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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. Sorry dude, but whilst I'm aware that the N-E League is just a bit of fun I'm afraid that I'm not into that sort of thing. I simply don't like playing in a a competitive environment with rankings and such on the line. I guess you could say I have a Sakurai way of thinking about that sort of thing. =P


    Thanks for the offer though!

  2. Thanks to @\-Dem0\-, @Hero\-of\-Time and my good pal @Jonnas for recommending some games for me! I've been busy this past week completing one of each of your recommended games. A Boy and his Blob This was a fun game! It’s definitely a game that should be played in small doses though, as it sometimes felt a bit tedious having to constantly choose different jelly beans and call Blob over repeatedly whenever he got stuck (and when I played, he got stuck a lot =P). But that’s a minor niggle really. Rather than rush through, just relax and take things slowly whilst you figure out how to progress and observe the game’s impressive visuals. Oh, and my favourite part of the game? The hug button. It’s a small touch but it’s adorable. Wario Land: The Shake Dimension I don’t think it’s a secret here that I like the character Wario. But with that said, I don’t think I’ve ever given the Wario Land series a fair chance. I’m glad I went back to this one though, because it was pretty enjoyable. The multitude of locations look great and the music felt pretty diverse too. I really liked the inclusion of missions, which gave you something extra to do in each level and encouraged playing a level multiple times to complete them all. I also realised that this was made by Good Feel, who would later make Kirby’s Epic Yarn. They certainly know how to make pretty platformers! WarioWare: Smooth Moves This was already on my list of completed games, but since I was playing Wario Land, I thought I should go back to this and, um, make it even more complete! I had cleared the game and watched the credits roll, but I hadn’t unlocked every microgame. It was kind of a pain since microgames unlock randomly, so I was playing certain locations for a long time before the missing ones would appear (I hate you Kat and Ana, and your samurai form pose games that would never work for me, grrr!) It was worth it though, for two reasons: 1) Unlocking all microgames unlocked Pyoro S. Pyoro games are always fun! 2) I had to play this boss stage again that I had completely forgotten about, and I was laughing the whole way through: I had a good time looking absolutely ridiculous. =P de Blob You folks sure decided to recommend some really good looking games for me! de Blob was a delight to look at (sorry.) The game is very bright and colourful, and just good simple fun really. My favourite part of this game was the extra missions you could get. I felt the fast pace these missions provided was a great counterpart to the more relaxing pace of the main levels. The last two levels were fairly annoying though when trying to collect/paint everything, because there were parts you couldn’t return to unless you restarted the level. Finishing a level with 99% of buildings painted was a real sting, heh. ----- So that’s two games starring Wario, and two games starring blobs! And if you count Wario as a fat blob too, then I’ve played four games in a row starring blobs! Anyway, that’s three more off my incomplete list, whoo! I might look at Little King’s Story later, but feel free to suggest something else for me to play on my list.
  3. Thanks for recommending Rabbids Go Home! I thought it would be rude of me to not give it a try after you took the time to look through that large list of mine, so I took the opportunity to play and complete it over the past few days. It was pretty enjoyable to play! Kinda makes me feel bad that I neglected to play it for so long... but better late than never, right? I also decided to complete Trauma Center: Second Opinion and Link's Crossbow Training since they're both pretty short games (well Trauma Center is if you don't count all of the dialogue that it has). I haven't beaten Episode X in Trauma Center though, those bonus operations are just too tough for me. But I saw the ending credits so that counts as completed! Sort of. =P If anybody has a recommendation from my list, let me know!
  4. I am terrible at completing my games. More often than not, I play a game once then forget to ever go back to it. Some I haven't even played once! I made a list a while back to keep track of my incomplete Wii games, so I guess I may as well share it here! I've put it in spoiler tags because it's a loooong list, and there may be a couple of minor (obviously not late-game) spoilers in there.
  5. Having played the game at the same event mentioned in the preview, I can tell you that what they said about the graphics was spot on. I personally thought the game looked great when I played it, and that's coming from someone who was a bit sceptic about the sprites being replaced by 3D models. Certainly made me tempted to upgrade to a 3DS XL! And that Mario Cocktail wasn't bad, either. Far too sweet, though. =P
  6. Whaaat? Nooo, I wouldn't do that. That would just be cruel. He he he~.
  7. I agree. =P
  8. Luigi’s Mansion From what I’ve played, the upcoming Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon is shaping up to be a great game. But I’m sure I’m not the only one who really wanted to see Luigi’s Mansion on the Wii. Using the Wii Remote as the Poltergust to suck up ghosts, it’s a no-brainer! I can see a Wii U version using the Wii U Pad as a device with functions similar to the GameBoy Horror from the Gamecube game, using it to scan objects and take a first-person look at your surroundings to see things you can’t on the big screen (so essentially something similar to what Mokong described above for Fatal Frame 5 I guess =P). Oh, and naturally E-Gadd could call you on the device, too. "Luiiiigi! Yabbo yabbo!" The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords We are long overdue another instalment in these multiplayer Zelda games. Four Swords Adventures for the Gamecube was brilliant fun if you had all the equipment for it, but it was certainly a pretty expensive experience. I’d be happy with either a 3DS or Wii U version, but if a Wii U version was released, I’d wager that Nintendo would most likely try to find a way to make the game work with multiple players without bringing in the 3DS. Up to four players would use the Wii Remotes to control their Link, and other player uses the Wii U Gamepad… somehow. Maybe they can be Tingle and help the other players out... for the right price, of course. =P Paper Mario … I know I’ve now listed two series that are getting sequels on the 3DS in the months to come, but did you ever get a look at this artwork for Paper Mario: Sticker Star? The Paper Mario series has always looked pretty great, but after seeing that, c'mon, a HD Paper Mario game that looks like this has to happen. I'm sure Nintendo and Intelligent Systems would come up with a way to make the game stand out from its predecessors as well. The Paper Mario series is probably one of the best representations of Mario's world, bursting to the brim with charm, character and humour, and personally, I can't get enough of it.
  9. Aye. My brothers were never very enthusiastic about playing, though. We would only play 1 vs. 3 because there was too big of a "skill" gap between us. It didn't get played that much within the family because of this.


    That was about four years ago... so it's been a long time since I've been able to play extensively locally. And people don't really play much online anymore. It's a shame, but that's life. I'm sure when the next instalments arrive that there'll be a lot of popularity online once more. If you want to play Brawl though, you should do your best to actively hunt down players. Maybe with enough pestering you could convince some to play again. =P

  10. Before I went to university I used to play a lot with friends and my three brothers. Since then, however, I don't really have anybody to play with. Which is a shame, because I really enjoy four player Brawls, heh. But to answer your question, no, I don't really have anybody to play with locally. Sadly not many people to play online with, either. =P

  11. Ehhh, it didn't take too long. It's mainly a case of playing until your mind and hands readjust to a new button layout (so for me the hardest part was the A, B, X and Y buttons). Just keep at it and you'll get used to them in time. It might be a bit harder for you, since judging by what I saw last night, you seem to have attempted to learn a select few characters and the "competitive" techniques they're capable of. I've never tried to learn the characters, heh. But I'm sure you'll be able to learn again with enough practice.


    But all that said, if you intend to learn the Wii U Pro Controller, keep in mind that you'll probably have to learn to adjust yet again due to the different button placement. But that's just how gaming on Nintendo consoles is, what with the company changing the controllers all the time. =P

  12. Oh, hey. No, I don't use a Gamecube controller. Not anymore anyway. I switched to a Classic Controller Pro some time ago. Think it was to get used to something I could potentially use for the next instalments in Smash Bros., heh. It can be hard to switch controllers with different layouts, but practice makes perfect! Good games last night by the way. Sorry, I must have forgotten to reply in the thread.

  13. I think the game is looking very pretty, and I am very much looking forward to trying it out when it is released. I don't think there's much else for me to say, other than I look forward to seeing more and that I'm interested in where Olimar is. Since I don't have much to say about the game itself, I guess I'll go what could arguably be a little off-topic and mention that I highly enjoyed the opening segment it had for Nintendo's presentation. It always brings a smile to my face seeing that Nintendo charm both inside and outside of their games, and you can just tell that Miyamoto was genuinely having fun on that stage introducing this game to everybody. It's seeing and experiencing these moments that make me really appreciate this company and what they do. Yeah, I realise I sound rather sentimental. =P
  14. Ah, um, thank you for the compliments! The baby in the dream was adorable, and you certainly looked happy to have her. Even if Ashley was apparently the father. =P


    And I don't really post anywhere often, really. I think I prefer to simply read other people's posts than make my own. Other members have told me to post more on N-E over MSN, but I guess I believe that I don't think I have anything of worth to say. But I do appreciate your kind words!


    I certainly don't think I should blog, though. I fear my rambling can get quite annoying to others when they have to endure it on a regular basis. But I'm glad in this instance, you've found it entertaining! If you actually want to hear more for some reason, as mentioned, I do have MSN, heh.

  15. Oh, well it's just how I am really. I have a tendency to think about things too much. I think I just had to get it off my chest, otherwise I'd have been constantly thinking about this imaginary baby! I believe now I've shared my dream with you my mind has calmed down a bit, so I guess the card probably won't be necessary. But hey, if I could do something nice for you sometime, let me know!


    And yes, I suppose it would be hard to dream about someone if you didn't know what they looked like! I don't exactly post much/stand out around here, so I guess you could consider me a background character at best, heh. I enjoy reading everybody's posts though, and I guess you in particular must have made an impression on me, hence why you were in my dream (I did always want to say I thought you were great in the Ace Attorney Mafia, pal)!


    ...I, um, also have a tendency to ramble. My apologies! I'll, just, er, go back to not posting and let you get back to talking with sane people, heh.

  16. Last night I had a dream where Ashley was telling everybody on N-E that he and you had just had a baby. And since I’ve woken up, despite acknowledging that this was a dream, I still feel like I need to send you a card to congratulate you. Can I do that? Can I send you two a card? I don’t think my mind is going to be at rest until I do. If you also want to get an actual baby involved somehow to make the scenario more authentic then that’s fine, too.


    I don't know why I'm even saying all of this. And yes, I do realise that I appear to sound like a mental nutcase. Ignooore meee! =P

  17. I think the shiny outline indicates that you can activate a super move. So in this example, since Fat Princess and Colonel Radec haven't filled their super gauge enough to activate a super move, they don't have that shiny outline. I guess you could say it's similar to when somebody grabs a Smash Ball in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which causes the character to emit a fiery aura. ----- The Super Smash Bros. series has had its fair share of imitators. Some are completely shameless copies, such as Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up, whilst a few of them, such as the Japan only Jump Ultimate Stars, try to change the formula a little more (in this example's case, by battling with customised decks consisting of Battle, Support and Help Komas). So, does PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale do anything to differentiate itself from the series it draws inspiration from? Well from what I've gathered, the gameplay doesn’t involve trying to knock your opponents off the stage (and from the stages revealed so far, it is actually impossible to do). Players don’t even have a health bar. Instead, beating up opponents fills your super gauge, which allows you to perform one of three super moves, depending on how many bars you’ve filled with this gauge (you can also fill the gauge by collecting glowing white orbs that spawn around the stages, known as AP). More bars filled means gaining access to moves with greater opportunities to kill multiple opponents. All of these super moves are one-shot KOs, and appear to be the only way you can actually kill your opponents. Is it different enough then? Perhaps. They've at least tried to do more than lazily change cumulative damage to a health bar. However, I believe that super moves being the only way to defeat your opponents is going to be problematic to the game's potential enjoyment. It's not the only problem I have with the game either, but thoughts like these are perhaps a bit premature, and I think I've rambled on for long enough for now. Once E3 comes around, I think we'll have a more solid idea about what to expect from this game. As a side note, if I can't hear Stephen Fry in the LittleBigPlanet level I'm going to be bitterly disappointed. =P
  18. Audio I know Mega Man is the most likely to get in Capcom wise, but I want Phoenix Wright moooore! =P (And Level 5's Professor Layton, who I actually think has a chance.)
  19. One thing I enjoyed in Melee and Brawl was the inclusion of Smash Taunts. Only available to Snake and the Star Fox characters, you could use a special taunt when playing as these characters on their respective stages. With a Smash Taunt, Snake can communicate with other characters from the Metal Gear series! I bring this up because after playing Kid Icarus: Uprising, I'd like Pit to join the Smash Taunts club. I'm sure Pit, Palutena and other Kid Icarus characters have plenty of entertaining things to say about the cast of Super Bash Sisters Super Smash Bros. =P (Also include the Eggplant Wizard as an Assist Trophy and/or include the Eggplant Bomb, so we can turn our opponents into eggplants!)
  20. Audio ----- Well, that's me done I guess. That was a looot more challenging than I thought it would be, haha. Glad I managed to do it to the end, though. That said, I don't think I'd do it again. =P I've really enjoyed everybody else's submissions, too! I wish I had some of the talent that was in this thread, heh. Did anyone actually notice the haiku? No? Okay. =P
  21. Hey, a sprite comic! Didn't I used to do these? ...Nah, I don't think so.
  22. Just three days remain of the draw a day challenge! The end approaches... Audio
  23. It's I.T. Crowd's Moss, eating Smarties cereal. Flipping brilliant!
  24. Let's fly together! ...But only for five minutes. We can't let Pit fall!
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