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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. If I had to guess, they probably don't use the SD Card for replays and custom stages in this game because of what happened in Brawl (the stage builder could be exploited to get access to homebrew and piracy). Not sure if replays could be manipulated too though (I know you could extend Brawl's 3-minute time limit and add player names)... I've been running through the oldest of my replays thus far, watching and recording the parts I wanted to potentially keep. I've only managed to delete 20 replays so far, heh... That should hopefully be enough space for any shenenigans that go on tonight at least. I'll open a room in about 15 minutes!
  2. I don't think the cannon portion really works anyway, even if I did fix it so you couldn't fall through the wall (unless I used it just for 1 stock games). I wanted it to be closed off, but obviously fighters respawn from the top of the screen, and clearly putting lava on the top of the stage didn't deter you from hanging out up there in the coin match. Chances are I'll have to scrap the cannon bit and just make it an open top stage. Which will probably make it work better as a stage in general (why do items spawn on lava), but maaaan, I really wanted to include the feeling of being shot into something like a pachinko or pinball machine... I was gonna write or draw something on the left wall by the way, but the game wouldn't let me. Ran out of space apparently, can you believe that? How absurd. Hey, you guys won one of those two matches! They were sorta close both times, too. I'm not invincible (unless I pick up a star)! I enjoyed last night, but I now seem to have a little problem... I've run out of space for replay data! Thing is I'm scratching my head as to why, since I still had almost 1800MB or space on my system memory when I got this message (replays can't be saved to SD card apparently, which is dumb because Brawl could do this), and after deleting a demo to get more space, I got the same message. So it looks like Smash Wii U has a replay limit too. It's not a set number like the 3DS version's 64 replay limit though. I had 161 replays, but when I deleted an old one I managed to save at least two more. In anycase, I'm gonna have to crawl through all of these replays and see which ones I want to keep before I can start saving more online moments. Thiiiis could take a while... at least we know now, eh? =P I'll try to be online at the usual 8PM tonight. I just hope I can record the stuff I want to keep by then so I can save more things!
  3. You apparently declined my request to join the new room, so I made one of my own. I won't start without you, so come on in.
  4. There's currently three playing, so there's room for one more at the moment! Note to self: pachinko stage needs work.
  5. My computer is melting now because of this thread. I saved the replays of all of those matches except the Duck Hunt and Temple stages. Don't know why I didn't save Duck Hunt, but Temple ended in a No Contest, which you can't save replays for sadly. With those points said, I commend the dedication to the thread and I also look forward to you buying me a new computer that can handle your GIFs. =P
  6. @DuD and @Rummy, I just thought I'd mention that whilst they didn't have an adapter on its own I did manage to find a Game & Adapter bundle at my local Smyths (I bought it for myself because I wanted an adapter and my bro wanted the game heh), so maybe if you have one nearby you can get your local store's number and see if they have any? It's a long shot (the guy behind the counter told me that their next supposed shipment had been cancelled), but if you're still searching it might be worth a try!
  7. Thanks for all the compliments on the video, pals. Of course, it wouldn't be possible to make it without you as the players! The popular time seems to be 8PM UK time (9PM on Thursdays due to the Mario Kart League), but you could possibly rustle up some players at a different time if you mention a time here, provided it isn't something like, "Gonna play right now join me I'm so spontaneous guyyyys!" (By the way, sorry @Kaepora_Gaebora, I'm sure we can arrange a game for you if you couldn't get anyone to play with you earlier!) Rules can be all over the place, especially when RedShell is in the group, but the typical game is a 3 stock match, with items usually on, depending on who is in the room and whose item settings the game chooses each match. Personally I'm okay with most sorts of rule sets, but if you wanted to play a specific rule set I'm sure people will accommodate provided you let people know here your wishes in advance. As for testing how you'll stack up, if you want one of those no items 1-on-1 "For Glory" type challenges, well, off the top of my head Calv and -Dem0- are a good bet, but they don't like posting in this thread for whatever reason (I worked so hard making this a nice place you guys why won't you acknowledge meeeee?!) You may have to settle for little ol' me if you can't get them. =P Oh, and the Ludwig was meeee. I like crouching with the Koopalings. Luigi too, or anybody who can crawl or scurry about.
  8. I decided to make a video of some of the moments us n-e members have had in online matches so far! If you want to know which members are in the video, I made a list in the online meet up thread, so head on over there to find out. And whilst you're in there, maybe arrange to have a few matches with each other! Like a community and stuff! That'd be nice I think. On a separate note, I managed to get all the Mii Outfits the other day. Plenty of hats and special moves to go, though... My soul is only crushed a little bit so far! Yaaaay!
  9. I finally got the video done! Yay! It probably wasn’t worth the wait at all! I may reupload the video again at a later date with the player names attached somehow, but for now you’ll just have to take my word for it when I say that the following members are in this video: @\-Dem0\- @Glen\-i @Mr\-Paul @Nintendo Fan @RedShell @Tales @The Peeps And of course, as player 1, meeeee! You know, looking at this video after saying I'm player 1, I sure did have a lot of clips where I got KO'd... It makes me look like a terrible player! At least it also shows that I'm not bad at getting the Daybreak item. =P Hopefully I'll be able to make another vid in the future. If you want that to be a possibility, then do your bit and keep on smashing!
  10. Yeah, sorry about that. I've actually been rather ill for the past 3-4 weeks, but this week has been really bad, pretty much bedridden. I think I've gotten past the worst of it now, though. Anyway, I'll be on at around 9pm tonight! Maybe! Probably! Hopefully!
  11. Haha, I didn't get to see that (I had to peeeee...)! Still, plenty of hilarious moments tonight. Really, people complain about items and crazy stages, but tonight was a prime example of why they're here in the game! I'm hoping to get some work done on that video tomorrow, so fingers crossed for that. I was actually gonna make a thread for screens and stuff when we heard more news about the upcoming update that lets you share replays and such, but who knows when that's gonna happen, so hopefully lots of people go and use your thread. Oh, @The Peeps! In regards to the Superhub, I remember I actually got my router working thanks to n-europe via this thread, so give that a read and try out some of the settings other members posted to see if you get any improvement. Also, here's the Nintendo Service Center's instructions, which appear pretty similar.
  12. We have the same thing! Terrible little device isn't it. Can't use the PS3 with mine at all. =P I bet my connection could be better given my experience with Mario Kart recently, but I remember I had to fiddle with my Wii U's internet settings when I first got it, so I'll check out my Wii U's system settings later for you. I know for the Superhub I've got UPnP enabled, which as it was one of those terms I saw whilst Googling about this, might be something you want to check. I'm going to be a bit late, maybe around 9:30pm. I hope. We'll see. Hopefully @Glen\-i are already smashing!
  13. Like @RedShell, I shall probably be online around 9PM! I like the giphys by the way. That said, I don't think this poor old computer of mine can handle so many large ones on a single page. =P Well, hm. Perhaps you could tell us what your router is and we might be able to fiddle with things. I wouldn't want you to miss out due to a connection specific to this game... Damn right I no illiterate, RedShell. That's right, I saw it.
  14. Wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me if I didn't jump off with you, would it. =P There is definitely an issue with your connection )at least with Smash anyway), but I'm no tech wiz, so I can't really help I'm afraid... Googling suggests things involving fiddling with your router settings, but you're probably better off asking somebody who actually knows what they're talking about heh.
  15. How dare yohhh wait it's fine go ahead. One more space available for anybody who wants to join!
  16. Looks like I have another thing to add to the tips section later! I also totally forgot you could use custom stages online. I might actually have to make some now. =P As usual, enjoyed last nights matches. I've been busy during the days recently, but when I get the time I'll probably try recording the replays I saved over the last few days and get a montage of moments posted, like I did occasionally with Brawl. Replays don't keep track of people's names during the match unfortunately, but I might try editing them in, depending on how lazy I am heh. I'll be heading online again around 8PM tonight! Maybe not play until 1AM this time however. @RedShell, just so you know the only fighter I've actually customised is Palutena. I'm just using random settings for everyone else. =P To everyone else, room is open! Two spots open at time of writing!
  17. Nah, you're not borin', we had some interesting moments. By the way, if you're wondering how you lost in our Olimar vs. Sonic match, that Peckish Aristocrab walked off the stage and landed onto the can on the right... which pushed up the can on the left, which you had just landed on. =P Good games tonight everyone! Oh, I've noticed a number of people with the default taunts, so I added a tip on how to change those into the first post, just in case you wanted to know how! My Ace Attorney taunts don't work quite so well in this game... OBJEC TION! =(
  18. My room is now open! Come on in, @The Peeps!
  19. Noice. Be sure to accept the friend request I sent you last night! Two more spots remain! If you folks are quick enough, we might even be able to arrange some team battles! 3 vs 1 lets go I can take all of you chumps. =P
  20. I've updated the first post with the following: Moved the Nintendo Network IDs section to the top. Added Custom Special Moves that need to be unlocked via Challenges to the Unlockables section. Added a Tips section. If you have any recommended tips to add, feel free to let me know! That first post is getting pretty long. I'll probably be smashing online at the same time (8pm) tonight, btw!
  21. Sorry @\-Dem0\-: I just saw your bro's Miiverse message, tell him I'm sorry I didn't respond (because you can't view these messages whilst playing online). Get him in this thread too if he's interested in taking part!
  22. Highlight your name (below "Player #"), and you can input a new name, or use one you've already set. Sorry about this @Mr\-Paul, lots of uninvited guests tonight! Keep an eye out for drop-outs, ok?
  23. I'll have to drop out to add you. Currently mid-match. Bear with me! EDIT 1: @Tales, You're added now. If you're friends with RedShell, you can join the game I was just in, or I can make a new room. Your call. Orrr welsh_gamer can just sneak in that room instead. I'll make a room.
  24. Unfortunately, there currently isn't a share feature for this game... yet. @Mr\-Paul, if there is nobody else around online, then I'll happily drop out and let you have a go! It would require you to have the other three players as friends though, depending on who becomes the host after I left...
  25. Thought I'd try my hand at taking on seven lvl9 CPUs, just to see if I could. I could not. Which was to be expected really, but the real stinger was what I chose as my opponents. Why, @RedShell. The horror. The horror... Thought you'd seen the last of these guys, eh?
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