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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Happy Birthday, oh great six-sided one.
  2. Well, we've done it a lot so you should be fine :p
  3. Is Jim Parrack as Deathstroke confirmed? He's pretty young for the role.... Damn Robbie is stunning/perfect for this role.
  4. Vault of Glass - Hard Sunday 7pm We'll do the chest x3, same with Atheon if everyone's still up for it and it all goes smoothly. Me @DriftKaiser @MilaGi @Eddage @Nolan @Agent Gibbs
  5. Thematic styling I can dig but personally I think the game just looked washed out. If they took time to highlight features in orange that would've been fine, but they just put a filter over everything.
  6. Anyone stick with this then? I was a bit disappointed with the finale, I didn't even realise it was the last episode until I looked to find out when the next one would air. The show has been great overall, with some real brilliant moments, but I also found it dragged its feet on more than one occasion.
  7. You didn't do that? That was literally the only good reason to use the swan dive. crunch
  8. The community here was pretty awesome until a combination of interest dying down and Bloodborne coming out. We still typically get groups together for the Nightfall every week and run the occasional raid. Things will definitely get busy again when House of Wolves comes out. Keep an eye on this thread and sign up if anyone offers, along with your PSN ID I'd be up for running Vault of Glass on Sunday around 7pm if anyone's interested?
  9. I actually picked up the Wii U version of HR when it was really cheap a while ago, might be a good excuse to have another run through it It was a brilliant game, completed it several times on 360.
  10. First and last are renders, second and fourth are paintings. Tempted to agree with you that the third is the "most real", but going by the shadow around Adam I'm pretty sure he's just been superimposed in there. I don't care really but lets not try and sugarcoat it. I'm sure the final thing will be wonderfully pretty anyway, especially if they ease off the orange that plagued the last one
  11. Not sure if serious :p I am hyped, though.
  12. I flattened Rom when I went back to him after doing the Nightmare Frontier. Sometimes you can definitely reach a boss well under-levelled. Click R3 on the stat screens for more info on them, BTW.
  13. Every time I've come to a big room in this game, I've turned around and looked for the shortcut instead :p Open space = boss. Beat Rom and Amygdala yesterday. The latter was so difficult at first until I realised I was approaching it wrong, then so easy once I realised.
  14. Should be fine to start without I think. @Eddage you take the sword
  15. Don't talk too much about later in the game stuff without spoiler tags please people
  16. I'm up for running through normal if we do it in good time, which we usually do but not always! You on the sword or me?
  17. Hasn't been formatted properly yet. If you're sure you're done with it and sure that's the right drive, right click and delete all those partitions, then right click and make a new volume in the empty space.
  18. Probably needs a drive letter to be read on PC? Start > Right click Computer > Manage > Disk Management > right click on the drive in the bottom area and assign drive letter. As for using it as an external drive on PS4. I couldn't, found it really unreliable (kept telling me it was in use within 10 seconds of being connected, could only basically copy the saves near the top of the list). Found in the end I had to move them to a smaller USB drive.
  19. Why isn't it just called "Cities" or "Skylines". I do want this, when I have random spare monies.
  20. Err, guess you might be able to do that, not sure. I assumed you meant you had copied them to an external drive before you swapped. I formatted my original PS4 hdd as soon as I'd put the new one in and started using it as a USB drive
  21. You can't put them back btw. But you can view them on a computer.
  22. That is literally exactly how I look when doing a glimmer run :p
  23. At least you can backup all your data. I swapped out just before they introduced that (latest update), all I could backup was Videos and saves, had to re-download everything else. (Not that it took too long at 100meg but still)
  24. OMFFFFGGGG. The opening of this week's episode. Holy shit.
  25. I'd be up for Crota, closer to 8pm than 7pm preferably. This noob doesn't even have Wolfpack rounds yet.
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