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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. Wesley


    I was hoping there was a Chrome Extension to be honest.
  2. Wesley


    Has anyone used the GPlus.to service yet? http://www.gplus.to/mackinder
  3. Yeah same here, first album as well. I've just listened to their latest album and it is indeed awesome. A like it a lot, maybe more than The Seldom Seen Kid. Also Elbow are better live, they ooze personality and soul live. Also the front man is very funny. I think I've seen them twice... or maybe three times, I can't remember.
  4. Wesley


    You know the Google+ bar that's on every Google site now... can I get that to follow me everywhere?
  5. Why are you topless?
  6. I didn't pick up Elbow's latest album. I love them, they're great, I've seen them twice. So I don't know why. But if their latest album is more of a return to their earlier stuff then I'll give it a listen. Cast of Thousands was my favourite Elbow album.
  7. It's interesting that it's IBS, a syndrome that stress has a large impact on. The mere fact that the doctor is giving them a placebo and not real medication would probably calm them down anyway, "Oh, it's not that bad because I have fake drugs." I'd like to see it tried on other things.
  8. Wesley


    Add me people! https://plus.google.com/100212449378048091768/posts
  9. American sweets. £126 (Not all mine.)
  10. It's fucking Friday!
  11. You lived in Lincolnshire?! (I'm so sorry to hear that.)
  12. Almost certainly. It's also the top option.
  13. Why is everyone saying getting rid of News of the World was a mad decision? It's a slowly dying medium. If I was about to drop 7 billion for the future of British TV I wouldn't give a shit about a paper that is now only selling 2 and a half million every Sunday.
  14. That was pretty awesome. I liked the part when the guy walked past. I like ReZ interacting with other humans. O HAY DER!
  15. Oh yeah if I'm in a car I just... talk. I say talk it's more squawking.
  16. Music player to drown noise out. Other than just thoughts really.
  17. I have no idea who any of those people were.
  18. Aw man well! Also... tell me more about these cones...
  19. Yeah. I agree with Louis CK. Also I'm aware I'm in that category because I don't have anyone dependent one me. Also stop moaning, Ashley.
  20. Yeah some people do that which is lame. But most often it's just the simple fact that they spend less time with friends (for obvious reasons) and then friends get all annoyed. Also, single people moan too much. EDIT: I suppose it just gets worse when you get older anyway.
  21. Friends are annoying.
  22. I just picked up the last two STALKER games. May replay through the original with that mod though.
  23. My friend has that and it sounds hard as nails.
  24. Three of my mates have done that and it's quite literally been the biggest landmark for them in recent years. One guy is there for the third time. The other is now living in Canada for a year after enjoying the first thing so much. The last guy is dead. But that wasn't the trip's fault. (I was being serious until the last guy - they really all do bum it.)
  25. Wesley


    That's awesome! Pro tip indeed.
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