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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. This week's theme: Frantic Mode x3 to maximize death stare moments!
  2. This week's theme: Frantic Mode x3 to maximize death stare moments!
  3. Hehehe! Didn't think you would be. It's blatantly the first thing I'll be looking to do once I get the game though. Just hope there's some decent gear available for them, as the one in the demo was seriously weak. The thought of a cat equipped with G Rank weapons/armour that's able to stand a good chance solo against any monster in the game is just too entertaining. Yeah, better than nowt.
  4. Hehehe! Didn't think you would be. It's blatantly the first thing I'll be looking to do once I get the game though. Just hope there's some decent gear available for them, as the one in the demo was seriously weak. The thought of a cat equipped with G Rank weapons/armour that's able to stand a good chance solo against any monster in the game is just too entertaining. Yeah, better than nowt.
  5. Liking the sound of that. Can you play as a Feylne right away? Also, did you get any bonus items from having a MH4U save on your 3DS?
  6. Liking the sound of that. Can you play as a Feylne right away? Also, did you get any bonus items from having a MH4U save on your 3DS?
  7. Congrats to anyone that managed to nab Yakuza 5 as a PS+ title earlier. Fantastic game. :awesome:
  8. Congrats to anyone that managed to nab Yakuza 5 as a PS+ title earlier. Fantastic game. :awesome:
  9. This game is pretty rad. Love how they just chuck you right into a Platinum games style OTT boss fight for the "tutorial". Made it to the 3rd guardian before calling it quits for the day, will definitely be sticking with it though.
  10. This game is pretty rad. Love how they just chuck you right into a Platinum games style OTT boss fight for the "tutorial". Made it to the 3rd guardian before calling it quits for the day, will definitely be sticking with it though.
  11. Awesome! Cheers for that news. Looks like I was very wrong about the trophies for this game though. That is a pretty disappointing set actually. Oh well, at least the game isn't too far off now.
  12. Awesome! Cheers for that news. Looks like I was very wrong about the trophies for this game though. That is a pretty disappointing set actually. Oh well, at least the game isn't too far off now.
  13. The IN! list: ■ = always IN! The Mole punio75 BowserBasher Bullet Will RedShell Wii Pestneb nekunando Glen-i Nicktendo Phube S.C.G Reserves: ? ? ? ? No! It's got to be spring/summer on GP1. Autumn on GP2. And Winter on GP3. I want everyone to use the power of positive thought to make that a reality. It probably is going to be the same one each time.
  14. The IN! list: ■ = always IN! The Mole punio75 BowserBasher Bullet Will RedShell Wii Pestneb nekunando Glen-i Nicktendo Phube S.C.G Reserves: ? ? ? ? No! It's got to be spring/summer on GP1. Autumn on GP2. And Winter on GP3. I want everyone to use the power of positive thought to make that a reality. It probably is going to be the same one each time.
  15. This week's theme:
  16. This week's theme:
  17. It's hard for me to be down on offers which include the awesomeness that is Pilotwings, but man, I hope they add some more stuff soon.
  18. OK, someone will need to Miiverse all the MKTV data though.
  19. Quite a few My Nintendo rewards expiring today. So hopefully we'll be seeing a bunch of new stuff tomorrow!
  20. Can you tell him to make Wii Music 2?
  21. I'm not completely sure to be honest, but I know a man who probably is... @Dcubed, care to chime in?
  22. He already has.
  23. I couldn't disagree more! Greatest game developer of all time.
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