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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. I'm pretty sure some members kept that thread saved, someone will maybe PM it to you if you're that interested. Long story short: boring thread that kept some dweebs interested before it got deleted and most people banned. It contained PENISES!!! LZOZL!
  2. Same universe, different story. It was original going to be a prequel.
  3. I couldn't even be bothered to read the first post.
  4. MSE. Backup your shit. Don't be stupid.
  5. A year's hosting and name registration. 37 POUNDS.
  6. The thing about these services, is that they can't fully replace the way I watch media (mostly pirating and then buying boxsets). Mostly due to licensing agreements. But instead it looks like it'll be a, "Oh I've never seen this before" type thing. And Netflix just supplements my pirating/buying habits.
  7. NETFLIX! Has finally launched in the UK. You can get a free month's trial by signing up at https://www.netflix.com/ The price is £5.99 a month for unlimited streaming. Hopefully this will get competition in the UK heated up a bit because so far LoveFILM pretty much the only big player... YAY MEDIA!
  8. Based on: Anyway, is this seriously how fucking movies are made? I dunno who's in it, directed it, funded it. But I hope they all go out of business/die.
  9. No. Wait... Yes. What was the question again?
  10. Ima this like a pro guys. From now on, no fast travel. (I used it twice) But no more. Ima also make my dude naked to keep my eyes interested.[/Karl Pilkington]
  11. YEA MUTHAFUCKA TAKE HIM DOWN J7! Edit: Treating chess like boxing doesn't work apparently.
  12. Holy fuck Hurling looks fucking awesome. But at the same time watching it gives me a horrible feeling inside, like my hands and balls might just drop off me at any moment. Wouldn't want to play that in a million years.
  13. That's awesome, reminds me of MySpace which was also awesome. ...right guys?
  14. I've decided to take on the game with no horse riding at all.
  15. Is it bad that I would have kinda liked that?
  16. Your cat kinda look like it's not having fun to be honest. Have you just been throwing it into a box of polystyrene balls for fun?
  17. Holy shit that's in season 1 episode 2? Don't remember it moving so fast. Anyway it's bloody awesome.
  18. Holy crap, just realised I've been reading the title of this place wrong for ages!
  19. Um... yeah... I dunno why I was quoted.
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