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Everything posted by Bowser57

  1. For me it's his avatar that does it. I want to punch the guy so badly in the teeth.
  2. Ladeez man! Speaking as an impartial observer Dabooker is in the lead at the moment guys.
  3. Well, crying isn't gonna bring him back ... unless your tears smell like dog food. So you can either sit there crying and eating can after can of dog food until your tears smell enough like dog food to make your dog come back or you can go out there and find your dog.
  4. Perfect Dark Zero review up at EDGE. 7/10 Says EDGE.
  5. 1. Super Mario Brothers - It was there soon after my love of gaming kicked off. One of the few old games I can still play and enjoy a lot now. 2. Animal Crossing 3. Mario Kart 64 4. Super Mario Bros 3 5. Goldeneye
  6. He's not a mod anymore. Edit: Okay, I was beaten to it, but here, just so this post is valid, have a link... Experience the madness all over again!
  7. NFS Most Wanted has gone into the charts at number 1. (Mario Kart didn't make top ten).
  8. Above, Offerman seen in happier times.
  9. At the end of November? You are in the UK right? They're all whores that'll be dead from the cold soon.
  10. But... I'm pretty sure his console of the moment is the DS.
  11. Again though, let's not count chickens before they're hatched. I'd imagine Segway scooters made it on to far more news stations than the Rev controller did. How many of them do you see on your way into town? They were going to change the world too. I've seen pics of George Bush falling off one and am pretty sure I saw a basketball player on MTV Cribs with one. I'm underselling, but I'd argue you're overselling the controller and what it means just yet. Until it's selling very well what difference does it really make how great it is? I do hope it's fantastic, but lots of you have already decided it is based on not a lot if we're honest.
  12. With all due respect, if they had fired the new controller into the crowd from Shiggsy's bottom the fanboys would have thought it the best thing ever. I'm just saying, look at folks now, already getting hyped that E3 will save video gaming (just like it was supposed to last year). With all the hype that gets generated (partly down to all the games companies as well) it never stands a chance of living up to it.
  13. My guess would be people want what they can't have. If Nintendo continue to create more and more buzz about Nintendogs and kids keep screaming at parents for it, it keeps selling out as soon as shops get it, people talk more and the cycle continues. Have a look at the Xbox 360 thread, it's like they're after Buzz Lightyear dolls or something.
  14. You've certainly improved. I'm just finishing up four now and some of that has had me laughing quite a bit. The Mario Kart music was a nice touch too. Edit: But Guy goes a bit mental at the end.
  15. A further bit of info, for one of my primary school nativity plays I played the role of the wise man giving the gift of gold, which was an empty box of dates spray-painted and with some fruit gums stuck to the lid. The two other wise men were my friends Eric and Ollie!
  16. It's not even a 360 order, he's just stocking up on sweets for Xmas. (Mostly Munchies and fizzy cola bottles).
  17. Come off it Stockton, people say that kind of thing every year! (Well, not "2006 is going to be amazing" but you know what I mean). And we always end up with "E3 was crap!!, but TGS will make it all better!".
  18. Depends who you ask. Some folks will tell you it's more or less an animated movie, others will tell you it's in game and not even 10% as incredibly fantastic as the finished version will look. Then there's people will tell you anything inbetween those two descriptions. Take your pick. Whatever you believe you'll see for sure when the game's released.
  19. Yep, on a planet of 6 billion it's just you! ... No, it's not just you, that'd be silly.
  20. Judging from that list of launch games you're getting, I believe it. LOL !!1111 :shock: :awesome:
  21. As someone who's not all that bothered about it just yet (but will be once the right game(s) and possibly a price drop come along) I can help answer some of that. I'm guessing you're enjoying MK DS online, imagine that but being able to choose exactly who you want to play with, and being able to speak with them at the same time. Xbox Live is excellent. Even if it wasn't improved upon(as I'm sure it will be) it'd be good enough for the "next gen". With regards to the matter of how big a console is, do you really live in that tiny a place that it makes much of a difference? Personally once the thing is on the shelf under my TV I hardly notice it until something goes wrong or it's time to replace it with a new box under the TV. Complaining about the same old games while waving the Nintendo banner is also a little hypocritical isn't it? How many Mario Karts is this? Are Mario Soccer, Mario Baseball and Mario Basketball huge break-throughs?
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