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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. Family Guy all the way. American Dad has the most random funny moments of any show in a long time, like when Roger had a fake nose that made him look like Kevin Bacon.
  2. ROCK out with your Pussies OUT!!
  3. Happy Birthday "Man of my Dreams":heh: :wink:
  4. Hope your Birthday is a Metal one, and all your birthdays Metal. "Blacker than the Blackest Black times infinity!"
  5. Happy Birthday to Nintendofan and Mr. "#1 Venom fan":laughing:
  6. done and done.:awesome:
  7. Well of course it was going to sell well the first few days, everyone who had pre-ordered or wanted one was going to pick it up when it came out. Now you're left with people who either can wait and are not in a rush to go out and buy it, and people who are just not all that excited about it.
  8. I tried it this morning, this is one game I was looking forward to, but the demo does not do the game justice. You can't change the button config. which really pissed me off. But I took a leap of faith and got it any ways this afternoon. I must say the game is fast paced and it totally rocks. Although I was a bit bummed they don't let you know that once you chose a Core thats it theres no going back, so play the first level with all the Core then go with the one you like. I am writing this just minutes after getting done with playing AC4.
  9. for that price I say BS:heh:
  10. just cause they're not your cup of tea doesn't mean they suck, they have talent and I'd give them a 10. Just like Death Cab for Cutie, I don't like them but I'd give them a 6. As for the person, or band, I can't really give rating as I have no idea who that is.
  11. Is it good:hmm: , the first time I saw it I was not impressed.
  12. I'm a Pink Square. Yeah seems right after reading what it means.
  13. HOT: Riding a Motorcycle in the summer.:awesome: NOT: Riding a Motorcycle in the Winter.
  14. I was not happy with Vegas at all, I bought it played it when I got home. 10 minutes later I was like "You know what screw this" and went back to Gears. The sad thing is I was really excited about Vegas.
  15. Its like an M&M but with peanut butter. You guys got me craving some, so I'm off to the corner store to get me a few. :awesome:
  16. Happy Birthday Yo!:awesome: : peace:
  17. Single player was sub par, nothing too great to make me want to play it again and again:blank: . But the multi-player was alright:smile: , it had me entertained for some weeks, at least until I got a new game.
  18. plus some really cool fighting skills.
  19. Maybe if he were cast as Hoffman. But he don't seem like the hardass, even though he is a badass, you get my drift.
  20. *hangs head in shame:(
  21. Yeah you should head over to the GoW forums at the Xbox website. They have some of the Stupidest and I mean stupidest ideas for would should be cast in it. Some said Vin Diesel should play Fenix. I seriously hope they're kidding, if not then that proves just how much of the planets population is made up of Idiots.
  22. GOD DAIMN!!! Now thats the way to trailer a movie. I have not been so excited over a movie. best part of that trailer was the sword fight towards the end.
  23. I am one of those people.
  24. I think this says it all. Happy birthday yo.
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