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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. I'm just glad I flew out on Wednesday... Although there is that part of me that is worried payment systems here will be affected and I don't have cash.
  2. Aside from helping my grandad with his Xbox/360 and testing RROD while at Game I don't think I've ever really played a Xbox console. I've certainly never owned one (if that wasn't obvious) and other than a brief fad of colleagues buying a 360 when it came out* I can't even recall anyone I know IRL having one either. *One colleague did constantly point out how EA was pushing "realistic sweat" in it's titles on the console.
  3. I have been summoned! I did pick this up but long ago as I saw it in CEX. Now I just need an N64. It was one of those games I rented a few times because I couldn't afford to buy it but really enjoyed it and I'm not a huge racing person. In fact famously I disdain cars. But it's a fun game.
  4. I enjoyed the movie and the art style but there's something about it that doesn't really fit here and I can't quite place my finger on it.
  5. I do worry that whatever happens the future of America is just going to be violence. Either he wins and he enacts his revenge-filled control of the justice department or he loses and it's seen as illegitimate by his supporters and leads to more violence.
  6. Only tangentially related but when I was at Game you had to answer the phone with some kind of promo (new game, offer, preorder etc) and back in 2006 I got used to saying "Good morning thanks for calling Game [location] where you can now preorder Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training on the Nintendo DS, Ashley speaking how may I help" because it really threw everyone. Look at what they're giving up!
  7. It won't be for some weeks (I'm going on holiday on Wednesday) but at some point it would be good to give Mario Party a go. Used to love those when I was younger but now all my friends live abroad 😭
  8. Are the images for the last two posts not working for anyone else?
  9. A Metroid and Mario RPG bundle Is £50 at Currys: https://www.currys.co.uk/products/nintendo-metroid-dread-and-super-mario-rpg-bundle-10265950.html
  10. The spoiler button is broken, it's on my list. Although if you find an existing one you can copy and paste and that'll work.
  11. I might spin it into a thread about the US election. For good or for ill, it'll be big over the next few months.
  12. What's the crossover with Starfy and a Nintendo franchise? Is it the same developers, does Kirby appear in one or something? I know there's some factoid like that but can't recall what.
  13. You're not alone in this mentality but why?
  14. I know it's from a different thing but it's just reminded me of this which is the opposite of sadness:
  15. Wet barbeques, people drinking in the park with their top off and teenagers hanging around in town.
  16. The idea isn't one I'm necessarily opposed to, but it depends how heavily weighted it is towards that. If the single player is a mere afterthought I'd be disappointed.
  17. I had to check too because I felt the same. We're unintentionally being gaslit by @Cube
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