cylon shuttle has boarded the Galactica. This is not a drill." 2 soldiers are taking position in one of the possible hallways the Cylons could go through. Then they appear.. 2 Cylon Centurions. "What do you want?", the left soldier asks the Centurions. "What the frak man, you don't go asking these toasters questions! They don't even talk anyway!", the right soldier shouts to his colleague. "You're absolutely right!", says the other, so he gets an etch-a-sketch, and hands it over to the Centurions. "So, what do you want?", he asks again. One of the Centurions uses the etch-a-sketch, he clearly isn't used to it, he has a hard time gripping the knobs with his claws. But he manages to scribble something on it, and gives it back to the left soldier. Barely legible, but you can read "We come here to kill!!". "They come to kill, shouldn't we shoot the frakkers?", asks the right soldier angrily. "Well, the person right behind me says to allow them the first kill. Can't you see him?" "See who?" "Apparently not. His name is Sméagol, he says he's a messenger of God." "You mean the Gods?" "No, he specifically says "God". Oh well." The left soldier hands the etch-a-sketch back to the Centurions. "Are you going to kill us?" The Centurion who used the etch-a-sketch previously scribbles another anwser, he's getting better at it. He shows the soldiers his anwser. The etch-a-sketch reads: "No, we prefer to kill innocent and defenseless little children." He, or should I say "it", then throws the etch-a-skletch away, folds back its claws to reveal a triple barreled gun, and shoots a little boy who just so happened to be standing there behind the guards. A dog can be seen fleeing the scene. The left soldier comments: "At least it's not us.". "No, indeed. That kid was annoying anyway. But perhaps we can shoot them now?" "Well, sure, why not." So they proceed to shoot the Centurions, untill all that is left is scrap metal. The boy however, is reduced to pulp, no doctor could save him. Perhaps this God has some kind of plan for us? Boxey is deceased. He was annoying good. He was an NPC. Start of turn [1] - dayphase
  23. Haha, it was a tough choice to make! "Good luck" team! . At least now I can concentrate on other stuff! And I don't have to plan my agenda tomorrow around this game!
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