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Blue Rogue

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Everything posted by Blue Rogue

  1. My season 3 blu-ray came last week. Forgot I even ordered it. I've managed to watch it all on my split shifts. From Season 1 to 3. Can't wait for Season 4 next month. I read all the books now as well. Recently finishing a Dance with Dragons. Can't wait to see how they handle adapting the rest of the story for the old telly. This will be the first season I've watched with prior knowledge of whats going to happen from the books. So I hope I haven't in someway tainted my enjoyment of the show.
  2. Final Fantasy 13..... I kept telling myself it'll get better soon. After finishing it I want that time back Square Enix!
  3. All the info should be revealed by the time I get home tonight. Hopefully we might get something interesting. My Wii U needs something till Mario Kart. (I'm sorry I don't love Donkey Kong Nintendo. Please let me keep my money.) A few release dates would be nice. Go on gimme a date for Smash Brothers....
  4. It's the only forum that seems to have a decent community with personality. Other ones are either dead or are too busy to keep up with. Here I always have something interesting opinions/funny witty comments to read.
  5. Pokemon R/B/Y: My first Pokemon game was Red. I had very little idea of what sort of game it was. I bought it after watching an episode of the Anime (First battle of the Pokemon League when Krabby sweeps a team. If you're interested.)on TV. I think looking back at it actually this may of been my first RPG. I was used to games with set levels like World 1-1 etc. This was the first time I felt the freedom to explore and hunt for all the Pokemon. It amazed me how many teams that could be made. Discovering Legendary Pokemon and the frustration catching them. (Used my Masterball on a frigging Graveler!) While Yellow version became my main game (Surfing Pikachu yo!) of this generation. It was Red that opened my eyes to a whole new type of game. Ocarina of Time: A few here. The feeling Hyrule Field gave me the first time I saw it. Most temples, The Master Sword. It was my first Zelda game and the whole adventure gripped me. Dark Cloud: Collecting pieces of Villages and rebuilding them in my own image. Goddamn good game for that alone. One bit that stands out is the fight with the White Serpent. The dual was pretty damn cool. As was the twist near the end. Final Fantasy X: That opening cutscene. The story was interesting as well. Was surprised by the twist at the time as well. Skies of Arcadia: Moonstone cannon fire! Plus discoveries and all that exploration that I'm a real sucker for.
  6. I think this looks interesting. The only thing really putting me off is how long the characters legs are. Shorten them a little and they would look grand. (Except maybe Knuckles...) Certainly more intrigued by this than Lost World.
  7. I'll be spending the day cooking for a restaurant full of couples. Her present will come in the form of leftover desserts I made earlier.
  8. I enjoyed my Sapphire version when I did my first run through all those years ago. As I have every Pokemon game. With the exception of Diamond and Pearl that was the one generation I don't think I played all the way through. One thing I really liked in these versions was Contests. I know I'm in a minority when it comes to them but I really had fun with them. I wish they expanded upon them more in future generations. Unfortunately they didn't have enough fans to justify keeping them in.
  9. I hope they don't change too much. It seems like it'll have the same sort of charm as a Sims game. With a bit of a zany Japanese twist.
  10. Can't think of many games I'd be massively interested in. That I couldn't buy and pop in my 3DS for a reasonable price. I'd much rather see these N64 games we've been told are coming.
  11. Totally thought that Lucario was going to get cut. Had pretty much written him off. Wonder what this means in regards to other Pokemon characters...
  12. Xcom: Enemy Within It's just an expansion I hear you cry. Well that might be the case but I feel it's one that adds so much. Admittedly I think the meta-narrative that happens in my head with this game is what gives me the most joy. The simple touch that you can name your soldiers remains. Which allows you to get somewhat attached to your soldiers before they either rise to glory or get one shoted by a septoid. I thought going into this Mechs and Gene mods would make the game easier. I was pleasantly surprised to see it add another level of tactical depth into the game. I've failed more Enemy Within runs (Classic Ironman) than Enemy Unknown runs. Plus naming my soldiers after work colleagues and friends and seeing them turn into giant robots of destruction. What's not to love?
  13. Been an F1 fan since Hill's 96 Championship season. Looking forward to this season. Kobayashi being back (Though I doubt he'll do much in a Caterham) and a few interesting driver line-ups. Now for a few predictions that'll probably all prove false: 1. Lotus will not be a top team this season. Not just because they've lost Kimi but will be missing the first test. As well as losing loads of key people. Lotus will struggle. 2. Williams may surprise us. I dunno why but I have a little feeling Williams might be stronger this season. It'd be nice to see Massa do well. 3. We'll have a different champion I don't expect Vettel to win the title. Though I'm not sure who it'll be. Ah hell I'm gonna say Button just for giggles.
  14. Not a bad costume. Glad they went for this as it's quite understated. I had nightmares of Colin Bakers outfit making a return. At which point I'd of had to find a way to burn it.
  15. I have quite fond memories of this game. Though I did play through this way before touching Banjo. I have two things I remember from this game. The final boss battle was brilliant. The Multiplayer while simple was a mode me and my brothers enjoyed playing at the time. Not many games beyond Pokemon we really played much multiplayer on the N64. Mario Kart 64 was not as good as Crash Team Racing, We didn't own Golden Eye. Most of our multiplayer gaming got done on the PS1.
  16. Chrono Trigger has to be up there with my favorite RPGs of all time. It would be my favorite SNES RPG but that belongs to Final Fantasy 6. Chrono Trigger certainly runs it bloody close though. Before I rave on I guess I should say. I only played this game a couple of years ago now. With it not being released in Europe until fairly recently. Even if it was at the time I doubt I'd of bought it for my SNES. I only really played Mario, Street Fighter and Goof Troop in my initial outing with the system. Being such a young tyke. I feel Chrono Trigger appealed to me when I heard of it's existence. (Back when the internet was in it's baby stages.) Was that it combined two things that I liked the most as a young teenager. RPG's and Dragonball Z. Well with the art style used anyway. The game looked very pretty. A few things stand out while playing the game. The battle system was interesting. Different character combos would give you different combo attacks. Which I thought was very clever and made you think about which characters you wanted to use in battle. This game also has some very memorable music. The one that stands out to me is Frogs Theme. On the subject of Frog he's by far my favorite character in this game. The guy splits open a cliff with his sword at one point. Time Travel and having multiple endings was probably the most interesting aspect of this game. Though many endings can't be seen till you have new game+. So I see them more as bonus endings that you can hunt down. It's not like other games in the future that end differently depending on decisions you've made on your journey. Still a great addition though. 9/10: Classic
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