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Everything posted by xino

  1. well mine are Retro *Super Nintendo *Sega Mega Drive Generation *Sega Dreamcast *Nintendo Gamecube If i am rich/ or work i will try and get all console, not all but do some collections:D
  2. nah mine was Megadrive but SNES had lots of good games
  3. another waste of game people that wasn't impressed with sonic titles in 3d now they won't even bother buying any sonic games if this game adds up to sonic storyline, unlocks and characters i will get it but if not...sorry sonic first time i hate you:D
  4. Still not sure if i should get this game? why i think i can trust the rateing, becuase when buying a famous Nintendo game, if i see a rating NGC 9/10 it means it must be good just like Resident Evil Zero had a good rating but what about Viewtiful joe 2? heard it was crap, is it true?
  5. well i am still playing *Sonic Battle 2: still trying to get all eblems and themes *Timesplitters 2: still trying to unlock more stuff *Lord of the rings:3 : i don't think i will ever finish this game, becuase it is damn HARD *Zelda:Ocarina of time: i abondon this crap, too boring, i will go back to it later *Zelda:Wind Waker: was playing it but couldn't find the braclet i will go back to it:D
  6. You stupid kids need to read the topic says GameCube Collection which means only games you got for you Nintendo game Cube no other! anyway mine are 1.Spawn: Armageddon 2.Legend Of Zelda:Wind Waker: Bonus Disc 3.Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King 4.Resident Evil: ZERO 5.Sonic Battle 2 6.Metroid Prime 7.Metroid Prime 2 8.Timesplitters 2 9.BadBoys 2 10.Second Sight 11.XIII 12.Soul Calibur 2 13.SpiderMan 2 you know wat i just knew something i have a lot of game 2, like 2's
  7. xino


    i want transparent ME WANT TRANSPARNET:d
  8. grow up no one isn;t copying anything Sony isn't coping anything They havn't shown all of it, becuase people might think Nintendo are ready and set to release the console, and they might start thinking Nintendo are delaying Nintendo hasn't shown all of it, becuase they want everything to fit perfect and what fans and players will like and enjoy, why do you think they came up with Shell, becuase they know not everyone like the Remote Controll idea, (just becuase you like it doesn't mean its the best and i have to like it) And all havn't been shown because Nintendo hasn't got the money yet to finish it:D
  9. oh please it won't be on the revolution becuase Sega will have to go all the way back and manage the control settings just for a Remote controll Capcom will aslo has to go all the way back to master the control just for Revo's remote control
  10. those are good pics anymore:D
  11. hey if they pick you ask for a free 360 for me:D are you in uk or us?
  12. dunno if i should get it or not... but sinc its 4 player i will BUT if the storyline, FMV and cutscen matchs up with other sonic storyling i will but if it doesnt I WONT buy it and the characters aswell..
  13. Yop the game is good but too boringi find Echoes much better, Prime is better in a different way but echoes has more weapons, items and stuff?
  14. Xino Click to view my test results
  15. so some pictures, it works just like the Metroid Visor, with some scope where when you turn off it shows enemey that can;t be seen, but when you turn it on, you can see their skeleton how cool is that?
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