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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. I've avoided the US news since it happened for this very reason. I just can't right now.
  2. In fairness when it was down the error message loaded very quickly
  3. You get something for replying but nothing extra for quoting or mentioning. Or emojis. I am not 100% sure about the email address thing but I can DM you my personal one so you can get in touch if you do have problems if you want?
  4. I'll dig into it properly but it seems that we can set up rules that define achievements and those achievements can give points and ranks are basically point levels. Some of the out of the box ones don't award points (such as first x posts) but we can change that. Some of the out of box ones do (such as adding reactions). Having a look @Hero-of-Time is the only one to have progressed to Rookie. When recommending a post you can also give points of your choosing. I think most people are limited to 50 a day but admin can give over that so brownnosing wouldn't hurt. Having a look you got 1 point for giving thanks. 5 points for this post (not sure why this post) and I gave you 10 points so you have 16. You need 40 for the next rank. Edit Seems you get 5 points for any reply and HOT has just been busy posting and reacting.
  5. One thing to flag up to people I have just spotted. The emojis are now provided for us (although some seem missing, I'll look into that) but if you change the category to 'Classics' (or scroll right to the bottom) you can see the ones we've had since like 2002.
  6. If he is logged out I can send him what email address is associated with his account. Although it happened to me when I went to sign into the admin area. Kept trying my personal one but turns out it was my site one.
  7. I think what I'll do over the next few days (read: probably this weekend) is go through the various new features, both obvious and stuff we could add, and then make a topic about that and get people's opinions. For example the badges, happy to keep those but if people find them generally annoying can switch off and/or change the ones we have. Seems we can also manually add some. I think anyway can by using the menu icon. You can also give points but no idea what they do so I gave Shorty ten. Actually @Glen-i I'll have a look and see if I can find some better way of helping you manage the online sessions you do. There's various new things like clubs/groups and an alert system and all sorts. Will dig into it and then send you what I find out and see if we can find a slightly more modern way of arranging those sessions.
  8. Oh that saves me figuring out how to embed X posts which to be honest I forgot I said I would do! Oh no I was definitely bugging him. We actually have pivoted to being a fan site for the band famous for 'The Final Countdown'. Did we not mention?
  9. For a game with X in the title I'd expect more than 12cm.
  10. 🎵 Okay, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
  11. I imagine most people playing would be used to that.
  12. I hope it does come out because at some point many years ago I wrote an article about it coming out and IGN pointed to it and said "this is dumb and fake" (paraphrasing) and I want vindication.
  13. Has anyone picked this up? I'm tempted to get it.
  14. Just looked at the price of the N64 controller at CEX and it's £50. Blimey. Trying to figure out if the motion sickness I felt last week was just getting used to the controller. Not having a dual analogue setup really confuses my brain now so I spent the first 5 minutes basically playing dizzy dinosaurs.
  15. Ah but now you've told us how we can defeat you!
  16. Maybe they'll release GameCube games on cartridges that are proportionally smaller to the Switch ones as GameCube discs were to DVDs.
  17. I'd be very much a "if I'm free I'll let you know" kind of thing because I'm terrible at planning my own schedule so wouldn't expect others to work around it
  18. I thought you meant the shop B&M for a moment. I went into Game recently to see how many points I had and they told me they couldn't check because the tills had been upgraded and that is why they're getting rid of the points system. I know he was just saying what he was told but what a daft justification. Pretty sure a POS system could account for loyalty accounts. Other shops manage.
  19. I caved and ended up getting it from the eShop. Saw some warnings that Shopto sometimes sell codes from elsewhere and Nintendo have banned accounts. But I think Perfect Dark has given me motion sickness 😭
  20. Honestly at the moment aside from a browser I'm primarily using VS Code. I might use Affinity if I got a new machine as I'm currently just using photopea instead but that was because I was running out of space but managed to clear out 40GB last week so maybe I should give that a go. So not much, really.
  21. Toying with finally getting this as Perfect Dark is one of those games that I've been wanting to replay for ages. I can't recall, is CD Keys legit or iffy? It's £10 cheaper than anywhere else but vaguely recall some news story about it a while back.
  22. My old surface could do with being replaced but torn with what. From what I've seen recent Surface devices have had poor battery life.
  23. It'll have a more fitting name on the Switch in that regards though.
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