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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. -2 hours later- Although this race is very dangerous, and you're way too fucking young, you can put your life at risk to take part in the race
  2. No need to worry, Moria's solution worked. Thanks anyway
  3. Beowulf: Freaking awesome... CGi was a little creepy at times, and...
  4. Yeah, I know it's not a car, but I'm only 16. Goes at a max speed of about 70 Km/PH.
  5. ... Oh fuck, I didn't read the OP, I thought it was combine two Wii games together, not combine your favourite and least favourite game! Anyway... Super Mario World Tour (Mario Galaxy + Rampage: World Tour)
  6. Who's wants their own Teddy Bear Mohammed?
  7. I just earned 50 euros from doings some relativly easy things on 2 computers. WINNAGE!
  8. I have a friend who's having a major problem. Recently, he hasn't been able to talk, or see online anyone he's added, although they excepted his invitation. How would one resolve this mighty problem?
  9. Resident Evil 4: (Excite) Truck Edition.
  10. Hearing that has brought a tear to my wooden eye.
  11. Since I don't really know anyone here, I'll say this... HELLFIRE YOU'RE FREAKING AWESOME AND YOU KNOW IT... and so is everyone else...
  12. -Walks in- Hey guys! -Everyone stares at him blankly- ....I'll grab my coat.... -walks out-
  13. Had a rather shit day actually. First of all, when I left my house to drive to school, I suddenly realised I had forgot my scooter keys. Since my parents were out taking the dogs for a walk, I was locked out. Due to sheer genius, I managed to get into my house, got my keys, and arrived 15 minutes late for school ¬¬ Later, at breaktime, someone kept slapping me around the neck, so I grabbed him by his neck, slammed him against a wall, and strangled him until I couldn't be arsed to do it anymore. Also, I nearly fell to sleep during Physics and Chemistry about 50 times. In between this class and the final one, a few things happened that aren't worth mentioning. One last shitty thing that happened was that when I was going to my scooter to go home (I was talking with a mate, by the way), since I was feeling depressed, I smashed my keys down on the ground, and broke the key for the chain, so I had to wait half an hour for my dad to come with the spare key. On a lighter note, seeing
  14. I signed up using your referral link...
  15. I just bought Nintendo for 4000 Star Points. Now, back to making that hard-core RPG for the Wii...
  16. Holy shit! You can now buy the rights to the Mario series for 3000 star points!
  17. Just bought a Zelda poster signed by Shigeru Miyamoto and Eiji Aomuna off the new Star Cataloge for only 2500 stars!
  18. Read Moria's post a little more carefully... ¬¬
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