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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. You might want to share your NNID with us now if you're not planning on jumping in at 8PM on the dot, as I'd have to drop out to accept your friend request. EDIT: Yooouuu were in the first post already and I didn't notice and I'm sorry and I'll send a friend request to you now.EDIT 2:IIIII already had you and I am just dreadful today. Regardless, it'll be good to have you! Everybody who says they're rubbish always ends up winning at least once, but I wouldn't be concerned about what shows up on the results screen. Just focus on having a fun time! One more space available for tonight for anybody who's reading!
  2. In the Ace Attorney Mafia, I was not a lawyer, but a detective! Some detective you are, pal! And don't think I didn't notice your fellow accomplice! Traitors, the both of you! You say you were hunting monsters last night? Well all you had to do to find them was look in a mirror, because the true monsters are you. It's fine, pals. EDIT: Since we're on a new page, here's a reminder that if there are any takers I'll have rooms open at 8PM both tonight and Wednesday. Post if you're interested!
  3. Wednesday it is! And Tuesday might still be on the cards if anyone else wants to play tomorrow. Speak up, post if you're available and up for it, and buy some scented candles or something because I've been beating this dead horse called Smash for a while now and it's starting to smell a bit.
  4. Well I'm still knocking about, so if the update is quick enough I could open a room, but you might want to get used to the controls and stuff by yourself first heh. Whether you decide to play online tonight or not, I'll definitely play tomorrow for you. Just name a time, yeah? If you don't it'll be my usual suggestion time of 8PM. /broken record
  5. That's convenient. =P Anyway, I sent a friend request your way, @Aneres11, but it looks like it's just li'l ol' me around tonight. What can I say, people are shy to respond I suppose and those who aren't shy are forgetfullll. If not tonight, then I'm hopeful we'll get a group rounded up some time soon! At least it gives you time to unlock stuff, heh.
  6. You won't need to unlock Ness, as he's available from the start in the Wii U version! You can find a list of hidden characters and stages (and how to unlock them) in the first post in this thread. I'm sure I can make a room at my usual 8PM time, but if that doesn't work for you then just name a time that's convenient. Hopefully we can get some others who wanna play, too! Also apologies to @Phube for missing your post the other day. I'm sure you don't want me as an opponent every time though, right? =P Other people need to play more, with or without me!
  7. Didn't think this would end up happening, heh. I'm not sure if I'd be a great player (I seem to have a track record of becoming inactive in your mafias...), but if it's an Ace Attorney mafia, maybe I won't be useless! If you need the numbers then I'll give it a go, Your Honour, sir! Also @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane, you might want to read page 17 of the Let's talk about this place thread if you haven't already, pal.
  8. "Why so happy, King Dedede?" "I GOT A MONSTER TO CLAW THAT THERE KIRBEH!" "She doesn't seem interested."
  9. The Day Phase has ended. Votecount Gizmo [1]: Fierce_LiNk Majority has not been reached Audio Tense debates continued between members of the town with no end in sight. Members who had not posted in a while returned to voice their opinions, whilst others desired to have nothing to do with the ordeal. The most heated discussion of the day however arose as one member made a particular statement... Fair warning, it was arrogant. "I am the foremost knowledgeable person about Pokémon in the world." The town instantly turned on Professor Serebii, who in a mere sentence had managed to steer the debate solely onto him. Many argued about what he said, but their words proved to not be very effective as the professor stood firm by his claim, truly believing that he was the very best like no one ever was, or at least better than Professor Oak because seriously that guy thought there was only 150 Pokémon at one point. This would continue for a while, until all of a sudden, smoke began to fill the area. Amongst the confusion and disarray, a familiar face appeared from the smoke clouds. "Hello dearies..." Jamba has joined the game. The ninja who made his surprise return wasted no time, and swiftly threw his two penneth into the discussion. One to contribute toward the recent ongoing debate surrounding the professor, and the other to contribute his thoughts on, well, what the topic was about in the first place. The town stood in awe at the returning member's presence. Some approached their old friend warmly and welcomed him back, whilst others forgot where they were and decided to talk about the weather instead. The professor couldn't let the ninja's words go unchallenged, however. "To be fair, it's mostly the vocal minority who have issues with me. Never mistake the vocal minority for the majority." "I understand that but we're talking about the things that make this place less desirable to visit, right? Conflicts between you and the vocal minority are a big part of that and when I left, it's all that the board was filled with. In addition, my wife, after reading your post, came to the conclusion that you are an absolute cock!" bluey has joined the game. "He's an absolute cock." bluey has left the game. "...Um, did she really join the game? Didn't Jamba simply speak on her behalf just now? This write-up isn't being entirely faithful to the actual events..." "She was targetted by a silencer in the previous night phase, so can't actually post right now due to being victim to the silencer's disgusting behaviour. However, I have an alliance with her, so we can discuss outside of the thread with our marriage powers." The town continued to argue, as well as talk more about the weather. Damn it's hot. Also Metroid Prime Federation Force came up for some reason. Even Rummy, the topic creator, had had enough, and proceeded to post something that in his own words, was "rude". It could be argued that this "fair warning" was putting things rather generously. And if something could be argued, then it inevitably would. Ronnie's time to strike had come. Audio "You're the one preaching about the importance of being civil. If I had called someone a prat I'm in no doubt I'd have had a warning." Rummy had no counter-argument. "Hey, you're right. I'm banning myself from the thread. I'll be back in 48 hours(midnight thurs/fri I make that). See you all then!" He gave a thanks to Fierce_LiNk for his prior protection, and calmly swung the ban hammer down upon his own person. Rummy has (temporarily) left the game. "...Well, this has sure been an eventful day, pals!" "Hey, you've been inactive for the entire thread despite being mentioned in the first post! And the only thing you have to say after all this time is a stupid and long-winded Mafia write-up joke? It wasn't even timely! It's already been over 12 hours since Rummy banned himself, and several people have posted since! I say we lynch this guy!" For the first time in this game, the town was in complete agreement. Sprout had to go. Sprout is guilty. He was Neutral, and didn't want this write-up to appear like he was making certain members look more unfavorable than others, so asked in his final words that nobody take this post the wrong way. He was a silly loser who contributed nothing of worth to the thread. The Night Phase has begun. ??? members remain. "...Hey, Jamba is great an' all, but don't I get a "Diageo has joined the game.", too? Did anybody even notice that I also came back to make a post? Anyone? My... my chords of steeeeel..." Audio ...Honestly, @Jonnas, how do you and the other Mafia creators make these write-ups interesting? I'm not cut out for this, pal. =P
  10. I, uh, came to the same conclusion two posts after the one you quoted, but thanks for the extra clarification. =P RedShell, you're supposed to be my token crap player so we can get more players in. People don't want to lose all the time, that's why I can say "Don't worry, RedShell is playing, you have a chance!" So even by improving, you continue to disappoint me. That said, you're probably getting better, yes. And this new computer doesn't burst into flames when it senses your GIFs are on the page, so I could read your recent SSB post without worry. Your powers over me have weakened considerably. Man, this post makes me appear like I have such a huge ego.
  11. Well, when you consider that I managed to play as every character at least once tonight, I think we can say that you played around 50 matches. =P Been a long time since I had a Smash session that long. Not sure if I can handle such lengths these days, 'cause I sure am worn out! Regardless, thanks for the games, folks.
  12. Hm, it's good to know I can do it (provided it's not busted). I should probably check about the warranty before opening up a new computer first, heh. I suppose I could turn it into an external harddrive, transfer files via USB and then wipe it... err, right? Unless anybody else chimes in overnight, I'll probably click and collect that Lenovo tomorrow. Thanks again for the advice, @Nolan. I'll be sure to pester you here later if something goes wrong. =P
  13. Room is still open. Join DuD, RedShell and I! EDIT: Orrrr just DuD and I! EDIT2: Since DuD has gone missing, I'm gonna create a new room, so please join that one instead (DuD can rejoin too once he returns from wherever he is). Hopefully you're reading this.
  14. Pfft, the amount of effort being put forth doesn't really matter, all that really matters is that the players are having fun. I hope you've been enjoying it this evening! Game & Watch match was certainly a highlight! And I guess I should explain one or two things from what I observed: Ridley is a boss of sorts. You can attack him, and if you hit him hard enough he will team up with you (meaning his attacks will no longer harm you). You can also KO Ridley, and if you do so in a Time match, that will add a point to your score. The Beetle and Boss Galaga items (the ones that would slowly carry you upwards off the screen) can be escaped from if your percentage is low enough by wiggling the control stick/mashing the buttons. The Beetle can also be reflected by normal attacks. That S Flag will give you an extra life in stock matches. That's why I kept taunting "TAKE THAT!" next to it for you. =P That's all I can think of from what we've played off the top of my head, but if you have anything else you're wondering about I'll do my best to answer. Room will open again in about 15 minutes! Anyone readin' this is free to join!
  15. In that case, I'm takin' a dinner break! I'll be back from 7:30-8pmish I guess. Room will be open to everyone so feel free to let DuD feel your wrath, folks! (Oh, and I was right, Alt. Smash attacks are when you press A+B (or whatever you've assigned standard and special attacks to) to do a smash attack. Probably implemented in an effort to save all those poor 3DS circle pads.)
  16. I have no clue. =P I think it may allow you to use A+B together to use Smash attacks, but I don't know for certain without checking. Never altered my controls myself, heh.
  17. I... don't think so? Don't worry, you can drop out to change them. I'll wait.
  18. Yeah that was the plan for the graphics card. I'm always nervous about opening up a computer though, heh. Thank you for the advice, @Nolan! I think the Intel Lenovo is the one I'm gravitating towards, but if there's any additional recommendations (on and off the ones I listed) then I'm open to suggestions! You don't have to go out of your way or anything though. Oh, on another note, I backed up some stuff before the computer died, but is there any way I can access the stuff from my old harddrive? Then after that I could maybe wipe it and turn it into an external harddrive or something? Not sure how/if that can be done.
  19. I'll be there at 4pm. I'll try to keep your rustiness in mind. =P But I'll also keep my resentment of being stood up twice.
  20. H...heeeyyyy, pals. My ol' PC finally died yesterday, so I'm trying to look for a replacement. But as soon as I started searching I remembered that I still know nothing about computers! I figured since n-e helped me when buying my now deceased computer last time (back in 2008!), that I'd ask you helpful lot again.
  21. Well, it did improve a little when you left, but it remained reasonably stable when you rejoined for a few more matches (sorry for late response, as said, my PC is dead so it's hard to respond right now). I ended up disconnecting during one of the matches after you left too though, so it might have been my connection causing problems! Also, I'll add you next time I turn the Wii U on, for now it's sleepytime. Anyway, it was a good night overall. I mentioned the old Smash guard earlier today, but it's just as good to see some fresh faces, too! Oh hey I guess you changed your mind and decided to give it a go you meanie. You're right, it is pretty broken, heh. Coin matches might work for it, as well as Poison Mushrooms/Small Special Smash. Uh, not much else to say other than it's a pretty good likeness and as such kinda terrifying! Also assuming you're the one messin' with the launch resistance. Which is fine, buuut keep the stock count in mind. Imagine if someone picked Palutena's Temple, we'd have been there for hours. =P
  22. You need to add the NNID of the host. at the moment, that's me. If I drop out that might make RedShell the host. Provided you're friends with him, you should be able to join after that. I might wait to see if DuD shows up before I rejoin. Nevermind. =P EDIT: I could also add your NNID so you can join when I'm host in future games if you like, / nando /. Also, no need to apologise @DuD. Tomorrow works too! Just name a time when you have one in mind, heh.
  23. Sorry for late response @DuD, my PC finally died this morning, so I've been spending my day crying as I try to understand the difference between computers (@RedShell should buy me a new one, his GIFs are responsible probably). But yeah, I'll be there at 10 to play! Unless you cancel, then I'll just... be there. Alone. With no computer. No pressure. My recordings... my crappy art... my money...
  24. Depends how much later "later" is, but I'm a pretty nocturnal guy at times, so as long as you give me advanced notice it likely won't be a problem. I'm sure it won't take you too long to get used to things, and I'll rough you up with the newcomers however much you like. =P Shame we don't have more of the old Brawl guard kicking about! I see -Dem0- and Calv playing For Glory at times, but neither of 'em have posted on n-e for a while. Did manage to play Calv just after the DLC hit though. His Bowser has gotten even more frightening since Brawl, heh. Oh, and the Tuesday thing is neato. I'm up for that.
  25. Thanks for taking pity on me and joining me tonight @RedShell and @Phube, heh. Don't know when I'll next host matches, but I encourage those reading to one day perhaps make a post saying you wanna play some games. Give people a time frame of when your available, or ask when they are available themselves. The worst thing that can happen is nobody replies.. or they reply and say no... or they say yes and cancel later. Given my track record these things aren't exactly unlikely, but people might just hate me, so don't let that put you off. =P
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