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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. So... Crossfit membership cancelled, my wife has cancelled her gym membership and we have browsed at some weights - I think we'll go for some fine beginner weights, 60 kg in total, and a couple of kettlebells (12/16 and 20 kg I think). That should be sufficient for most training bar the heavy kind. But there is an excellent gym at my work, so I can go there once or twice a week to lift some heavier weights if I want to - and row. I hope this will be good and worth it - but we came to the conclusion that with a tight work schedule and a kid, the barrier for exercising was simply to go to the gym to do it - why is that? So yeah... we'll try it.
  2. MindFreak


    So I've tried the game now, just starting the 3rd chapter and I dunno. It's just a bit.. Boring? There is no real story to guide you, there is no reward for doing a puzzle (not even a lovely chime!), and it just feels sluggish and slow. I have never had trouble figuring out a puzzle but have had trouble seeing the white spots on the white walls that you can scale, and the game has been quite dark at times making it hard to navigate. Furthermore, I have been lost several times and that has frustrated me as I feel I'm wasting time. While the performance in the beginning was bad, the game studdered a lot, it has got better now that I'm mostly in confined areas. Overall, it's pretty but too shallow on the gameplay, I don't really want to continue playing it but may continue it after all.
  3. It's on! Well. My wife and I both want more exercise, even though I bike 30 km a day (to and from work). So we are about to cancel our gym memberships and get some equipement at home. I think that will actually help, even though I'm going to miss the classes and being able to lift heavy weights (and drop them).
  4. So staring at a white wall for 124 minutes isn't boring because it isn't 180 minutes? Not saying that the movie is boring, just saying that some parts of it was too elaborate and long without really adding to the story. They could easily have got rid of two or three persons in the house in the city without ruining anything.
  5. My wife wanted to watch some movies for a change. So first we watched Passengers, which was good but too long and a bit on the slow side generally. Then we watched Bird Box, which was good but too long and the ending was terrible, and the monsters were inconsistent. Finally, yesterday we saw Arrival. That's the best one of the three. I liked the plot twist but found it a bit dazzling at first.
  6. Isn't it weird how New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe is out next week and there have been about zero promotion for it? No trailers, site just opened yesterday, only a few Twitter posts etc.
  7. It's on my wishlist. Will buy it during a sale most definitely and until then, I just rack up gold points to pay for it. Just because I'm unsure whether I'll actually enjoy it due to the difficulty
  8. On the main menu, highlight the Smash icon and click +. There you should see something about My Nintendo or Register Game or something like that.
  9. I'm currently watching Atypcal on Netflix, about a boy with autism and his family. It's really good, with both lighthearted comedy with some genuinely funny jokes and some serious topics. And now Netflix has added another season of A Series of Unfortunate Events so I have to watch season 2 now as this is supposed to end with season 3.
  10. Celeste is one of the Games with Gold for Xbox One this month. It hasn't even been on sale for Switch!
  11. Yes, if you decouple your old Switch and your Nintendo Account, you can then log in and register the new Switch and then download your games.
  12. MindFreak


    This is currently 50 % off on the eShop. Bought it but haven't tried it yet.
  13. It's a Black Mirror movie but I don't see the point in that. Some episodes are movie length so why not just drop it as an episode?
  14. Am I the only one who doesn't care at all for the spirits? I don't really play WoL but like the themed fights, they remind me of event matches from Melee.
  15. How have you collected so much gold?? I completed the game yesterday with a completion of 91.5 %, 19 something hours and 71 Elixirs used, short of 300 deaths. I collected all gold armor pieces and upgraded most of my stuff. Still need to find 10 gems.
  16. Yeah, it's truly the ultimate Spiderman movie. It's incredible.
  17. It could very well be that a sequal would not have Mario characters in it. That probably wouldn't really provide a new experience. A Zelda + Rabbids would be fun to see, perhaps a Fire Emblem + Rabbids? Or well.. StarFox + Rabbids! Or.. even F-Zero + Rabbids!
  18. It was on the IMDB app yesterday evening so I don't think it's really a leak? Anyway, here it is: Don't really like the look of it.
  19. @Hero-of-Time I've got three relics now and on to the next area. Is that the last part of the game? Should I go back to clear stuff or is there time for that later?
  20. Into the Spiderverse is an awesome movie, both for casuals and for the nerds. It has tons of references to the Spider-man Universes, but the story is very down to Earth(s 1-2-3-4-...) and very easy to follow. Then humour is spot on and the acting is great. And don't get me started on the visuals, truly masterful and comic-y. That was a great movie...!
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