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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. If there's one thing I really don't get, it's people that continuously demand new IP from Nintendo, only to then frequently ignore or complain about them when they do come out, suggesting that they aren't quality games or they're games designed for casuals etc... It seems to be the same kind of people that only like a handful of Nintendo franchises (or even less that that) in the first place, usually Metroid and Zelda. They don't appear to acknowledge Nintendo's roots as an entertainment company, a manufacturer of playing cards, traditional games and toys. After all, that's what Nintendo have always been about, light-hearted entertainment that is inclusive and accessible to as many people as possible. Sure, as a developer of videogames there have been a few examples of Nintendo publishing/creating games with a more focused audience in mind, what you could class as "mature", but overall that's an absolutely minuscule part of what they're about. Nintendo's fundamental style has always been bright, colourful, and most importantly of all, fun! That style of entertainment is intended to be something for potentially everyone to enjoy, but there are obviously going to be people that won't, and that's fine, but those people shouldn't then insinuate that Nintendo need to change and produce games in a different way just to make something that'll appeal to them. If you don't like the way Nintendo produce games, then there are many alternatives for you to choose from. But it seems some people don't want to try those alternatives, for some bizarre reason they want Nintendo to change, and that to me is very wrong.
  2. Daaaaaaamn! Excuse me while I pick my jaw up from the floor. :awesome: And try to get my PC sorted out so I can play this.
  3. Nice. I used to dabble with BASIC back in the 80's/early 90's, but never really got good enough to write an entire game. I then got into Flash when that came about, managed to make a few simple games with that, including one (based on Punch-Out!) that I made for a banner on this very site. But yeah, I'm very much out of the loop now. The last games I made were in WarioWare: D.I.Y.
  4. Yeah, the fact it was in that TV ad means it must be close. And when a new Sport gets released, the 24 hour trial activates again for all sports, right?
  5. Hehehe... I can't wait for that one. "Where's the SpotPass for Europe, Nintendo?"
  6. We've definitely got the artistic side covered, if there's someone here that can program then we're good to go.
  7. You clearly don't know any real Nintendo fans.
  8. Do you know your best time? I can't remember mine off the top of my head. I wish there was another way to check scores on this without having to actually do the game/exercise again, or check someone's training history in the hope that they've done the activity you want to check. That notice board section for example, why include something like that but not give the actual score? I thought that would've happened when the retail version came out, but apparently not.
  9. Has anyone else played the Super Advanced version of the rowing game? I unlocked it the other day, and couldn't believe how insane it is! I would've unlocked it sooner, but because I've been doing the advanced version as part of a custom routine, getting a 4* high score doesn't unlock the next level. It was only because I played it separately that it unlocked Super advanced. Anyway, it has you rowing at the same speed as from the final stretch of the advanced mode, right from the beginning! And then (as if that wasn't crazy enough) it increases again in the final stretch! I actually burst out laughing the very first time I played it, because it reminded me of that scene in the Pokémon movie, where Team Rocket are disguised as Vikings. "Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Oh, I think I'm gonna have one!"
  10. Yeah, but Jungle Beat is special. :wink:Not to mention much better than any DKC game. I hear ya. I still need convincing to keep my pre-order for it. Mind you, I'm sure come February (or whenever it gets released in Europe) I'll be in such desperate need of a new Wii U game, that I'll have to get Tropical Freeze regardless.
  11. I just handed in the first fish I caught and called it a day, I'm fed up of fishing after my tuna ordeal. I suppose you used your golden fishing rod? Man, Nintendo really need to change that for the next AC, and make the gold rod/net obtainable before catching all fish/bugs. I never really use the damn things. Anyway, yeah I've been making the snow-people. Have so far made perfect versions of the baby, the mum and the dad. Messed up the brother today though, as the head was too big.
  12. That's always been the case with the 3D models since DKC: Wow, it's pretty mad how the characters now look better than that in-game. :awesome: I can't, no. Because I really don't know. I assume it takes quite a bit of power to produce that quality of fur though. And comparing it to that screen you posted from Galaxy, you can see how much more organic looking it is in DKCTF.
  13. Feels like it, yeah. But looks like a direct Wii sequel?... Not so much: Still not hyped for it though. Reggie, what's wrong with me?
  14. If you've got to grips with the gameplay in the demo, then you've got to grips with the gameplay. As characters level up they're able to use more attacks per battle, but the core gameplay stays the same throughout the entire game. I remember expecting PxZ to be really tactical when I first saw what kind of game it was, but that couldn't be further from the truth. You simply move your characters close to enemies and attack, there's almost no need to play defensively, no need to plan moves ahead of time or create a strategy, it's basically just move > attack > repeat. So yeah, there's no way I could've played this game exclusively from start to finish, I would've lost the will to live. But it's a pretty good game to dip into now and then while playing other stuff. Especially if like me, you completely ignore the "story" and find the combat system fun.
  15. Super Mario 3D World has dropped to £32 on ShopTo! I know that doesn't seem like a bargain, but it really is an amazing price for that game, especially so soon after launch.
  16. Finally caught a Tuna! Put my Feng Shui back in order, and a few minutes later a tuna was mine. @M_rock, just to let you know, today I experienced what you mentioned the other day about lag during conversations since the update. It only happened once when talking to Merry, but yeah, her speech bubble was empty for a second or so before the text then appeared as usual. Very strange.
  17. Ahahaha! That is so good! Can't wait to see it in motion.
  18. Project X Zone (3DS) AKA "the most artificially elongated game of all time!" http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34300&page=8
  19. Audio Yep, I never thought I'd live to see the day, but sure enough... Project X Zone is complete! And it only took almost 52 hours. Yeah, this has got to be the most artificially elongated games I've ever played. It literally needed to be like 35-40 hours shorter than what it is. Don't think it's ever taken me over 5 months to finish a game before, in fact, I know it hasn't. This is the first and surely the last time that'll happen. So why did I endure this super repetitive game right the way through to the end? It sure as hell wasn't for the story! No, it was the gameplay. And not the tactical aspect of the gameplay either (which is pretty much non-existent actually ) but the combat. The timing system of the combat is really entertaining for some reason. It was what sold me on PxZ in the first place with the demo and it's what kept me playing all the way to the end. There's just something so satisfying about perfectly timing attacks in order to score critical hits. Such a simple mechanic, but it's really addictive. The visuals and music also helped a lot. The pixel art and animation in this game is amazing, even more impressive considering the amount of different characters that are in it. And the soundtrack is sooooooo good. Anyway, glad to finally clear this game from my backlog. Is anyone else that picked it up at launch still playing?
  20. Mario Kart 8 by a looooooong way! Why? Because it's Mario Kart, that's why. But yeah, I'm excited for all of those games really. Well, apart from Tropical Freeze for some weird reason and Fire Emblem, which has never really been my cup of tea. 2014 is shaping up to be pretty damn awesome for the Wii U though, and there are bound to be some nice surprise games on the way too.
  21. I absolutely loathed what they did to Advance Wars with Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict. Horrible stuff. Advance Wars shouldn't be all dark and moody, it should be colourful and jolly! If I was getting Nintendo/Intelligent Systems to make a new AW game it would definitely go back to the proper style.
  22. No bikes. No gimmicks. No Spiny Shell. It'd play exactly like the original, but feature an 8 player online mode and the ability to share ghost data online for Time Trials too. Visually I'd love to see a Mario Kart game bring the 2D artwork of the SNES version to life with really high-end cel-shaded 3D graphics. And they'd have to get Soyo Oka back to recompose the soundtrack. Yeah, other than that, all of my requests would be for new versions/localisations of quirky niche games like Rhythm Tengoku, WarioWare, Wii Music, Tingle RPG, Tomodachi Collection, Mario Artist, Chibi-Robo!, Captain Rainbow, DK Jungle Beat, etc... I'd totally help Nintendo put the Wii U on the map!
  23. Yep.
  24. Wow, bargain. Not sure as I've never used the suggested routine thing. If you make a custom routine though you can obviously leave any 2x Wii Remote Plus activities out of it. It's really just the dancing games and that rock climbing game that you'll be missing anyway, the boxing and Kung Fu games make optional use of the 2nd Wii Remote Plus, so you can still do those with a Nunchuck and Wii Remote.
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