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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Are we going to have some clam blitz battles tomorrow night?
  2. To be fair, that's only 1 of 3 tables prices that way, but still. The other ones are around 4 euro something (4,50 I believe), with 2 bundles of 4 tables being around 16 euros each. That's a bit pricey considering Zen is much cheaper but also much more polished.
  3. I messaged them on Facebook, they say they're working on a patch. I'll have to message the guys from Oxenfree as well.
  4. Ehm.. Let's call it a spiritual sequel to Sadness "is coming" to Switch. https://t.co/Uj6h0oECTr http://nintendoeverything.com/sadness-solitude-announced-for-switch-wii-u-3ds/ https://www.giantbomb.com/sadness-solitude/3030-47467/
  5. My biggest qualm with indie games so far.. Well I guess not just the indie games. A lot of games simply aren't optimized for Switch. I don't mind the occasional framedrop or lower framerate, but some of these games just grind to a halt in certain situations, and that's not what I want to see. I can understand this if you're playing them on a PC with less than the recommended specs. This is a Switch with no variation in its specifications.. Optimize for it, or simply don't release the game for it. I mean, a lot of the games aren't even that detailed. I actually almost want to buy Yooka-Laylee digitally for 40 euros just because I know those guys bothered to put some actual work into the port. I was thinking my Switch would pretty much replace Steam regarding indie games, but it's stuff like this that make me reconsider.
  6. Had a quick go on both pinball games. I thought I'd have a slight preference for the more realistic one, but in the end I preferred Zen (again, only after some quick impressions). It has some downsides, a convoluted menu, some minigames go overboard, but so far I prefer the sounds and feel of Zen. Stern has too subtle rumble, and the sounds are too muted, except for the low quality soundbites (which I realize are probably authentic, but that doesn't stop it from hurting my ears). Stern's menu may not be convoluted, but it's just as slow. I think Frankenstein is just not a good showcase for the game as its free table, while I actually liked the Wizard one in Zen. Zen also has loads more options in settings. I bought 2 tables for Zen, Portal and Walking Dead, then wanted to do the same for Stern, but the Star Trek I wanted was 8 euros something. I bought the Zen tables for 5 euros total. That said, Stern has an actual physical release, and you can get a physical copy with all tables (I mean, I assume it includes all tables) for around 30 euros. I'll obviously play around some more with both.
  7. May get it just for the artwork, though it may be a relaxing puzzlegame as well.
  8. I finished the story yesterday, so I'd like to comment on the game overall: Like I suspected, the game itself is fantastic. The story is fantastic, the artstyle is fantastic, and the gameplay generally is. The only criticism I have against the game is that the puzzles / murder mysteries are a bit too easy. Two of them I completed even while I was just exploring and trying things out, before I realized it was already over. Despite that, it's incredibly fun. Edit: I forgot to mention the music: also fantastic. .. If it weren't for the technical issues. The first mystery, the tutorial, play fine. But after that, the framerate ranges from "just ok" to downright terrible. I'm speaking of literal 1 frame per second framerates here. If that's not enough, you get frequent and long loading times, during gameplay, by that I mean at times you don't really expect. I mean, I can somewhat expect it if you change floors (though not really because the game isn't super detailed or anything), but you often get loading times for simply going to the next room, or using the peeking mechanic. Currently I wouldn't recommend it for that reason, unless you have incredible patience (like I do sometimes). This is one of those games where the gameplay is not actually affected by bad framerate, but when it's bad like this it still affects my enjoyment. It's a shame, because the game itself is so full of charm, and I'd say it's a must-buy if it gets properly patched.
  9. I thought the Embers of Mirrim demo was ok by the way. Not good, but not bad as well. Just some platforming with the occasional new idea, though I suspect that will get stale fast.
  10. Yeah, but: if hard mode isn't for you, I'm not sure the master trials will be either. They're the hardest challenge in the game, and the reward is underwhelming (from what I understand, I've not even done them myself yet ). The costumes are available, but I don't know how much you want them. Personally I don't find them too interesting. The Korok mask is probably the best as it has actually some useful functionality (for those who can't be bothered to find Koroks the hard way). The travel medallion (a custom travel point) is useful, and that's it I believe.
  11. Oh yeah, sorry, I had the 2nd DLC pack fresh in my mind. The Master trials are something you can do when you have the master sword. Hard mode is obviously available from the start. The extras (costumes) are available whenever. That includes the costumes from the 2nd pack.
  12. You have to do the 4 divine beasts.
  13. Nice! This is a much better option than Streetfighter 2 HD.. I'll be getting this.
  14. It works for me.
  15. I can't remember how many episodes I have left, but so far I agree with Cube.
  16. It seems the collector's edition is also coming to Europe, though apparently, and unfortunately, it won't include a cartridge for Bayonetta 1.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if it did, but porting 2 to the Switch is a no-brainer, even at launch when they didn't know if the Switch was going to be the success it is now. Depending on when they started with the development of 3, it may not even been that huge of a gamble.. Switches are selling, Switch games are selling, there's even a market for.. let's call them "mature" games. I don't know if Bayonetta 3 is going to be a huge success, but I'm pretty sure it'll do better than 2. It's not just a small bunch of hardcore Nintendo nerds buying the game now. Even 2 will sell more copies. I can tell you I'll be buying all 3 of them, for the first time.
  18. I'm not sure if I can handle so much excitement.. The Zelda en Bayonetta trailers. Tears of joy and sadness (for my wallet).
  19. I can confirm this.. Just like Oxenfree: bad framerates and incredibly long loading times. The game itself is great though, after playing the tutorial.
  20. I'll be there in a few minutes. Probably can't communicate though.
  21. Yup, feeling no hype whatsoever. The Force awakens and especially Rogue one were disappointments, and I fully expect this one to be as well. The only hope I have if they finally do something interesting with the story, the thing they tease with Rey / Kylo Ren and the whole Jedi ending thing. But I can easily see them doing absolutely nothing with that. Anyway, I'll see it soon enough, luckily I don't have to spend (extra) money on my ticket.
  22. I've mentioned this a few times, but I'd really like to see the proper sequel on the Switch's successor as a launch title. They now have experience with a big open world, so building a new one will probably be faster, but they still need to build a new one from scratch. That plus, in addition, in order to make the ultimate Zelda game, they need to design several of the best dungeons you can find in this open world. Plus the usual refinements. This could easily take another 5 years, which would probably be right on time for Switch 2. This would also give the Switch 2 a flying start, you don't want a Switch U, and obviously having Breath of the Wild as a launch game helped the Switch tremendously. That's not to say we can't have Zelda content in the meantime. Personally, I wouldn't mind a second season pass at all. Perhaps they could make another smaller top down game a lá A Link between worlds, made by a smaller team. Or even a spin-off.. Four Swords would be perfect for Switch. Plus there's the Zelda maker that a lot of people want. Personally I can see a lot of problems with a Zelda maker though.
  23. I'll be there, despite having too many games to play. Edit: Can't make any promises, but I'll try to be online for Splatfest on Saturday evening, as opposed to night. I'm film obviously.
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