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Everything posted by Bowser57

  1. I went to one game store where they had a 360 with COD2 on it, can't say I was blown away, but didn't play it as there were quite a few people on it. Went to another place and they had a 360 running Kameo, had a game on that but wasn't overly impressed either. Probably needed a longer go to get more of a feel for it, only played it for 10-15mins but by then I was a bit fed up and was hungry anyhow.
  2. You can't feed the kids on "what ifs" and possibilities though.
  3. Speaking quite a bit of sense for a girl and everything. Jurrasic 5, DJ Format, MC Abdominal, Butterfingers (There are two bands I know of by that name, I mean the Aussie one). W_W (Ray, do W's mean anything?)
  4. A suggestion... In threads about upcoming games, especially ones deemed important enough to be made sticky, would it be possible for it to become standard practice for the first post of the thread to contain any known release dates? This could be added by the poster, or any Admin/Mod that sees the thread and happens to know or have access to the info. That way all forum users would (get to) know that if they want that info on a certain game they only need to look at the first post/page rather than trawl the thread. I realise it's not a great deal of work for most folks to find that sort of info for themselves, just wondering if it might be worth it as it'll be handy to a few people I reckon.
  5. If I worked at Gameplay or somewhere like that and kept getting kids calling up every half hour asking if they were going to get a 360 on launch day I'd make damn sure to take their name and put them to the back of the queue. But that's the kind of nasty bastard I am.
  6. Shove them up your bottom for all I care!
  7. Love the show but didn't see it as I'm in the US at the moment, hopefully see some repeats on E4 soon after getting back. Seeing new episodes of Lost as they're on TV is a decent trade off though, and getting MK DS on release day here will do too.
  8. Doom 3? If you don't mind walking around in the dark. Lego Star Wars? X-Men Legends 2?
  9. Trying to classify stuff is only going to lead to handbag waving. *Flourishes handbag*
  10. See, and there was me being foolish making out what you'd been saying was a bit silly.
  11. To be fair don't you think it reads a lot like what the fanboys were hollerin' about when people were talking about hard-drives, DVD playback and online console gaming when the Cube was the new kid on the block? They convinced themselves then that the Gamecube was the best thing ever because online gaming was for freaks, hard-drives were rubbish and nobody wanted DVD playback. If Nintendo decides one or more of these things is a good idea it's pounced upon as the greatest thing ever and all previous hate goes out the window.
  12. You and me both. But seriously, you have to amuse me, otherwise I'd be depressed that there are folks who seriously walk around thinking the sorts of things you're saying.
  13. You have a Daily Mail tattoo, don't you?
  14. But wasn't Knights pretty highly rated by most folks?
  15. My bet is you're making up selective memories to fit in with the view of the world your Daily Mail reading has given you.
  16. Then give up trying, it doesn't matter in the slightest. All these folks who wonder "Am I the only one who does/doesn't like such and such a game?" No, you're not. We all like different things, get over yourselves.
  17. There's most of your problem right there.
  18. What very little upset there was happened days ago, you're livin' in the past Marge. Quit livin' in the past! More cards please gents.
  19. Afterwards did you stand naked looking in the mirror while stroking yourself? As for my diary entry... I stood naked looking in the mirror while stroking myself. Nah, the real one, watched ESPN, tidied up a bit, played Advance Wars DS, MSN'ed a few friends and Blackfox, had a shower, waited for my lady to get home, watched some TV, went out to get some Taco Bell, ate that and had a beer, watched more TV, went to bed. Woke up around 1am to the sound of a helicoptor and wondering if I was needed to go out and beat up a fugitive that was on the run.
  20. I've been out of the country too long to remember which is the cool drug taking one. Him though.
  21. Even a deaf and blind person? That's very cruel of you.
  22. It's not random at all. You had a go at lots of these folks for being "fucking homos" and not sharing your opinion, you then dare them to post pics of their own girlfriends in some sort of comparison to this woman you like the look of. For that to be a "fair" comparison surely you would have to be the boyfriend of this strange looking woman. All I'm saying is people in glass houses shouldn't be chucking half-bricks around. (Thanks for the compliment about my English skillz). P.S Do you have a girlfriend?
  23. I saw a couple of (what I thought were) were very good 360 ads yesterday on TV, one I think was during a basketball show and another was during the new episode of LOST. They featured no game or console footage at all, the first was of all these folks skipping, but not just normal skipping, they had the maddest skipping skillz you've ever seen in your life. It was cool. The second ad featured a huge water balloon fight, it shows kids getting hit in the face with them! (kids getting hit is always very funny IMO), plus they throw one at a dog and it yelps!
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