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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. I'm not sold but I'll watch it ASAP anyways.
  2. That is the longest phone I've ever seen.
  3. I haven't watched this ep yet (stuck at work) but
  4. Thanks. I'll consider those exercises when done with the ibuprofen. @ shoulder press / military press: Then I did a 45 kg shoulder press.
  5. 45 kg strict shoulder press / military press (any difference?) with barbell today. The last month of upper body training has really paid off; before that I could do about 40 kg so big difference. On the other hand, I miss squatting and deadlifting. My hip flexor is still busted, I've started to take medicine in order to subdue the inflammation there is bound to be. Ten days with ibuprofen. Hate it but resting didn't work and I'm slightly worried by now that two months of specialised training and resting didn't help much.
  6. Got it! Just opened it and smelled it. Dat new game smell!
  7. We don't have it yet in Denmark, although my pre-order was shipped yesterday. I just fear they are going to put it in the post office and then send out a slip so I can collect it on Friday (Ascension Day tomorrow means that the post office is closed...) I really hope to get it today!
  8. Quick question: Is it possible to start Classic Mode once you've started Story Mode?
  9. He? But you said it first? ... Woo, did a muscle up today! Both one in the rings and one in the bar. I was hanging in the rings and telling one looking at me that I couldn't do it but I'd just try once. Boom, and I was up there. So did a few more and went to the bar to see if I could do it there without a rubber band. I could.
  10. Where the f.. is the ar? Did two consecutive 62 kg push press the other day. Pretty pleased with that!
  11. I'm reading the title as Batman OR Superman now. Damn logic.
  12. That was also my thought, Mokong! That just seems SO Deus Ex Machina! Otherwise, no, finally next week? Already? DAMN THIS WORLD AND ITS SUMMER BREAKS!
  13. I'm not feeling it. I'm up to Chapter 7 I think and whilst enjoying the battles, I find absolutely no real joy from walking around. The secrets are dull and the world is too empty. The visuals and audio are sublime but other than that, I don't think this is worth the money. Maybe for half the price...
  14. I think Dem0 meant that he's fine with Wonderful 100 being a trophy as he never expected him to be a playable character.
  15. H.o.l.y... wow, great episode! Really looking forward to the next few episodes!
  16. I've picked it up on Wii U but was split between Xbox 360 and Wii U. I do like achievements but due to the off-tv mechanics of Wii U, I've played more on this than Xbox as of late. There aren't any differences between the versions?
  17. Argh, sorry! Hopefully you saw that it was a quote of Jimbob's post and didn't read on.
  18. True, he will soon be a man grown. Yes, that is right. It's just hard to keep track of when something is chronological and when something's simultaneous in the books. Yeah, I was surprised at reading that. Also the fact that they think 30-year-olds are old people. It makes me sad.
  19. I'm not done with reading the books but does it matter what age Bran and the others have?
  20. Ep. 18 was the shit! Really enjoyed that one.
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