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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. I think I have homophobia.
  2. I'll sell you mine. 20GB one with a HDMI thingie.
  3. Just email Sony. [email protected] Dur. Also, lame I've just missed out on a some games (that I can't quite remember) that were on sale.
  4. On occasions I come into this and the "good" thread and just post something. Without reading. And then read it later. Sometimes you just want to splurt something.
  5. Cunt is an amazing word!
  6. Ah right, yeah I agree with that as well. For a year and a half I worked every Sunday and... yeah, I knew that was going to happen. No extra pay was given apart from when you went over 40 hours, simple.
  7. This TV show only survived to Channel 5 exists to help Dirty Desmond sell his shitty rags.
  8. Sometimes you have to work late/weekends due to bad management though. Management should therefore compensate the workers I think.
  9. Today I found the best website ever. http://placekitten.com/ Enjoy.
  10. First review is in! http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/07/29/deus-ex-human-revolution-review-scores-94-and-an-editors-choice-award-in-pc-gamer/ Holy shit, 94! I'm so confused though... Because I was listening to the last Bombcast from E3 and they were saying it was pretty bad. But... fuck it, I've played it and thought it was awesome. Money has been thrown down.
  11. I love middle management speak. It's amazing. It's so easy to take the most basic phrase and pad it out with that sort of bullshit speak. And it's so easy to see through as well. I find it funny.
  12. Yeah you'd be best scaling the HD one down. What are you aiming for output wise anyway? You'd have to cut some footage from the HD one as well obviously.
  13. Yeah pretty much everything said in this thread regarding sex makes me cringe. It always sounds like little school-boy nicknames. Just sounds really immature and embarrassing. Just say sex or slept with or something. Pumped... Okay...?
  14. I know it very well. ... Also yeah, A roads for me when learning as well.
  15. Stunning response.
  16. Oh yeah, add "bests" to the list.
  17. Can you buy PSN games through a PC? I remember there were a couple of things on offer I wanted to buy. But they end on Aug 1st. Annoyingly I have nothing to connect my PS3 to at the moment... I also can't remember what it was I wanted to buy.
  18. But I love Pukka Pies.
  19. I thought it just meant, "You [silly] jelly". That's lame but harmless. But as a replacement for "jealous"?!
  20. Well done dude! What is it?
  21. I haven't read the rest of the threat, but isn't this just about cringe-worthy words and phrases? No one is calling anyone else stupid or retarded for using them. It's just a preference thing. Some people probably hate the word preference. I'm not stupid for saying it though. I'm a dick for typing like this though.
  22. Tuneage. Crimbo. Awkward. (As a joke) Jokes. Yeah, but no. Essentially anything that may be said on Radio 1. Or E4. EPIC MASH UP!!!! TUNES!!!! IM A MASSIVE CUNT[/Moyles] I can't tell if that's a joke or not. LOL that guy's a LEGEND! LOL! That guy's a LEG-END! HAHAA. Also I agree with Shorty with the word arse. Just... sounds wrong. But then saying "ass" out loud makes me feel silly. Like I'm trying to be an yank.
  23. Sorry, did both of these pieces of footage come from the same camera? The reason why scaling the footage manually won't work is because they're different aspect ratios. 1920x1080 is 1.77778 720x480 is 1.5 Anyway, sorry I don't use FCE; After Effects all the way. Does this help? http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?191068-How-do-I-set-the-sequence-frame-size-in-FCE From the sounds of it you can't change this in FCE, only FCP? So maybe change this stuff in another program before you use it in FCE. Just get the After Effects trial and do this.
  24. It's like the start to an awful movie. Can I star in it? Playing the SatNav? Also, still at work. Shitty. (I'm rendering, therefore am allowed to use internet.)
  25. Ah yeah, people coming in and saying, "What's up Eurofags" is kind of lame.
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