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Everything posted by Dieter

  1. Mostly just text-speakers.
  2. I feared something like that. Couldn't you try popping the HD into another pc?
  3. I think your best bet is reinstalling Windows... it's a new drive so I hope you haven't lost too much porn... or other things.
  4. I wasn't going to dignify that with a response, stop hijacking this thread and leave it at that, but that last bit really got me. Don't you EVER tell me to 'keep it down'. That will be all.
  5. My deepest apologies. I appear not to have read your initial post completely through, I didn't see you had installed Windows on there, sorry The same thing happened to me a few month ago. Bleh that sucked. A thousand pardons
  6. Oh stop getting all emo on me. If you make a thread (or any post actually), you want people to read/respond to it. So at least make it fucking readable. I'm getting pretty sick of all this lazy typing going on.* *Doesn't apply to the majority of posters here, thank God.
  7. Only difference is, this one's readable.
  8. Partition magic can change that easily.
  9. A bit of fear from bird flu, but mostly bitching about the minimum pension age being raised from 58 to 60... yeah that's belgium for you.
  10. Thanks for the positive feedback guys, I really appreciate it. And we'll see booker
  11. *shakes uncontrollably* Seriously, you're killing me.
  12. Needless to say, I grinned at that one.
  13. quality... pure quality
  14. Yeah I've waited a while to make this thread, but a few people have spurred me on to do it so here you go!: For those of you that remember, I used to have an internet radio show called Audio Fubar. I stopped a few months ago and never really picked it back up until Cubechris asked me to make one for hm-fusion.co.uk. I said sure why not, and here we are a few weeks later, the first of hopefully many Audio Fusions! AudioFusion is a podcast about game news, a bit of anime and a bit on the site forums and members. I've gotten some pretty positive feedback up till now, please give it a try and post your honest opinion! You can get it here (also on the main page). Thanks!
  15. http://www.sysinternals.com/blog/2005/10/sony-rootkits-and-digital-rights.html Summed up: the Sony DRM protected cd's install stuff on your pc using malware techniques to conceal itself, then scans your CD once every two seconds (!!) to check if it's the right filesizes for songs and everything, using about 1-2% CPU time. If you manually try to remove the concealed stuff, you WILL cripple your pc. You HAVE to install it, because the stupid cd's will only let themselves play using the .exe on the disc... not any other media player. Fuck that shit. I hereby give Sony the royal finger.
  16. I recieved Pokemon Colloseum today, mucho love to Jonst :-* *wanders off to find a gamecube*
  17. This made me laugh. The Game is truly shit, he does not have ONE song going for him, he just leeches off 50 Cent (who, in turn, used to leech off Eminem). One of the bright shining moments in my life was coming home from hiking, reading the newspaper and finding out that The Game got booed off the stage at Rock Werchter.
  18. Your link to hm-fusion.com is incorrect, it should be .co.uk Oh yeah, don't starve yourself for it
  19. Do not compare Creative with Apple. NEVAR!!!!!
  20. Doesn't this coincide a bit closely with the Rate your Meal thread?
  21. Just to pester you: that's not mathematically defined I had sweet bread with butter and tomato soup, an eccentric combo that always gets me filled up: 9/10 :awesome:
  22. I'm asking money to help pay for this baby:
  23. Chocolate milk still brings me to new planes of existance ^_^ Usually Coke, on a few occasions Stella or Maes, but I hardly drink alcohol.
  24. Going a bit further on what Schpick said about graphics cards: getting an ATI card to work under linux is a BITCH to do, at least it is in my experience. But I hope you're not expecting to game much under linux anyway (although it is possible to a certain extent).
  25. I don't know really... sure it's a great album but they've gotten more.. I dunno... emotional or something. You're not going to find any songs that have the roughness of 'Feuer Frei' on it (although Mann Gegen Mann is up there), it's more in the line of 'Amour'. I think it's too bad you don't get any 'epic' songs on there, think Reise Reise. Rosenrot (the song) is very very good though. So in conclusion: very good album, but I miss that Rammstein Rough a bit
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