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Everything posted by xino

  1. paying for what? don't be dumb first did you read my post well? i posted i like the idea but hate the remote YOU WANT MORE AND A BETTER DETAILS i like the idea, with the handsfree, movment and touch screen senor i hate the facts that it is shaped like a remote control HAPPY NOW OR YOU JUST WANT ME TO LIKE ALL CRAPPY AND RIPP OF THINGS NINTENDO
  2. what is this game about anyway? is the storyline a bit like Second Sight or is the game focused on Gameplay/ Graphics or just Gamereply(lenght)
  3. Aimless how many times did i posted information about Sonic clearly, i think you are the one that is confused my friend, i am sorry you got confused what can i do about it:D i don't have time to, log in, read crappy post of kids, reply to a topic, and me TAKING my time making my grammar correct, sorry i got other better things to do, than waste my time replying to people that won't listen. If there is a price and aim about my grammar, then i will make it better, but since this is just a damn forum, i will just post info i know, i don't have time to make it better, because if i still do Some idiot will come up with something stupid or dumb, which makes me waste half of my time i will get down to my real grammar, if i am doing a article, education and price!? but just posting info for people that won't listen is just a waste:P like i said i am sorry if you can't read:D and you wanna buy a pet one!? ~_~
  4. Omikron 2 i swear if that game isn't coming out on revo, and only on 360 and ps3 i will be pissed off and keep calling NINTENDO ARE RIPP OFFS:p
  5. i an't exicted Nintendo did prove my @ss right, that the controller is next gen:D but still i still prove nintendo fan that the controler isn't all that the idea is good but, i hate the remote:D
  6. nah i say Sony will win best Games, for next gen:D
  7. you people are too dumb the guy asked for a RPG/ ADVENTURE not a damn action or racer my friend you did the right thing, by getting a ps2, cuz it has many games my friend i havn't got a ps2, but i recommed you get this type of RPG/ADVENTURE *Suikoden V *Phantasy Star Universe *.hack// series *Bleach: Hanatareshi Yabou *Kingdom Hearts *Xenosaga series *Xmen: Legends *Digimon series *Dark Cloud *Megaman x command * brb list the rest later:D
  8. f@k this this is a lame arugment wat da hell? Sonic Adventure was on Dreamcast? DUH, lets put this argument away Sonic Gem Collection isn't on xbox, so... but its on ps2, not exlcusive for GC lets just put this argument away, cuz it might lead to something stupid i say, for now Sonic The Hedgehog isn't coming out on The Revolution but it might, when Revo tec spec and controller has been finalized, and the systems are for the game has well if you don't like it GO TELL SEGA AND NINTENDO!
  9. yes yes i do actually now who els wants to post about their thoughs on Gamecube a Letdown i already did mines
  10. yes i am real, no making fun of other fan boys
  11. oH I SEE MY ATTITUDE my attitude in wat look at your children using bad langauge at me even if they use it i don't mind, but them not puting ... or ** sign on it hey are you here to troll, spam or post about GAMECUBE LET DOWN
  12. ? what you mean Gameplay? GAMEPLAY is just like Halo, so it means its still cool!
  13. going on like how first of all this topic says "Gamecube a Letdown" other people posted their opionions, i did mine has well now bunch of kids come in, posting about my opionion, WHAT DA HELL IS THAT? now i owned/boyed them, and you are telling me i am the kid i am starting to think you are on their side, be my guest if you wanna have a go at me too , do it! you dont want to end up like those 2 fools
  14. WAT DA HELL ARE YOU POSTING ABOUT how da f@k does GAmecube have all sonic titles the only titles that Sonic was only release for the gamecube was Sonic Battle and the rest of Sonic's games was on all console and even on pc First it won't come out on Revolution becuase... *of the remote controller *Graphics Engine *HD ect wat ever those stuff they are aruging about *Nintendo will have to pay Sega a big moeny to make it exclusive, and Nintendo isn't all that rich Second it will come out of Nintendo becuase... *Sega are working for Nintendo *All Sonic Games suppose to come only on Gamecube, but Sega needs money so they put the games on all console and pc *Sonic is aim at kids, so kids games should go on Revolution all i am saying is all website, articles and my researches, prove the game isn't coming out on Revolution ( yet?!) after it has finished been succesful on other next gen console, they might do a special edition or DX:D
  15. xino

    Area 51

    ? yea thats too bad was Far Cry on ps2 before?
  16. it doesn't matter if you are a halo fan or not this game looks sick, just like the first one it is the combination of halo too bad i havn't got an xbox
  17. like i always say "it is useless posting with kids..." you my freind is LOST, Nintendo has brain washed you with their ripp off First of all. Sonic Heroes is on all consoles, now its even on PC Sonic DX is also on PC Sonic Mega Collection which is in all console (you flooded this topic by posting all games on Mega Collection, which you don't have to) Sonic Gems is also on all console The only game only on Gamecube is Sonic Battle 2 I think you must have gotten yourself confused with your own question:d
  18. since i bought Xmen-Legends today i will be currently be playing it:D
  19. why do you kids always go to far why posting a pic of it? cuz its flooding and spamming the forum anyway, to add to my collection, i bough Xmen-Legend, not have 15 on cube:D
  20. 17 and why is that?
  21. AHHH, EXCUSSES EXCUESS EXCUSSES NINTENDO FANS NEVER LISTEN first..my wikipedia source, oh i see, you havn't heard about them, well my friend, if you need any info on anything, we have it and Wikipedia is always a right facts not wrong facts, 100% wikipedia is never wrong Second...my gamespot source, ok that is becuase it isn't coming out for Revo, if it is, it will say Revo (date not yet comfired) or coming soon on Revo Third... you can't access Seag source,? that is dumb, don't worry about the language, its the poster that explains it, it says, Sonic aninvary ect, coming on PS3 and XBOX360, Fourth... Lego star wars was coming out for the Cube, but they canceled it, just like they did for Mace Grifftn Bounty Hunter and your point is, you mean, a games comes out on console and later about a year it comes out on pc i get your point, that is what i also mean, the game isn't coming out on Revo, but later it will after they config the pad and revo system Fifth...what do you mean, Nintendo deserves it, you got to be joking Sonic is mario's enemy it doesn't deserve it, and not all sonic games was release on Cube, accept for Sonic Battle 2 and DX tell me why you think it deserve to be on the Nintendo Revolution? to me why i think it suppose to be there is because, Nintendo doesn't have that much sweet good games, Sega are working for Nintendo and it should be on becuase sonic battle, dx and sonic advance was released for Nintendo Sixth... Revolution isn't getting any exclusive for sonic, the game won't come out on it, but after the config of the Revo pad and Revo system, it may come on it, but it may be exclusive, with extra features:d
  22. xino

    Area 51

    hey comeon atleast its better than Giest:D
  23. wat da f@k leave fan boys alone if you diss fan boys of Microsoft xbox or ps2 fans I WILL DEFINATELY OWN/ BOYD YOU its a promise cuz their are too many fan boys of mario, nintendo, gamecube, metroid and ssmb and if they pick on xbox, ps2 or halo fans, they will be owned/boyed by me!
  24. yea the design looks ok, but its too big, it looks like something from space (Space Station) i like the pad, much better than other sony's pad
  25. xino

    Area 51

    it depends if you are a FPS Fan ( like me) PICK IT UP NOW! yea pic it up, havn't played it, cuz this damn Gamecube hasn't got it good storyline, FMV, weapons lets just say, its like Halo combined with Doom 3:D
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