Role descriptions
Be advised: wall of text ahead
(I intend to break records)
(too bad I can't do name links here, otherwise I'd make a list right here)
These are all the roles, including the hidden info. I even included some hints to things which were scrapped.
(they may be updated with tweaks they got when sending out the role descriptions or during the course of the game)
Black: normal info
Grey: hidden info, abilities, and technical attributes
Lila: hidden info, but not applicable from the start
Dark red: denotes ability names
Orange: denotes status names
Blue: denotes counter names
Purple: denotes token names
[01] Saul Tigh played by heroicjanitor
Role: executive officer
Alignment: good
Type: Human
Appearance: loyal man
active (1): order arrest: Choose a player to be arrested; target player will receive an order notification, and will be granted the arrest [player] ability, where [player] is the player chosen to be arrested. The targeted player will have untill the next deadline to decide whether to follow or disregard the order. Players can disregard the order by using another ability or not taking any action at all, however, refusing to follow an order will have consequences. When the targeted player succesfully uses the arrest [player] ability, the chosen player will be inflicted with the arrested status at the beginning of the next phase, making that player unable to use activated abilities, or be the target of activated abilities for the duration of 2 phases. If you target yourself, you will use the arrest [player] ability instead. Note that this ability can resolve during the dayphase or the nightphase, depending on whether you activate it before the dayphase deadline or the nightphase deadline.
- The player can choose him or herself.
- If the targeted player refuses (by using a different ability or taking no action), the target player will be inflicted with the arrested status instead, at the same time the ability would normally resolve.
- The player won't be informed when the targeted player refuses to carry out the order.
- In case the targeted player gets multiple orders: Helena Cain's order has priority, and there will be no consequences for not carrying out Saul Tigh's order. In case of an order from the Cylon leader, the player will have to make a choice.
- Type: other
- Appearance: talks
- Appearance when refused: target player is arrested for insubordination
active (1): arrest [player]: arrest target player, where [player] is the targeted player to be arrested. The targeted player will be inflicted with the arrested status, making that player unable to use activated abilities, or be the target of activated abilities, for the duration of 2 phases.Note that this ability can resolve during the dayphase or the nightphase, depending on whether you activate it before the dayphase deadline or the nightphase deadline.
- Type: roleblock / protect
- Appearance: arrests
passive: second in command: in absence of a certain player, you will take over this person's duties.
- This ability will be triggered whenever William Adama is inflicted with the arrested, rescued or boxed status, or permanently when William Adama is deceased. Not triggered by Tom Zarek's discourage ability. Upon triggering, you will gain the order arrest and arrest [player] abilities.
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for good players.
He gets the exact same abilities as William Adama when he's not around.
[02] Sherman Cottle played by gmac
Role: doctor
Alignment: good
Type: Human
Appearance: grumpy man
You serve as the source for chamalla for a certain player.
active (1): patch up: prevent death of target player. Players who have been saved this way, will have the recovering status next turn, meaning they will not receive the usual Ability Point at the start of the turn.
- The player will not be informed if his ability was succesful or even necessary.
- Type: protection
- Appearance: operates
- Appearance when not applicable: no appearance unless targeting triggers the Lance's animal instinct ability or the animal instinct ability, in which case he talks to target player.
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for good players.
One of the few more straightforward roles.
[03] Helena Cain played by ReZourceman
Role: admiral
Alignment: good
Type: Human
Appearance: fearsome woman
Upon death, a certain player will inherit your razor, granting this person the assassinate ability.
You don't have to take orders from certain players. You still may, if you wish though, but you won't suffer the consequences if you don't, like others will.
- This applies to orders from William Adama or Saul Tigh.
active (1): order assassination: Choose a player to be assassinated; target player will receive an order notification, and will be granted the assassinate [player] ability, where [player] is the player chosen to be assassinated. The targeted player will have untill the next deadline to decide whether to follow or disregard the order. Players can disregard the order by using another ability or not taking any action at all, however, refusing to follow an order will have severe consequences. If you target yourself, you will use the assassinate [player] ability instead. Note that this ability can resolve during the nightphase or the dayphase, depending on whether you activate it before the dayphase deadline or the nightphase deadline.
- The player can choose him or herself, although that would be a bit pointless.
- If the targeted player refuses (by using a different ability or taking no action), the target player will be killed instead, at the same time the ability would normally resolve.
- The player won't be informed when the targeted player refuses to carry out the order.
- In case the targeted player gets multiple orders: Helena Cain's order has priority, and there will be no consequences for not carrying out Saul Tigh's order. In case of an order from the Cylon leader, the player will have to make a choice.
- Type: other
- Appearance: talks
- Appearance when refused: target player is shot on sight
active (1): assassinate [player]: you will kill [player]. Note that this ability can resolve during the dayphase or the nightphase, depending on whether you activate it before the dayphase deadline or the nightphase deadline.
- Type: kill
- Appearance: shoots
- razor
- Type: special
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for good players.
She's William Adama's counterpart. Similar, but more drastic. Kendra Shaw would inherit her knife, and take up the vigilante role. I also originally intended to do more with items, That's why the item has a type.
[04] Kendra Shaw played by Aqui1a
Role: razor
Alignment: good
Type: Human
Appearance: courageous woman
active (1): identify: choose a player; you will receive a report at the start of the next turn detailing the appearance of the chosen player.
- Type: other
- Appearance: checks security footage
active (1): assassinate: kill target player. This ability can be used only once a turn.
- This ability will be enabled upon inheriting Helena Cain's razor.
- Type: kill
- Appearance: fires sidearm
passive: inheritance: upon a certain player's death, you will gain an item that will grant you a new ability.
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for good players.
After it became clear the mafia intended to kill the town's prime investigator, I began to reevaluate the balance, and decided to reinstate the identify ability, which I had scrapped earlier.
[05] Romo Lampkin played by Nintendohnut
Role: lawyer
Alignment: good
Type: Human
Appearance: shady man
active (1): defend: remove an evidence for [player] counter; prevent the lynch of [player]. You must private message me before the dayphase deadline, and before majority has been reached, if you wish to use this ability. Send me the name of the player whose lynch you wish to prevent. The result of you're ability will be shown when I post the final voting count for that dayphase, when I'd normally would post the lynch write-up as well, this will always be at the end of the dayphase, so a bit after 00:00 CET. Also note that, your character will appear in the prevented lynch write-up with the same description he has in normal write-ups.
- Type: other
- Appearance: defend
active (1): Build case: target a player. You receive an evidence for [player] counter, where [player] is the player you targeted.
- Type: other
- Appearance: steal
- Lance the cat will react to the targeted player. It hisses towards evil players, and purrs towards others. This will be part of the appearance.
active (0): will: any time you can send me a private message, and specify which player will inherit Lance upon your death.
- If the player doesn't decide, Caprica Six will get Lance.
- Type: mod PM
passive: Lance's animal instinct: your cat has an animal instinct.
- If an activated ability is used, this will be disabled.
- If arrested or rescued, write-up will describe only the cat. This ability will still trigger.
- Appearance if player gets targeted by an evil person: hisses
- Appearance if player gets targeted by a good or neutral person: purrs
- Lance, your cat
- Type: special
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for good players.
I didn't include the cat right away when I decided to include this character. When I did, the problem was what exact ability I would give him, as at that point, there was another character who already had the hidden alignment investigative abilities. I thought that would be too much, but I found it too much fun and useful for this character, so I kept tweaking it, untill it became apparent I had to scrap the other role anyway.
[06] Caprica Six played by Cube
Role: rebel
Alignment: good
Type: Cylon
Appearance: passionate woman
You appear as evil when investigated.
You may still receive orders from the Cylon leader, which you will have to carry out.
(The following ability is currently unavailable)
active (1): observe: you will receive a report at the start of next turn detailing which player target player has targeted in the current turn if applicable.
- Type: other
- Appearance: follows
(The following ability is currently unavailable)
passive: Cylon intel: whenever you are targeted, the player targeting you will show up named in the write-up.
- Can't be targeted when arrested or rescued, this ability won't be triggered in these cases. You can still be targeted with the boxed status.
Passive: defection: when this ability is triggered, you will lose all your current abilities, and gain the Cylon intel and observe abilities.
- Defection will be triggered when the Cylon leader uses the activate ability on Sharon Valerii, or at the start of turn 5, whichever comes first.
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for good players.
This character was intended as a scapegoat for the mafia to use, while she was available. Like Kendra Shaw's identify ability, the observe ability was implemented after the game had already started, during turn 1. I felt she could use another argument to persuade town to keep her around if she was being questioned, and town could use another helpful ability (they originally had no trackers at all). Unfortunately, it didn't help. The Cylon intel ability would probably have been more useful when I had gotten the 20 / 21 players I wanted, since 2 of the roles I scrapped were evil, and would have been interesting names to show up in the write-up.
[07] Sharon Agathon played by jayseven
Role: Colonial sympathiser
Alignment: good
Type: Cylon
Appearance: defected woman
active (1): Cylon virus: choose a player; if the chosen player is Cylon, that player will be inflicted with the disrupted status. That player may not communicate with any allies this player may have next turn.
- Will not have any effect on humans or members of the final 4 who haven't been awakened yet.
- Will prevent a non-defected Caprica Six from receiving orders.
- Will prevent a non-activated Sharon Valerii from being activated.
- Type: Cylon virus
- Appearance: is physically connected to the computer
passive: download memories: you will receive the memories of a certain player upon this player's death.
- The player gets full details on Sharon Valerii, if and when she dies. This includes all the actions she has taken, and every time she's been the target of someone else. All involved characters will show up by their character name.
- Appearance: no appearance
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for good players.
Probably the role I'm most proud of. Unlike other roles, which were standard mafia roles applied to my game mechanics, although most of them had a certain twist as well, but this one, I don't think I've ever seen anything like it before. I'm quite fond of it actually . In practice, players who got infected, got banned from their forum for that turn. The mafia were quite annoyed, jayseven had some spot-on targets .
[08] D'Anna Biers played by Paj Meen Ah
Role: Leader of the final 4
Alignment: neutral
Type: Cylon
Appearance: inquisitive woman'anna_Biers
You are the first member of the final 4. Your goal is to awaken the 3 remaining members. You may communicate with the other members of the final 4 outside the gamethread on the following forum:
active (1): interview: you will interview target player. This will get a special section in the write-up. You may target dead players, the special section will reflect this. Note that, you don't receive a notification of your ability's results.
- Type: other
- Appearance: talks
- Appearance special section: targeted player's character will be seen anwsering a question, which was specified during the role confirmation before the start of the game.
Appearance special section when targeting dead player: retrospective with "archived material".
active (2): report: you will report on target player's activities of the current night. This will get a special section in the write-up. Note that, you don't receive a notification of your ability's results.
- Type: other
- Appearance: stalks
- Appearance special section: targeted player's actions of the current night will be reported, even if those actions normally don't appear in the write-up.
passive: awaken: whenever you target a player or get targeted by a player who is unknowingly a member of the final 4, you will trigger their (hidden) awakening ability. Their alignment will change to neutral, and their win condition will change to the same win condition as yours. They lose their awakening ability, but keep the rest of their current abilities, and in addition they gain the awaken ability (i.e. this ability). If you target an already dead member of the final 4, this will count towards your win condition.
Win condition:
You win when, at the end of the game, all remaining members of the final 4 are accounted for, and when at least 1 Human player and 1 Cylon player (other than a member of the final 4) remain, and all threats to the human-Cylon alliance have been eliminated.
So, the first of the "final 4", which of course is based on the final 5, but to mix things up, I changed who they were. This was one of the major things I used to cause confusion, something I did all too well. D'Anna Biers was the first, and she had to find and awaken the 3 others, making this the neutral team for this game, but they didn't get any mention at all. It didn't help 2 of them died early on. Like mentioned earlier, the anwsers people gave to my questions during the role confirmation, was used for the interview ability. She also has an ability which costs 2 AP's, so she either had to request the aid of the current president, or become the president herself.
[09] William Adama played by MadDog
Role: Commander
Alignment: good
Type: Cylon
Appearance: serious man
Any time you have the rescued, arrested, or boxed status, you will temporarily trigger Saul Tigh's second in command ability. When you die, you will trigger it permanently.
You are a member of the final 4. Your goal is to awaken the remaining members. You may communicate with the other members of the final 4 outside the gamethread on the following forum:
active (1): order arrest: Choose a player to be arrested; target player will receive an order notification, and will be granted the arrest [player] ability, where [player] is the player chosen to be arrested. The targeted player will have untill the next deadline to decide whether to follow or disregard the order. Players can disregard the order by using another ability or not taking any action at all, however, refusing to follow an order will have consequences. When the targeted player succesfully uses the arrest [player] ability, the chosen player will be inflicted with the arrested status at the beginning of the next phase, making that player unable to use activated abilities, or be the target of activated abilities for the duration of 2 phases. If you target yourself, you will use the arrest [player] ability instead. Note that this ability can resolve during the nightphase or the dayphase, depending on whether you activate it before the dayphase deadline or the nightphase deadline.
- The player can choose him or herself.
- If the targeted player refuses (by using a different ability or taking no action), the target player will be inflicted with the arrested status instead, at the same time the ability would normally resolve.
- The player won't be informed when the targeted player refuses to carry out the order.
- In case the targeted player gets multiple orders: Helena Cain's order has priority, and there will be no consequences for not carrying out William Adama's order. In case of an order from the Cylon leader, the player will have to make a choice.
- If there is only one Cylon remaining, who is evil, and the player has awakened as a member of the final 4, this ability can be used to arrest the last remaining evil Cylon, ending the game, and fulfilling the final 4 win condition
- Type: other
- Appearance: talks
- Appearance when refused: target player is arrested for insubordination
active (1): arrest [player]: arrest target player, where [player] is the targeted player to be arrested. The targeted player will be inflicted with the arrested status, making that player unable to use activated abilities, or be the target of activated abilities, for the duration of 2 phases.Note that this ability can resolve during the dayphase or the nightphase, depending on whether you activate it before the dayphase deadline or the nightphase deadline.
- Type: roleblock / protect
- Appearance: arrests
passive: awakening: whenever you target or get targeted by a player who is an awakened member of the final 4, you will trigger this ability. Your alignment changes to neutral, and your win condition will change to the same win condition as the other members of the final 4. You lose this ability, but gain the awaken ability, and the ability to communicate with other members of the final 4 outside the gamethread.
passive: awaken: whenever you target a player or get targeted by a player who is unknowingly a member of the final 4, you will trigger their awakening ability. Their alignment will change to neutral, and their win condition will change to the same win condition as yours. They lose their awakening ability, but keep the rest of their current abilities, and in addition they gain the awaken ability (i.e. this ability), and the ability to communicate with other members of the final 4 outside the gamethread. If another member of the final 4 targets an already other dead member of the final 4, this will count towards your win condition.
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for good players.
- This win condition will be disabled after awakening has been triggered.
Win condition:
You win when, at the end of the game, all remaining members of the final 4 are accounted for, and when at least 1 Human player and 1 Cylon player (other than a member of the final 4) remain, and all threats to the human-Cylon alliance have been eliminated.
I really wanted one of my gamemechanic themes to be indirect abilitities, and this was the first I created. I thought it would be fun to see the mafia panic if they were ordered to arrest (or worse) one of their own .
[10] Laura Roslin played by Jonnas
Role: President
Alignment: good
Type: Cylon
Appearance: dedicated woman
You are a member of the final 4. Your goal is to awaken the remaining members. You may communicate with the other members of the final 4 outside the gamethread on the following forum:
At the beginning of each turn, you receive a chamalla counter.
active (1): vision: remove up to 3 chamalla counters; choose a player. You will receive a vision about that player during the night, which may reveal their true nature. you may target dead players. You can use this ability only once a turn. When sending the private message, please specify the number of Chamalla counters you'd like to use.
- The player will receive a report with info on the chosen player. The info depends on how many chamalla counters have been used to activate this ability.
- 1 chamalla counter: the player will be informed of the chosen player's appearance in the write-up.
- 2 chamalla counters: the player will be informed of the chosen player's alignment. This will be reported as:
- good player: light aura
- neutral player and Kara Thrace before triggering rebirth: shimmering aura
- evil player: dark aura
- Muffit III: no aura
- Kara Thrace after triggering rebirth: very bright aura
- when targeting dead players: the aura will be faint
- [confidential]
- 3 chamalla counters: the player will be informed of the chosen player's actions that night. These include that player's own activated abilities used that night, even those that normally don't appear in the write-up itself, any actions by other players who targeted the player, as well as any passive abilities which are triggered that night that happen to have an appearance, and all characters involved in those actions. When a player has the boxed status this will also show up in the report.
- This ability can not be stopped by the arrest or rescue abilities.
- Type: other
- Appearance: sleeps
active (1): take chamalla: you receive an additional chamalla counter.
- This ability will be disabled when Sherman Cottle dies. The player will be informed of this event.
- This ability can not be stopped by the arrest or rescue abilities.
- Type: other
- Appearance: takes medicine
passive: awakening: whenever you target or get targeted by a player who is an awakened member of the final 4, you will trigger this ability. Your alignment changes to neutral, and your win condition will change to the same win condition as the other members of the final 4. You lose this ability, but gain the awaken ability, and the ability to communicate with other members of the final 4 outside the gamethread.
passive: awaken: whenever you target a player or get targeted by a player who is unknowingly a member of the final 4, you will trigger their awakening ability. Their alignment will change to neutral, and their win condition will change to the same win condition as yours. They lose their awakening ability, but keep the rest of their current abilities, and in addition they gain the awaken ability (i.e. this ability), and the ability to communicate with other members of the final 4 outside the gamethread. If another member of the final 4 targets an already other dead member of the final 4, this will count towards your win condition.
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for good players.
- This win condition will be disabled after awakening has been triggered.
Win condition:
You win when, at the end of the game, all remaining members of the final 4 are accounted for, and when at least 1 Human player and 1 Cylon player (other than a member of the final 4) remain, and all threats to the human-Cylon alliance have been eliminated.
Town's primary investigator. I was quite annoyed when she got killed first . I was looking forward to having fun with all those visions and chamallas. But what are you going to do. It's a shame though, as Jonnas looked genuinely excited about my game. Couldn't you have picked one of the less active players? Hmm? :p Jonnas was also the initial president. The reason why I didn't reveal the identity of the initial president at the start, was because people would then most likely be able to guess He was Laura Roslin. I didn't want to give away his character. The presidential abilities are mentioned at the bottom.
[11] Gaius Baltar played by Diageo
Role: scientist
Alignment: good
Type: Cylon
Appearance: nervous man
You are a member of the final 4. Your goal is to awaken the remaining members. You may communicate with the other members of the final 4 outside the gamethread on the following forum:
active (1): Cylon test: you will receive a report on target player, reveiling their biological nature. You may target dead players.
- The player gets a report, revealing the targeted player's type. So this can be Human, Cylon, or robot in the case of Muffit III. If the player targets Kara Thrace after rebirth has been triggered, the results will still show human.
- Type: other
- Appearance: takes bloodsample.
- Appearance when targeting Muffit III: attempts to take blood sample.
passive: awakening: whenever you target or get targeted by a player who is an awakened member of the final 4, you will trigger this ability. Your alignment changes to neutral, and your win condition will change to the same win condition as the other members of the final 4. You lose this ability, but gain the awaken ability, and the ability to communicate with other members of the final 4 outside the gamethread.
passive: awaken: whenever you target a player or get targeted by a player who is unknowingly a member of the final 4, you will trigger their awakening ability. Their alignment will change to neutral, and their win condition will change to the same win condition as yours. They lose their awakening ability, but keep the rest of their current abilities, and in addition they gain the awaken ability (i.e. this ability), and the ability to communicate with other members of the final 4 outside the gamethread. If another member of the final 4 targets an already other dead member of the final 4, this will count towards your win condition.
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for good players.
- This win condition will be disabled after awakening has been triggered.
Win condition:
You win when, at the end of the game, all remaining members of the final 4 are accounted for, and when at least 1 Human player and 1 Cylon player (other than a member of the final 4) remain, and all threats to the human-Cylon alliance have been eliminated.
I included this role because obviously I had to, but also I wanted to create extra confusement regarding the unawakened final 4. This had the potential to get one of them wrongfully lynched. So initially, this investigator doesn't seem as useful, however, once town realises that Cylon does not equal evil, and the player realises he's part of the final 4, this character would become a big deal more useful.
[12] Muffit III role was scrapped
Role: A boy's best friend.
Alignment: good
Type: robot (dog)
Appearance: dog
You are not required to private message me every turn. As a result, you will never be flagged as inactive.
You can't be the target of the order arrest ability.
You can't be the target of the order assasinate ability.
You can't be chosen for president.
You can't volunteer to be the executioner.
active (1): animal instinct
- When using this ability, you can only be targeted by the player you're targeting.
- Type: target
- Appearance when targeting a good or neutral player: wags tail
- Appearance when targeting an evil player: barks
passive: animal instinct
- This ability is disabled when the activated version is used instead.
- Appearance when targeted by a good or neutral player: wags tail
- Appearance when targeted by an evil player: barks
- Appearance when not targeted: no appearance
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for good players.
The second role I scrapped. It was intended for people who were new to mafia games or who'd know in advance they can't be fully active. It was intended as a joke character, but still useful to town, even when the player was inactive. However, in order to stimulate the player to be active, I would tell nothing about how the abilities function. Later, I gave the hidden investigative abilities to Romo Lampkin as well, as I'd figure they would come in handy for his character. I was constantly tweaking this, because I wasn't sure if this would upset the balance. On the other hand, there were 3 alignment investigators, although 2 of them weren't told they were, and one was a type investigator, but this wasn't immediately useful untill town realised certain things. There were no trackers whatsoever originally. Not for town at least. So I thought it was ok to have both Muffit and Lance in the game. However.. When it became apparent I had to scrap the role, it no longer was a problem. I really liked Muffit however, so I decided to incorporate him as an NPC, and gave him a different function. But nobody seemed to give the poor dog attention..
[13] John Cavil played by Dannyboy-the-Dane
Role: Cylon leader
Alignment: evil
Type: Cylon
Appearance: pragmatic man
You are a member of the evil Cylons. You can communicate with eachother on the following forum:
active (1): box: choose a player. If the chosen player is a Cylon, that player will inflicted with the boxed status at the start of the next turn, making that player unable to use activated abilities next turn, or to post in the gamethread.
- Non-Cylon players are unaffected.
- If the player chooses one of the Sharon models, the other is affected as well.
- Type: roleblock
- Appearance: downloads something in a metal object
- Appearance of the boxed player: motionless
active (1): construct Centurion: you receive a Centurion counter.
- Type: other
- Appearance: constructs something
active (0): complete Centurion: remove 2 Centurion counters; put a Centurion token into play. This will act as an NPC you can give orders to. You can use this ability only once each turn.
- Type: other
- Appearance: constructs something
active (0): order assassination: choose an evil Cylon player, or the unknown agent, or an Centurion token, choose a player to be assassinated; the chosen player or NPC will be granted the assassinate [player] ability, where [player] is the player chosen to be assassinated. The player will use this ability automatically.
- Players affected by the disrupted status can't be chosen. The Cylon leader will be informed of this when it's relevant.
- In case you are affected by the disrupted status yourself, this ability will be disabled.
- Centurion tokens are NPC's. They aren't as effective as players, they will be destroyed in the process when using the assassinate ability.
- Type: other / evil Cylon leader
- Appearance: no appearance
active (1): activate: this will trigger your sleeper agent's activation ability, making this person a full member of your evil Cylon team. This ability's effect will take effect immediately.
- If Sharon Valerii is affected by the disrupted status at the time this ability resolves, her activation ability will not be triggered.The Cylon leader can make another attempt at a later point. The player will not be informed of the reason why it fails.
- In case you are affected by the disrupted status yourself, this ability will be disabled.
- Type: other / evil Cylon leader
- Appearance: no appearance
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for evil players.
Originally I created him as the official Cylon leader, but later I split the character role and the function as Cylon leader, since having leaders and second-in-command was becoming a gamemechanic theme in my game. I've though about having the mafia players dcide who was the inital Cylon leader, but ultimately decided against it. The order assassination and activate abilities are specific Cylon leader abilities, but since he's the first to get them, I list them here. Those are passed down to his second-in-command, which was The Peeps. He was the only one to be able to create the NPC's to be used to carry out the assassinations, so it was unfortunate for the mafia he got killed. One of the many things I created for the mafia to be able to stay hidden. But they seemed to do fine without them as well . Dannyboy also had the hardest role to roleclaim, he's the only evil Cylon (apart from the crapped characters) who in the series is definitely associated with, well, evil cylons. The others weren't.
[14] Leoben Conoy role was scrapped
Role: false prophet
Alignment: evil
Type: Cylon
Appearance: charismatic man
You are a member of the evil Cylons. You can communicate with eachother on the following forum:
active (1): fabricate reality: choose a player. You will alter this player's perception of reality. You can do this by specifying new attributes for any players you wish. Attributes you can specify are alignment, type, and appearance. You can specify false attributes for players in the following format:
# [player]
This is the player you wish to be perceived differently by the chosen player.
- alignment
This can be good, evil, or neutral.
- type
This can be Human, Cylon, or what ever you like.
- appearance
There are 3 ways you can specify this. You can make up an appearance your own. You can also give me the name of another player. Then this player will be perceived as the character the specified player has. You can also give me a character from the Battlestar Galactica universe. If the character exists in the game, I will use the same appearance used for that character. If not, I will make one up in the same style as the others.
You can specify the perception of any number of players (to make the most of this ability you should specify this for all remaining players). The effect of this ability will last untill the end of the next dayphase. Note that, you only change the chosen player's perception, not the actual reality. You can use this ability only once a turn.
- This will only affect targeted abilities. Abilities like vision, who choose their targets, remain unaffected.
- Type: fabricate reality
- Appearance: home decorating
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for evil players.
This is the first role I scrapped, and 1 of the 2 scrapped mafia roles. This one was potentially more useful to the mafia than the other one, however, since this role is so involved, and gives both me as the player a lot of work, I thought it was a bit risky, that's why it was the first to go. His ability was based on the episode where he's messing with Kara Thrace's mind on New Caprica.
[15] Daniel Graystone role was scrapped
Role: [confidential]
Alignment: evil
Type: Cylon
Appearance: [confidential]
You are a member of the evil Cylons. You can communicate with eachother on the following forum:
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for evil players.
The other mafia role I scrapped, and I wasn't pleased about scrapping this one. It was one of the last role I created, in a time I still imagined getting 20 players for my game , so I needed to fill my roster when I only had 18. I was thinking of who to add for the mafia (for town it was Saul Tigh by the way), then it hit me, and I thought it was genius. I'll use the mysterious 7th Cylon model, who in my alternate universe, is still alive and kicking, and will surprise anyone who's familiar with the show. I created an awesome ability for him too, just as unique as Sharon Agathon's Cylon virus ability. Potentially not quite useful, but I thought the surprise effect would more than make up for it. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. I could justify scrapping Leoben Conoy, with a more useful ability than his, over him, because he was simply too complex, but not any of the other evil Cylon. So he had to go. Since I think this role is too much fun, I'll keep it secret, and repurpose it for a future game. However, I wanted to let people know Daniel was supposed to be in it. As for his last name, People who've watched Caprica as well, know where it comes from. I haven't watched Caprica, but I read rumours that that character was supposed to be the guy model number 7 was based upon, so I ran with it.
[16] Anastasia Dualla played by The Peeps
Role: communications officer
Alignment: evil
Type: Cylon
Appearance: watchful woman
You are a member of the evil Cylons. You can communicate with eachother on the following forum:
active (1): monitor communications: choose a player; you will receive a report on the specified player at the start of the next turn, detailing who this player has targeted and who has targeted this player in the current turn.
- Type: other
- Appearance: concentrates on her earpiece
active (1): send message: choose a player; you can specify a text for me to relay to the chosen player. You may also specify a sender, this can be any name you like. You can use this ability at any time during the turn.
- Type: other
- Appearance: concentrates on her earpiece
passive: paranoid monitoring: whenever you are targeted, you will receive a notification detailing who has targeted you.
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for evil players.
So, the last person you'd expect to be a Cylon. And she's a supertracker as well, which proved quite useful. Aside from mixing things up by making her one of the evil Cylon, her abilities are based on her real counterpart (just like everyone else's actually, as far as possible / I could think of). So she's the best example to have as a reason why you shouldn't make assumptions in a / my game . The send message ability was the only thing the mafia could use to communicate with a disrupted ally, which they happily made use of.
[17] Tom Zarek played by mr-paul
Role: motivator
Alignment: evil
Type: Cylon
Appearance: idealistic man
You are a member of the evil Cylons. You can communicate with eachother on the following forum:
At the end of your turn, remove any remaining coup counters.
active (1): encourage: at the beginning of the next phase, target player receives an additional Ability Point. Note that this ability can resolve during the nightphase or the dayphase, depending on whether you activate it before the dayphase deadline or the nightphase deadline.
- Type: motivational
- Appearance: talks
active (1) discourage: at the beginning of the next phase, target player loses an Ability Point. Note that this ability can resolve during the nightphase or the dayphase, depending on whether you activate it before the dayphase deadline or the nightphase deadline.
- Type: motivational
- Appearance: talks
active (1) plan coup: at the beginning of the next turn, you receive a coup counter.
- Type: other
- Appearance: makes preparations
active (1): stage coup: remove a coup counter; at the start of the next turn, you will become the president for 2 turns. The current president will be thrown in the brig, inflicting this player with the arrested status for the next turn, making this player unable to use activated abilities or to be the target of activated abilities. You may use this ability only once a turn.
- Type: other
- Appearance: overthrows president [player]
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for evil players.
I really wanted Tom Zarek in the game, and he looked like the perfect candidate to thrown on the evil side and mix things up. Still, his abilities are based on him constantly trying to influence certain people. Weirdly enough it was the idea that he could overthrow the president that led me to implement a proper presidency mechanic, as I couldn't think of a fair penalty that would only affect Laura Roslin. So I started thinking of what benefits a president would have. I didn't expect it to be used though, as it doesn't make you look good , but it was something this character just had to be able to do.
[18] Tory Foster played by Zell
Role: Election rigger
Alignment: evil
Type: Cylon
Appearance: sexy woman
You are a member of the evil Cylons. You can communicate with eachother on the following forum:
active (1): falsify vote: choose a player, choose vote; that vote will count towards the chosen player instead. The player whose vote has been changed, will still show up in the voting tally voting for his or her original candidate, however, the voting numbers will reflect the change. On election days, you may manipulate lynch votes or president votes, you will have to specify this. You can only change votes within their respective types. You cannot change someone's lynch vote to a president vote and vice versa. If you wish to use this ability, you need to send me a private message before the dayphase deadline and before majority has been reached.
- Type: day
- Appearance: doing paperwork
active (0): double vote: your vote will be counted twice. If you wish to use this ability, you need to send me a private message before the dayphase deadline and before majority has been reached. You can only use this ability once a turn.
- Type: day
- Appearance: doing paperwork
passive: census: at the beginning of each turn, you will receive a report on the number of Humans and the number of Cylons remaining in the fleet.
- Appearance: receives a report in the morning
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for evil players.
I wanted her to be in the game, but I initially couldn't come up with her abilities. In hindsight, it looks so logical. Perhaps it looks a bit unfair, the falsify vote ability, acting almost as a triple vote, but keep in mind a player could nullify its effect by changing his vote when he realised something's wrong. I personally didn't imagine it being used the way it was, more as a anoying ability to confuse people and prevent lynches for mafia members. But they were never being lynched except for Dannyboy . The census ability was simply to give the mafia an advantage by giving them useful knowledge. This could be used against the final 4 and other good Cylons.
[19] Sharon Valerii played by Tales
Role: Sleeper agent
Alignment: good
Type: Cylon
Appearance: unknowing woman
You are a member of the evil Cylons. You can communicate with eachother on the following forum:
active (1): rescue mission: target player will be inflicted with the rescued (and you with the rescuing) status, making both of you unable to use activated abilities. Both you and target player cannot be the target of activated abilties. These statuses will clear at the end of the next dayphase.
- Type: roleblock / protect
- Appearance: takes target player with her in her raptor, blending in the fleet
passive: download memories: you will receive the memories of a certain person upon this person's death.
- The player gets full details on Sharon Agathon, if and when she dies. This includes all the actions she has taken, and every time she's been the target of someone else. All involved characters will show up by their character name.
- Appearance: no appearance
passive: activation: this will be triggered when the Cylon leader uses the activate ability. Your alignment changes to evil, and your win condition will change to that of the other evil Cylons. You will then be able to communicate with the other evil Cylons.
- Will not be triggered when either the player or the Cylon leader have the disrupted status.
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for good players.
- This win condition will be disabled when activation has been triggered.
Win condition:
See the comprehensive rules for the win condition for evil players.
Probably together with Laura Roslin one of the best fusions of mafia gameplay with the flavour inspiration in my game. This role is pretty much her character in the series. She's a jailkeeper, just like Adama and Tigh, but with some different implications. Obviously she wasn't told in the beginning, and, if for some reason she never got activated, she would stay good for the entire game. If anyone's wondering why she's described as the "sexy woman", that's just me expressing my taste in women .
[20] Kara Thrace played by Ellmeister
Role: Harbinger of death
Alignment: neutral
Type: Human
Type after rebirth has been triggered: messenger
Appearance: doubtful woman
Appearance after rebirth has been triggered: confident woman
active (1): Taunt: Target player will abandon his or her current target if applicable, and target you instead.
- This ability will be disabled after rebirth has been triggered.
- This will only take effect if target player actually intended to use a targeted ability that night. That
Ability will still have its usual effect, including death. Does not affect abilities who don't target.
- Type: taunt
- Appearance: insults (insults will be specified for each player during the role confirmations)
active (1): new Earth: target player receives a New Earth counter
- Type: target
- Appearance: shows a starchart
active (2): arm yourself: you receive a bullet counter.
- Type: other
- Appearance: goes to armoury.
passive: rebirth: This will trigger upon death.
- You will skip the next phase. If this is a dayphase, you may not post during this phase. You will lose all your current abilities, and gain the new Earth, arm yourself and quick draw abilities. You will receive a bullet counter, and a win condition.
- This ability will be disabled after it has been triggered.
passive: quick draw: remove a bullet counter; whenever a player targets you with a kill ability, that player will be killed instead.
Win condition:
You win when every remaining good player has received a New Earth token. This will end the game after one last turn, regardless if any evil Cylon players remain.
- The write-up should make it clear the fleet is preparing to jump.
This was the best I could think of for Kara Thrace, and I was pretty pleased. So I was pretty disappointed when I saw the character go to waste.. Such a shame. Can't be helped, Ellmeister tried his best, but simply wasn't as skilled in getting himself killed as Cube was . A Kara Thrace risen from the dead would've been a powerhouse, able to cause major problems for the mafia. But it wasn't meant to be. Eventhough I'm obliged to give you this role description, I like it too much, so I think I'll repurpose this one as well . And, again, the taunt ability uses the insults you people provided me with during role confirmations. I had some fun with those .
[21] [confidential] role was scrapped
Role: [confidential]
Alignment: neutral
Type: [confidential]
Appearance: [confidential]
Win condition:
Haha, I'm such a tease .
This role will be repurposed as well.
Other stuff:
The extra abilities a President would gain:
At the beginning of the turn, you receive an additional Ability Point.
- Type: presidential
active (1): presidential motivation: at the beginning of the next turn, target player will receive an additional Ability Point. You may not target yourself.
- Type: motivational / presidential
- Appearance: talks
active (0): anonymous vote: at any time during a dayphase, you can send me a private message with your vote. Your name won't show up in the votes count, however the number will reflect your vote. You may still vote the regular way.
- Type: mod PM
Other info:
You will be president for 2 turns. On your 2nd turn as president, it will be a new election day, and players can elect a new president for the next 2 turns. If a majority isn't reached on that day, you remain president for at least 1 more turn.
Apart from these priviliges, you are also required to send me the name of the player who you'd like to be your vice-President, who will succeed you upon your death.
Now I read this back, I realise I made a mistake by not declaring the dayphase of the 6th turn an election day. Obviously, it would not have matter anyway. Also, on turn 1, I realised I have not taken into account a president may die , so I didn't have anything specific planned for that event. But I didn't want the game to run without a president, so I implemented a vice-president, which should have been in the game in the first place.
Muffit III
The player who has the least posts in a dayphase, will be inflicted with the visited by Muffit status at the start of the following nightphase. If players are tied for least posts in a dayphase, a random number generator will decide who will be affected. Players who have been inflicted with the visited by Muffit status before will not be considered. That player will gain the following ability:
active (1): give Muffit a cookie: you give the dog a cookie.
- This will instantly clear the visited by Muffit status.
- This ability cannot be stopped by any status.
- [confidential]
- Type: Muffit
- Appearance if the ability is used: Muffit leaves content, wagging his tail.
- Appearance if the ability is not used: Muffit barks.
This status will clear at the end of the turn.
Eventhough it did nothing, this served various functions. It added a bit of randomness to the game, and caused confusion (at least, that was the idea). It added silliness and to the write-ups. It could give people with passive roles potentially something to spend their AP's on. It could incriminate people who post little, motivating them to post more. But well, the poor dog got ignored each and every time, except for the time Zell had nothing better to do anyway. Giving him a cookie did absolutely nothing. Well originally it did something, but that's [confidential].
First to fall
The first victim of the mafia is inflicted with the coma status, making the player unable to use activated abilities or post normally in the gamethread. The player would gain the following ability:
active (0): final words: you may make exactly one last post, divulging anything you wish, including game-related information. Using this ability will clear your coma status, and kill you.
Technically, the player was still alive, and available for targeting (potentially having the mafia waste another AP). The player could survive the game this way, but this mechanic was especially created for investigators so they were able to divulge their first, and last report. The player was also allowed to vote in his final post. But apart from that, he was no longer a threat to the mafia.
To be honest, it did practically nothing in this game, but it may see more use in future games. It was mainly a formality in this game, but I expected the mafia to threaten with lynchbombs . Originally I also wanted to do more with items, where both the killers and the executioners would receive trophy items from their victims, but it would add more for me to keep track of, but more importantly, I couldn't think of what kind of symbolic items a typical Cylon would posses , so I decided against it. All the Colonial military personel would've had dogtags.
So, I think I covered most of it .