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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Yeah it'd be interesting, but I don't know if it'd work or even be allowed. We could do it at the same time as when we do the Nintendo one again.
  2. Happy new year. If it's not half as bad as 2006 has been for me it'll be great.
  3. I'm off now, see you all next year guys
  4. I only get DVDs for my favourite films, and not so much to watch again (even though I probably will) but more for the sake of having it. I just like the feeling of owning the DVD of a film you love.
  5. Oh jeez the crappy fireworks have begun. My neighbour always does them when they get the oppurtunity and they're awful.
  6. I was in a bit of a bad mood but as it gets closer to 2007 i'm getting happier. I'm always like that with New Years Eve, always looking forward to when it's over. I'm leaving here at around 9.45, and don't excpect much as it sounds like the party is going to be shit but ah well. Don't plan to drink much although if i'm not enjoying it i'll probably have no choice. I won't let myself get too drunk though, i'm too sensible for that, and I never 'plan' to get pissed.
  7. Yeah that went really well and i'm glad that I organised it. I was planning on doing the same thing again this year but thought it was too soon. Maybe next year eh?
  8. I feel like going to sleep now...
  9. That's how I feel right now, which is odd as I slept loads last night and haven't been all that busy today. Don't really want to let my friends down and i'm sure it'll be all right once I get there, but right now i'd rather just stay in with a takeaway and watch a film.
  10. I wish the Watford v Wigan game would have carried on lol, now that would have been entertainment
  11. No, i've said it before and i'll say it again. NEW GAMES PLEASE
  12. Just completed it. Excellent ending. Despite the criticims of how Twilight Princess lacks soul/that magical feeling that I agree with, it is still one hell of an amazing game, and I think it was concluded really nicely. Yes it could have been a harder final boss, but then we're always going to say that, and i'm sure many non-experienced Zelda players didn't think so.
  13. Wow, and I take it your videogame collection is even bigger? Please tell me you have Seven Samurai amongst those hundreds of DVDs...
  14. £9.97 from Tesco Jersey. Won't come for a while but I don't mind.
  15. Bloody awful performance by Arsenal. Although we had many players out that's no excuse, no disrespect but it's Sheffield United ffs. Aliadiere + Hoyte + Sendorous .... fuck off. Hate all three.
  16. One of my friends is having a small party at his house so i'll be going to that. Not really looking forward to it all that much though...
  17. I hope Super Mario Bros comes out next friday, when are they going to release the January schedule for Europe?
  18. Played a lot yesterday and am now at the Palace of Twilight. Although Snowpeak Ruins and the Temple of Time were probably my least enjoyed dungeons, I loved the Sky Temple and am enjoying the final one (although it could be better). Going to try and complete it today, last day of 2006
  19. Yeah I agree, and with films it's always the story which is the most important aspect for me.
  20. Yeah I have read things about it and how it has similarities with Twilight Princess and stuff in some ways. Most likely more of my kind of thing indeed, I like a bit more epicness.
  21. The worst thing was when they went overload with them on Christmas eve/day, MAKE SURE YOU HURRY FOR OUR JANUARY SALE!OPENS BOXING DAY AT 9AM. Let people enjoy christmas ffs. And even now Christmas is over, it'd be a better place without them full stop. Oh and the music is always trying to be happy but in actual fact depressing.
  22. Spirited Away 7/10 Expected a lot more from it and it didn't deliver for me personally.
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