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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. This thread is moving too fast, pals! Though activity is a good thing, heh. I don't know what to think of this Yvonne thing at the moment, but I think it's probably likely that either Zell or Yvonne are mafia... maybe. One thing I think is that Yvonne probably isn't lying about Supergrunch targeting Zell. I don't think Yvonne would have any reason to lie about that, it would just cause people to think "Woah, Yvonne must have lied! Mafia!" once Supergrunch was discovered innocent. That's what makes me think Yvonne might be innocent at the moment, pals. To make sure we don't overlook things whilst on this whole Yvonne thing: I'd like @EEVILMURRAY to perhaps go into a bit more detail on this? Pal?
  2. Urk! S-sorry pal. I mean madam! I mean young lady! Anyway, er, @Zell, who did you target last break? (I hope I did that tagging thing right)
  3. No problem, pal! That said, I'd like to ask you a question. Supergrunch targeted you, and apparently your power is related to your talking... How you have more energy when you talk more, and that it could be beneficial or harmful to us. You also apparently targeted yourself during the first break (or rather Maddog did)... Basically, I guess I'd like some details, pal?
  4. I already gave my info, pal. =P Sorry that I don't have anything else.
  5. Err, pals.. if Zell is a roleblocker, and nobody was arrested this time... could we assume perhaps that Zell roleblocked someone who's evil? Just putting that theory out there, pals..
  6. My thought is that there's probably someone who can plant evidence on others, which I guess might be why he came up as evil in my investigation. Sorry, Supergrunch, pal.. Anyway, as for what I did last break: I decided to try and help you out, pal! I investigated Diageo during the last break and found out that he was innocent. It doesn't really prove whether you're paranoid or dumb, but at least we know that we're getting different outcomes on our investigations, pal! Is that helpful? Am I helping?
  7. I think you're innocent, Mr. Gant, sir! I don't think there'd be so many members of the police force being incriminated and arrested if you were a member of the mafia. There is one thing I gotta ask though. Looking back, you were questioning MadDog during courtroom session 2: That's where the conversation dies out. Did you forget about this, sir? Also if I did get protection last night, I hope I'm protected again, pals! I hope that's not selfish of me to ask again, heh.
  8. Your Honor, sir! I understand if you want another break soon, but please, in the event we don't get a majority due to inactivity, I ask for a bit more time! After all, today is Halloween, and people may want to dress up in silly costumes, so we should take that into consideration, sir! I would have gone as the Blue Badger, sir, but my salary means I can't afford the costume... But if we get one more vote, this won't matter. It's a shame we didn't get more info out of this session... but I guess we gotta put priority on the majority this time, pals!
  9. I think it's safe to say that whoever the roleblocker is, they are probably evil, pal. The circumstances in which you were roleblocked match up to how Mr. Edgeworth/The Peeps was attacked during the first break.
  10. Well, er, I found conclusive evidence on Supergrunch. He's evil, pals! Vote: Supergrunch (Don't let that information stop any other information coming in though.)
  11. Gonna go ahead and say before the courtroom session is over that protection would be nice, pals. If anybody out there can protect that is. =P
  12. You didn't quote anybody during courtroom session 1!
  13. Hm? I think you're confusing me with darksnowman, pal. He's the one who got the info on Cube, yesterday! (Speaking of which, he hasn't mentioned what he got up to last night. That said, nobody has asked up to this point!)
  14. I already posted my testimony about that. =P Again, sorry that there's nothing more, but that's all I got, pal.
  15. Sorry pal, but I can't elaborate further than that. All the info I got was that I found incriminating evidence in both his office and his breifcase, that the evidence was solid, and that he was evil (that was the precise word I was given by the way. Evil. =P)
  16. Ah, well the text describing my role made me think that there may be times where I could get things wrong. So thinking I might be a dumb cop, I investigated myself, pal! I found nothing suspicious about me, so I'm innocent. I was very glad I didn't have to arrest myself, pal!
  17. Well I found conclusive incriminating evidence in both his room and his briefcase, pal. And yeah, not ideal timing on my part, sorry heh. I just wanted to see what other info was out there.
  18. Well since there's no other info being thrown about, I guess I should share mine - ReZ is evil. Vote: ReZ
  19. "Ah!" Wait, if you got redirected after targeting me, did the same perhaps apply for everybody who targeted me? Including the one who incriminated Rummy? If so, thank you Mr. Gant, sir!
  20. What did I tell ya, pal?! We're all dropping like flies! Hm, seems to be a lack of Godot in the write-up this time. I wonder why...
  21. I'm.. completely clueless as to what is being said now. I guess Jonnas picked the perfect match for me character-wise, haha. Since darksnowman has elaborated on the whole "corrupt" thing though, I'll Remove Vote.
  22. It's as I feared. They've started picking off members of the police force already! I'm gonna be really annoyed if I die cause I really like the Ace Attorney games. =P Corrupt isn't exactly a word I'd associate with someone who was innocent, so I'll Vote: Cube, too. That said, darksnowman hasn't mentioned yet what he actually took from Cube's office, so maybe we should go steady on the voting whilst we press a little further on these matters, pals...
  23. Heh, I get the feeling us detectives aren't gonna be here for long, pals. =P Vote: Instant noodles break!
  24. Sure, I'll give it a go.
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