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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. Hm, was hoping others would have responded by now. Oh well! Just means that instead of my plans being a reserve, I will be bringing the smashing directly to you. =P If you'll have me.
  2. I caught on to that pretty quickly (you won far too much for your setups to be random =P). It did demonstrate how beneficial custom setups can be when you make them yourself, though. If RedShell takes some time to make some if his own setups he might actually start racking up the wins, too! This was the only setup I made, hastily put together before jumping online last night. I think RedShell liked it! EDIT: @The Peeps! I think I may have to cancel, I've got family over. I'll let you know if this changes, but in the meantime, somebody step up to the plate and play with Peeps!
  3. Gonna need a senzu for that one. By the way, when playing on Palutena's Temple, was it just my game that Pit and Palutena talked about a Mii Brawler (of which there wasn't one in that match)? "Here we have a Mii Brawler." Good eye, Goddess. There are still two more spots available for 8PM tonight! Do not be shy, my smash brothers and bash sisters, and post to join in. This time I'll be starting with our usual 3 stock, items on, customs off rules, but people are free to change it as the smashing continues!
  4. I think standard fights are going to remain the, um, standard (and I think most custom moves are a bit meh), but I think tonight was pretty fun. I must have a lot of speed equipment because the only thing my characters could really do was run about at uncontrollable levels. =P Anywho, got a bit laggy with Glen-i's entrance, but otherwise I think it went well! Hope everyone enjoyed themselves tonight! Those who wanna play tomorrow, speak up!
  5. A little late, but the room is now open! Come on in, @Glen\-i.
  6. I'm the same, but you can still pick a character and apply a random custom setup to them. So your Little Mac could play differently in every match! Or you could take a quick few minutes before hopping online to make a setup you like. Giving Little Mac some speed equipment for example could improve his jumping ability a bit! Having no equipment whatsoever could make your character a bit outclassed, so I hope you consider one of these options. In anycase, good to have you! Two more spaces available!
  7. *Ignores the lack of activity over the past month and a half* I feel like playing Smash tonight! And I feel like playing with customs on, since we haven't seen much use of that stuff. I haven't really customised any characters, so I'll probably just be going random (that means both custom moves and equipment can be used). If you have any neat combinations, feel free to show them off! I'm thinking of opening at the usual 8PM UK time, so sound off if you're interested! I'm so lonely... Speaking of sound, for some reason I drew a crappy logo for something that doesn't exist! ...Get it? Talk with n-e... or perhaps talk with "knee"? Which sounds like talk with me? I'm sorry. Audio I don't know why I'm including this. Hm, well it was something I listened to as I drew, so, uh, yeah? That being said, whilst not really a voice chat guy myself, I have been thinking about workarounds since it's apparently a big deal to people. I have no plans for tonight, but I'm considering trying out something tomorrow if people will be interested in playing then!
  8. ...Thanks to this game, Mario Kart 8 and other games I've posted about, I feel like I've unintentionally started to build a bit of a scary image of myself on n-e. Maybe I should buy Monster Hunter 4 (or be cheap and restart Monster Hunter 3 on Wii U) to play together and prove to you all that I can actually be quite a bit crap at the video games. Mokong knows. Couldn't even figure out voice chat in that game. =P EDIT: Yes, this is a late reply to your posts.
  9. I kinda of gave up on the idea of buying all of the Smash amiibos because money, but also when wave 3 started, I just couldn't find these things in stores (though I can't find many Nintendo products in general in stores these days, heh). At the same time I feel conflicted, because I still want at least the original twelve fighters for nostalgia's sake, and some of my favourites like the Kirby and Kid Icarus characters. I don't think I'll be able to get a King Dedede or Meta Night, though... Or a Ness. I think one sore point that stands out for European buyers in particular is that number they add to the packaging on the top right. Must be a nightmare for collectors to have a number missing in a collection that Nintendo haven't been able to adequately supply. I believe I would be more forgiving of the situation if Nintendo were more open about what they will and won't be restocking. I know that the company have said some things with various degrees of vagueness, but it's definitely something they could improve upon so people don't feel like they have to import or give in to scalpers to buy the ones they want. @Hero\-of\-Time, it's a shame this happened to you! Wave 4 sold out pretty, so I'm assuming scalpers took a hefty amount before the limitation hit and the Nintendo UK store just wiped out all orders with more than 1 of each amiibo, which meant genuine collectors like yourself got caught in it. But there's always a possibility that they'll allow people to preorder again with all that potential cancelled stock they now have maybe! Perhaps you should hold on to what you have until Wave 4's release date before letting them all go. And if not, m-maybe lemme buy your Dedede and Meta Knight if you have those. That sounded rude.
  10. Hey gen chit chat! Is this the right place to put this? Am I doing general chit chat right? Not enough GIFs, you say? Sorry, it's been a while. I haven't posted to this area of the forums that much in recent years, mostly because I don't really have much of a life worth talking about. But I thought I would take a moment to show a gift (well, a bunch of gifts actually) I got from @Eenuh. Yesterday was my Birthday, and today I got this in the mail: Bubble wrap! And some other things I guess! Before delving into the contents, I just wanted to mention the box itself. It was used previously for contact lenses (Ine took the time to write on the box itself to assure me that she didn't get me contact lenses for my Birthday, which amused me). With the size of the box, my first thought was "…How big are Ine's contact lenses? How big are Ine's eyes?!", before coming to the conclusion that she probably just received a large number of lenses. Or perhaps not that many contact lenses, but with a lot of bubble wrap. The original label also said URGENT, which gave my mind imagery of a doctor screaming "This woman is BLIIIND! She needs TEN THOUSAND CONTACT LENSES, STAT!" …Anyway, onto the stuff inside the box. Firstly, a Birthday card with stickers! I wish I knew where to put these stickers, I really do! A sticker is a commitment of sorts, because once they're placed somewhere you're stuck with that choice forever! Well, unless you're really good at removing stickers that is. I'm not. Regardless, these things are super nice. Why wouldn't they be? They're Ine Spee stickers. By the way, as this post evidently shows, I can get a bit, um, wordy. This kind of extends to my handwritten messages, and often when I've sent Ine something she has to get through a novel that has been written in the space of a card… plus the envelope. The first time I got a handwritten card from Ine a few years back (she was still living in Belgium at the time) it wasn't that lengthy, but she's gradually filled her cards with more and more words to the point where she has caught up with me! I'm actually a little scared that my tendency to ramble is contagious now. Secondly, cookies! Or to be specific, hasseltse speculaas (see Ine, your handwriting is legible). I've thought about mailing Ine baked goods in the past but it can be a bit difficult to do. Plus she's Belgian, which means she is like a connoisseur of amazing desserts and the like. I'm glad I didn't in the end because whatever I could have made just doesn't compare to how nice these things taste. And she made them herself! Ohhh, the feelings! So many of the feelings! She also tried to guilt me in the card by saying I could give them to someone else if I didn't like them, but there's no way I'm sharing these. =P Thirdly, hnnnnngh! To those who don't know or have maybe forgotten, when I first joined the forums I used Deku Link from Majora's Mask as my signature and avatar. What we have here is a pastel drawing of said character by Ine herself. The feels are now in overdrive and my heart is meeeltiiing. And apparently this is what she can churn out when she's "rusty". I swear, this gal and her talent just continue to blow my mind to this day. I have to find a frame for this. …and If all that wasn't enough, she even got me a GAME gift card too. She probably won't like me heaping on all this praise (err, sorry by the way), and you lot pretty much know this already, but I had to take the time to say that Ine is just an incredible person and that I'm extremely thankful I have her in my life. Thanks again, Ine! Said it to you today already, but It's the best gift I've ever had.
  11. Aww, what a match for the connection to die on! Shame you can't save replays when matches end in a 'No Contest'. Oh, right, whilst I'm here, thanks to everyone for the video compliments, and apologies to @DuD! I was going to reply to your post regarding Wednesday Smashing but I got completely distracted by my writing and forgot all about posting a reply! Next time we play, you get to issue a free Falcon Punch to my face. =P
  12. The footage is actually taken from the replays I've saved, but lag has been a relatively non-issue for the majority of the time I've played with people here. It hasn't been flawless, there's been hiccups, but rarely has it been bad. You should try and have some matches with members here, and if the issues persist then it might be your connection. If you have a Virgin Media SuperHub, this thread might be helpful, as may the Nintendo Service Center's instructions. Just... throwing that out there.
  13. =I I thought I put it as unlisted. Welp. I've fixed it now. Now you can watch it. Why must life/first world problems be so hard.
  14. This is Maidahiro Sproukurai (um...). I finally made a second video of Smash moments that I have had with fellow members of n-europe. When Sprougeru Maidamoto and Sproutoru Maiwata watched this video, they both responded with something along the lines of, "Eh, it's ok I guess", which is good enough for me because I'm tired of cutting and pasting clips together! Here it is, featuring moments from matches at the end of 2014! Whilst I shake my fist over the fact that the update with sharing features still has no release date in sight and cry over the thought that I might have to make a third video one day, why not head on over to the game's online meet up thread and arrange some matches with each other. Be all friendly and stuff! Just remember that although the smashing is but an interactive fiction playing out on your TV screens, the laughter, the tears and whatever feelings in your heart that may appear? THOSE ARE REAL! …And if you have Skype or whatever, you can tell those feelings to your opponents forthwith. /obligatory voice chat joke EDIT: Mr-Paul let me know the video was private. It's been well established in the past, but I am an idiot. It has been fixed now. The video I mean. Not my idiocy. That can't be fixed. I'm sorry.
  15. It took longer than expected, but I got a second video done! Now with names! Goodness, I hope I didn't make any mistakes... I also put in a little bit of extra work for the intro and ending than the previous video, so I hope you enjoyed those parts, too. This time, I opted for a Punch-Out!! motif after taking one K.O. Punch too many to the face, courtesy of The Peeps in particular. =P This video features matches from the end of 2014 that included the following members: @Alak @\-Dem0\-'s brother @Glen\-i @Mr\-Paul @Nintendo Fan @RedShell @Rummy @Tales @The Peeps …That being said, I feel bad that I was unable to get any decent screentime for some members. Sometimes it's that I haven't played against them enough (like Calv and -Dem0-), sometimes it's just that the matches they’re involved in at the time don't really fit in videos like this. Regardless I still feel bad about it, so to Alak, Nintendo Fan, Mr-Paul and Tales in particular, my apologies! If I ever get the chance to do a third video (I don’t think poor Pit wants me to though at this point), I hope I can include you a bit more. By the way, I've updated the first post with recent NNIDs that I completely didn't forget about (but do fill in any gaps for me and let me know if I've forgotten anybody). I've also created a Videos section, which includes both the first and second of my videos (the first one has even been updated with user names)! If any of you ever create a video of Smash games with fellow n-e members, feel free to share it, and I'll consider adding it to this section.
  16. Alrighty! We have DuD and Rummy here, and we've got room for one more! So come on in if you want some games! Oh, but let me know if you haven't got me added as a friend.
  17. Oi, @DuD, stop playing For Glory and show me how much you've improved as Lucaaaaaah I made myself feel a bit sad there. Also let me know your preferred rules maybe. By the by to those who mentioned it above, I myself am not that finely tuned into the ways of voice chat, so I'm probably not the best man for the job for organising such a thing, but if you folks solidify an idea of a workaround for in-match banter, I can always add it to the opening post. Make it 'official' and whatnot EDIT: I'm gonna go ahead and open a room now (7:30PM UK) and see if anyone bites byyyy... 8:00PM. 8:30PM if I'm feeling desperate for Smash tonight. =P
  18. For the past week I've been focused on getting the last couple of challenges out of the way. It's been quite a struggle because one of those challenges included collecting all of the custom headgear, so I've been through random drop chance hell. Random chance doesn't like me very much (by the way, I didn't get one of those New 3DS Ambassador e-mails and I'm not bitter about this at all. N o t... A t... A l l...) But after about a week, I can finally say... Done! Done! Done! ...You get the idea. The 3DS version rewarded you for completing each set of challenges. In this game... ...You get 2000000G! I can't even offer it to the Goddess like in Kid Icarus Uprising this time! There's a lot to say, especially with a game this big, but I'm not quite sure how to tackle it yet, if at all. I might just do my usual thing and remain the silent member. Regardless, as far as I'm concerned this game, like the 3DS version, is now 100% complete! Here are my stats up to this point! “FINAL” RESULTS (as of 11th January 2015) Audio High Scores (actual scores, not Global Smash Power): Classic: 1168800 as Mario (9.0 Intensity) Crazy Orders: 27 as Ike All-Star: 2811000 as Pikachu (Hard) 10-Man Smash: 00:11:78 as Ness 100-Man Smash: 02:24:40 as Marth 3-Minute Smash: 120 as Bowser Rival Smash: 93 as Captain Falcon Endless Smash: 200 as Link Cruel Smash: 8 as Lucina Target Blast Stage 1: 209300 as Link Target Blast Stage 2: 343060 as Toon Link Target Blast Stage 3: 726400 as Pit (see it here!) Home-Run Contest: 1005.4m as Ganondorf (completely unexpected!) Trophy Rush: 740830 as Mario Most Used Characters (1 is most used overall): 1: Villager 2: Mario 3: Pit 4: Kirby 5: Robin 6: Donkey Kong 7: Wii Fit Trainer 8: Link 9: Toon Link 10: Captain Falcon 11: Little Mac Least Used Characters (1 is least used overall): 1: Zero Suit Samus 2: Falco 3: Meta Knight 4: Lucario 5: Sheik 6: Zelda 7: Yoshi 8: Mr. Game & Watch 9: Ganondorf 10: Greninja …Disaster Master (Most Self-Destructs): Luigi Here's the amount of matches each fighter has been in so far. Villager has quite a lead! Oh, by the way, I do intend to make another video of N-Europe Smash moments using the replays I recorded up to the end of 2014. I just need to kick myself into gear and do all that mundane editing stuff. Not gonna promise a date, but hopefully I'll be motivated enough to do it relatively soon! I wonder what Pit has been up to...
  19. I've only been passively clearing challenges this time round to pace myself (I've been doing the same with Event Matches), and over the past week I've finally been able to complete some of the challenges that were giving me the most trouble (including that Lucina Cruel Smash one). All that's left are ones that are comparatively easier, and ones that are simply a grind (like those darn collect all custom equipment ones). Here are some of the main ones I've done, and I could give tips for them if people want later. I've hidden the pictures in case people wanted to find out what the pictures are for themselves, but for those who really want to know I put them in spoiler boxes. I didn't resize the images though, so they're quite large!
  20. I'll (hopefully) be around at about 9:30pm for matches tonight, depending on when I get back home! Quick mention to @Mr\-Paul because they've been searching for matches (In your case DuD, send a friend request my way before you play, because you'll need to if you'll want to join a room I make. Glad you finally got your hands on the game by the way). EDIT: or past 10PM. So much for hope. =P
  21. Current status on aaaall these replays. Been watching, recording and deleting replays passively over the past three days, oldest replays first. Been through about 110 so far! But with that said, I've still got around 70 to go… I could use a break, so I’ll be opening a room at around 8PM as usual! Just… maybe do me a favour, and make sure the matches are really boring so I don’t have more replays to go through later. =P
  22. Oh damn and blast. I finally gave into temptation and bought my first Amiibo the other day. "I'll just have the one... Hey, these are actually pretty cooohhhh no..." Essentially, my situation is like this video. In this analogy, I'm Joey, the chocolate cake represents the Amiibos and the woman looking at Joey in disgust represents how society now views me. It's all downhill from here, because I now have four, and possibly two or three more on the way depending on how nice Argos want to be with my reservation of Villager and Marth ones. I don't even want Wii Fit Trainer, but I just ordered one from Game today! I must have them all now for some reason. It's because I never got a Charizard in the Pokémon Trading Card Game as a kid, isn't it? I'm going to be poor forever, aren't I? Send help, pals. Essentially, my situation is like the events of GBA game Mario vs Donkey Kong. In this analogy, I'm Donkey Kong, the Mini Mario toys represent... forget it, basically I'm going to rob the location that makes Amiibos if I don't get one of them, and they'll have to send a fat Italian bloke to throw me off the top of the building.
  23. Ha, I haven't done any drawing since this signature of mine. And I still couldn't create something as good as Ine's works. You'll never get me to admit that I'm kinda sorta maybe okay at aaaaaarrrrrrt! Anyway, super weak finish? That was a great way to finish (i.e. with me dying stupidly)! I always prefer to end my matches on a fun note. =P Good games to @\-Dem0\-'s brother! I hope you all keep on coming back regularly! And Peeps, you were getting KO punches like crazy! You connected more times with that tonight than I have for my whole time playing the 3DS and Wii U games, haha. By the way if either Rummy or The Peeps saved the replay of the Luigi's Mansion match, hang on to it! I forgot to save that one, so I'll have to wait for that sharing update if I wanna use it in the future. EDIT: Also, guys! Tonight we have accomplished a great thing, the accolade of receiving a "...last page" link onto this thread. That's quite a rarity for online meet up threads these day, so well done everyone, and keep Smashing. =P
  24. It's the bird from Ine's Whistle! You can't share levels with friends yet, but there will be a future update (no date for it yet though) that allows you to share custom stages, screenshots and replays! That Smash logo level is RedShell's creation by the way.
  25. Pfft, no need to apologise, RedShell and I aren't what you would call "For Glory" types. =P Currently three in the room! Could potentially be laggy, but if anyone wants to try, hop on in! EDIT: Why do all of my custom stages have glitches. =I
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