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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. But those details are important. This felt just like the ending of a season,
  2. Yup, that's not what I call an ending. Not a proper one at least. This is a typical “Oh shit, show got cancelled” ending .
  3. Remind me (in spoilers) what exactly happened in Angel last season / last couple of eps, because I can't remember a thing, there's only this lingering feeling of dissatisfaction.
  4. Well, first reaction: “Buffy movie??? What? No! No Whedon == no Buffy.†But I guess it depends on what they're going to do. If it's a direct continuation of the series (and comics I guess, but I'm not familiar with those), I won't like it, and I doubt they'll get most of the old cast onboard. If it's a continuation of the old movie, I don't oppose it, but it's not likely to happen (or likely to succeed if it does). The best chance they have is with, well, a reboot. Complete new characters in the same universe from the series. Perhaps a guestappearance for Sarah Michelle Geller for some dramatic backstory, but everything else should be new. Anyway, I'm not interested in any option, only my opposition varies. Whedonverse? Love Buffy (TV series). Didn't like Angel, but can't remember why, apart from it being cancelled and having no ending (perhaps that's simply it). Absolutely love Firefly (and Serenity), which is quite a feat, considering my disregard for almost anything that's cancelled and doesn't have a proper ending. Never seen Dollhouse, as far as I know, it's never been broadcast here so far, doubt it'll ever will.
  5. It does make sense. I would have been gone, but that's part of the game. You on the other hand, would have gotten a lot of attention, as people don't like vigilantes around these parts . And besides me you could perhaps have gotten some townies killed as well. But that's all hypothetical. We will never know what would've happened.
  6. Would've been glad to take a hit for the team .
  7. To nuance things from my last post, I, on my part, forget something I realised earlier.. You probably did expect more kills. So we can blame our loss solely on Dannyboy's and Donnut's passiveness .
  8. No offense, but that's bad judgement on your part then.. Imagine we did have an extra recruit in this game. Peeps gets lynched, he's on his own. He still has to kill five people in order to win, I doubt anyone can survive 5 nights in a row on his own. Luck/strategy-wise the game wasn't biased to any side, so I assume this situation to be average.. The removing of limitation on Dohnut would have helped immensely, extra people getting killed would've helped our side too. Again, probably just an average situation, we got lucky with a couple of kills, and the hints we got (from Dannyboy and Fierce_Link) were appreciated. Our “deduction†of ReZ possibly having a key has more to do with luck, and we only guessed at the very end of the game. ReZ was more vocal than others. From our standpoint, it could easily have been someone else who was more important, but ReZ seemed more important because he was more vocal about himself. But this is irrelevant now, it's obvious the keys weren't a huge factor for us in our chance of winning, even if we did get them. I guess we could've done a bit more research, still, he was killed for his abilities, for us there was no telling how big of a threat he really was to us (or could have been later on), but he felt like a threat at that time, so I wouldn't call this particular decision a huge blunder. Well, you're exagerating a bit. I used my protect ability 6 times. And since I have been suspicious all game, then surely, the reasoning that, if I am not tracked or investigated properly before, the chances are only getting higher of that happening, is a logical one? And it also wasn't a matter of being tracked / investigated, but also simply a mention of someone missing something, which would put all the attention right back at me. The Ellmeister / Zell thing clearly showed that. You also forget I've used my protect ability “properly†twice. Anyway, it doesn't matter. It doesn't detract from the game's epicness, and my request for auto-sign-up stands .
  9. But you should never consider the best-case scenario (or worst-case scenario for that matter). I stand by my opinion that even if we did recruited someone, 7 players would have a near impossible task of winning traditionally. But the fact that he trusted Peeps wasn't important to us. Our fear was that he may be able to catch Angus or something with his name-getting abilities, so in that regard, our decision was sound. Yes, that was stupid, still though, I'd have expected a bit more attention.. You must also realise.. We (or actually, everyone) don't know if we cause any PM's, and in which situations, and what they'll say. This also factored in at least my decisions. And the last thing wasn't my fault though .
  10. In this case I scrap my previous comment about a well-balaced game . I doubt we could've won with so many players and just us 6 with just one potential extra member.. Eventually, they would've found out all of us, I'm pretty sure. Also, what did you find awful about our night targets? I think theye were pretty good, apart from my screw-ups. The kills were usually well chosen I think.
  11. Epic, but gruelling Jonnas! Congrats town. I like to formally apologise to my teammates for screwing up from day 1! The keys were the.. Key to winning, as with such a large group, but with 1 normal mafia team, it would be impossible to win traditionally, so my blunder messed up out strategies immensely (but I realised this too late unfortunately.. In hindsight, I should have continued stealing right away). I reckon we had a very big chance of winning if I didn't screw up. Still, it was a very close game. If Zell didn't steal the keys, and Peeps had survived this day, he would have won. I guess that's a testament to Jonnas game-balancing skills . Auto-sign up for part III please.
  12. Like I commented on the frontpage.. AC will always keep its charm, but I'm going to skip a generation, so the inevitable Wiiᶸ version will feel fresh again. I want some real new features, and even better online gameplay. And I want those lazy animals to help out with town, because I'm sick of removing the damn weeds.
  13. Looks absolutely great! Makes me a bit sad I can't play Oblivion on my computer for some reason . I was just starting to get into it.. This looks miles better though. I can imagine booting this game up just to make a stroll through the forest.
  14. Topical? The nuclear cucumbers.
  15. Also: apart from WiiU: Really looking forward to the Zelda concerts now, and finally getting slightly hyped for Skyward sword.. Where can I find this Reggie live interview?
  16. Aha. First of all, let me say, that I am hyped. Yes, I would've loved some more details and some more game announcements, but I'm loving it so far. I just don't get people getting confused or being irrational about some stuff. - It is a new console. My brother was confused, but I don't get how Nintendo fans here on the forum get confused who've been informed of every rumour so far.. I mean, it was more or less what we were expecting right? Shame on you for everyone who thought it was a Wii accessory. To me it was clear from the beginning, and yes, the emphasis was clearly on the controller (for good reason), but the console was in the background. It is HD. It's backwards compatible with anything Wii, so good for us who have 5 remotes and various other stuff. - The controller. It's like a classic controller, but with some of the remote capabilities, and of course the (touch)screen. (come on Daft, do you really expect an HD screen in a controller? This should not be much higher priced than a remote if they want this to succeed.. It is not a new / alternative handheld). Looking forward to see what they come up for this, but they don't have to go out of the way to invent gimmicky features for it. But it's obvious that has far more uses apart from gameplay. Really looking forward to it. Also, and this will probably depend on the game (and unknown technical limitations), but it is possible to not use a TV screen and play some games directly on the controller. So play an HD game on the TV, play an SD game on your controller, or use both. My only worry is the weight of this thing. I think it'll feel comfortable enough, thinking about it, my DS lite or DSi never game me trouble. This looks like it will feel somewhat like a wider DS, with an extra grip. Also.. They will undoubtedly get enough feedback on E3.. Enough time to make various adjustments before launch. - Come on, complaints about the name? I thought we were passed that. Yes, I also hated the name Wii all those many years ago, but I got over it. I thought all of us did. They only added a letter for fuck's sake. It's smart, they kept the Wii brand name. Again, would have loved some more technical details, and some substantial game announcements, but I am really looking forward to it.
  17. I don't think we need any more entries after Cube, still: “Yes, I'm ready to harrass some Nintendo boothbabes.â€
  18. (Can't believe you remembered! Haha)
  19. Alright guys, I give up. Yes I'm neutral. Yes, I'm after the keys. Yes, I targeted Fierce_Link last night, in the hope of finally getting one of the keys I was after, since his is the only one of which I know of, and I don't have a clue where to begin otherwise. The introduction in my PM says I'm a rogue hailing from France, wanting to revenge my uncle, however, when arriving here on the island, I was stopped by a mysterious gentleman, who said that if I wanted to redeem my uncle, I should go after the person really responsible for my uncle's death: not Queen Olivia, but the man who hired him in the first place: Angus MacNeil. So I was tasked of sabotaging his plans by collecting the keys that gave acces to Queen Olivia's quarters, and destroy them if I find them all, setting them back immensely. So there you have it, that's my win condition. It doesn't quite state what happens when I do collect the keys, but to me it strongly suggest the game continues. This ambiguity led to my initial speculation / major blunder in the first place, of which I've never fully recovered. I kept a low profile after that to prevent me from being a target to either side, the goal just staying alive at that point, but even after I started going after my win condition again, each and any attempts failed. At this rate, I don't see having any chance of winning anymore, it's day 12, and I expect town to win in a few turns, or perhaps the mafia steals the win, I dunno, but it won't matter to me. So that's it. I'm not standing in the way of either side winning, and it doesn't matter to me if I lose now or if I lose at the end of the game. I apologize to Jonnas, my blunder probably kept me from being really involved of the game and making it more exciting, but alas. I expect to be lynched when I return tonight, at which point I don't have to worry about this game anymore, and I can fully point my attention towards other stuff. For what it's worth, I hope you townies get the last remaining mafia(s). Goodbye gentlemen.
  20. Yes, I call them idiots (but I really should start making my own hats / maps though). The difference is subscription vs micro-payments. You buy a hat, you're done. I think if Valve made a subsciption-based service, where you get every new hat for free.. Hmm. You know what, I think we're creating a monster here.
  21. Also, I'm confident it'll flop. Nobody will pay a subscription for "simply" multiplayer. Especially not if it's peer-to-peer based. It's different with MMORPG's because of the nature of the game.. They actually rely heavily on servers. In FPS games, they simply serve as match-making services, and perhaps stat-tracking. A good example is the flopped ABP game. It had 100 people on one instance, but the action wasn't much different from other shooter games (except being third person). So 2 scenarios, depending on how stripped down the free multiplayer will be: - free multiplayer is comparable to previous multiplayer components: Service will be a flop because most will be content simply having multiplayer. Price is too high for most likely anything the service will offer. Especially, if they continue to offer mappacks as stand-alone dlc. Anyone who simply wants the mappacks will just opt for the single payment option. - free multiplayer is seriously stripped down: Service will be more succesful than first option, but not enough to justify the cost. Unlike the first option, this will seriously hurt their sales, and cause a serious, substantial backlash from the community, unlike the "complaints about MW2", which didn't actually hurt sales in any significant way. This isn't WoW. People will not pay (a i[]whole[/i] lot extra) for simply the multiplayer component to an action game. If the multiplayer is stripped down, the game as a standalone will miss the most essential feature that would attract its target audience. Expect competition to react to this.
  22. Fact is, nobody knows what it's going to look like, we'll see when it's released. If I can play multiplayer like I've done with MW2 (predominantly HC mosh pit), then I'll be content. If this is not the case, I'll seriously reconsider buying the game.
  23. Although the thought of where this may lead to has me worrying, I'm not worried yet. It depends on how "dumbed-down" the free multiplayer is. Basically, as it is described now, I see this as an evolution of their dlc, turning it into a subscription-based service by adding extra stat-tracking and whatnot to the already overpriced dlc. I didn't buy the dlc for MW2, I won't subscribe to this. I liked MW2, played the multiplayer a lot. But they need to tread carefully now. As it stands, I'll buy MW3, but if I find the free multiplayer lacking, they Activision will lose one of their customers who still actually liked their games.
  24. I came across not too long ago. Yoy may be interested, but it's Lightworks specific. I guess, if you can take anything from this, is to add a jog / shuttle combo to your.. Contraption ().
  25. I guess not. This is a boxed version of your CPU: http://www.scan.co.uk/products/intel-core-i5-2500k-unlocked-1155-sdy-bridge-quadcore-33ghz-gpu-850mhz-95w-retail-plusfree-game And you can take your pick from these socket 1155 motherboards: http://www.ebuyer.com/search?page=1&store=2&cat=14&filtersubcat=3317
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