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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. I laughed at "Pokémon go plus plus" and not just because "plus plus" is patently silly but also because they have tacked it on to an app where you're not transitively going anywhere. I was surprised we didn't get anything about the new anime. Given it's a big change and due out soon (right?) I figured we would.
  2. Happy birthday!

    1. Dcubed


      Wahey! Thanks Ashley!

  3. I finally made it in and honestly a bit disappointed. There's a confluence of events that has led to that. It's been raining most of the day (not much they can do about that I know), and yesterday was a national holiday so it seems like it's busier than normal. I finally got in at 5, 2 hours before the park itself closes and several hours before parts of it close (eg Toad's café closes at 9:30) and yet both of the rides have closed before I even got into the Mario section. The section is impressively made and full of life and character, but I've essentially spent a lot of money (and time) to walk around animatronics. The wrist band is impressive from a technical perspective, but as a wrist band it's crap. Bloody thing keeps falling off. Ended up trying some of the challenges which are basically like Saturday night game show stuff (hit things, turns cranks etc) and it was a bit of fun but think the overall disappointed about the rides is dampening my mood. It didn't help that you can do 3 of these and then challenge Bowser Jr and after I'd done 2 they closed the rest. The coin blocks get a bit boring after one but they're more photo ops (and I'm by myself) than anything else. The deserts part is in the main park so I did go there and it was good, although so much sugar I felt a bit sick as I don't have much sugar nowadays. The only good surprise is the amount of Pikmin hidden things there are. Wonder if it's a sign of things to come. As I was leaving they'd put a sign at the entrance saying it's closed for a private event tonight. Whole thing left a bitter taste in my mouth. And to answer @bob (who posted while I was writing this), as in it was busy enough that 5:30 was the earliest I was able to get in.
  4. Well if anyone does go I recommend paying for the express ticket. I got here at 9am and can't get into the Mario section until 5:30 and the park closes at 7. I only came here for this, I don't care about the rest of the things 😭 I just thought it would be a "get ahead in the ride queue" kind of thing and thought I'd have plenty of time so no bother. Going to spend a whole working day just wandering around this park in the rain.
  5. Anyone that has seen me post in the amiibo thread knows that I'm not into merch because it just ends up taking up space but I really like the art style for this series. Not that I'd get it (maybe if Yoshi was there) but it's nice all the same
  6. In fairness it's March 10th in Japan at that point
  7. Did some shopping! Public bathrooms don't have hand drying facilities so everyone carries their own hand towel and I needed one. All the bullet train tickets are paper and I wanted a little thing to keep them in. I don't need another tote bag but I did need this tote bag
  8. Decided to book this in the end and I'm going on Friday
  9. The Guardian has a feature about it which has this wonderfully honest quote:
  10. There's so much advance notice I had to check a few times I hadn't read the date wrong. It'll be 11pm in Okinawa so I'll probably be asleep because I'm old.
  11. Well, unless the deal doesn't go through
  12. Yeah I know, just annoyed at Marvel, Cameron and Nolan in general.
  13. Looks okay, in that "it's on streaming so it's 'free'" kind of way. And also this:
  14. It does sound like they're fixing some of the bugs that were all over Twitter. "Passersby will no longer be displayed during certain battles that take place in towns during the main story." is presumably about NPCs wandering in (and through) during battles "Objects such as Poké Balls may be displayed in certain locations of the field unintentionally. This will be fixed." sounds like glitches And of course "other select bug fixes". I don't think they'll ever say "we're working on all those amateur issues".
  15. I think she genuinely believes it.
  16. Well Joanne has said that she considers people buying her stuff as an endorsement of her views, which is part of where the push back is coming from. This isn't just hypothetical, she's outright stated that buying HP merchandise such as this means - in her eyes - you agree with her. Obviously you can buy and not, but she uses the success to justify her stance regardless.
  17. On the bright side at least it's easy to pack away the GameCube again
  18. GameXplain has pointed out that the Japanese YouTube account posted a video the other day of upcoming content and this time around the Pokémon Stadium segment didn't include the "Pokémon cannot be transferred" disclaimer.
  19. In my defence I forgot it was called that
  20. I saw a while ago that this movie was announced when The Flash was in its first season and the show will wrap it's 8th and final season around the time (I think just before) it's even out.
  21. I'm sure they'd rather people be talking about the cameo than whatever crimes Miller has gotten into this week in fairness
  22. Maybe there will be some unlockables when Meteoid 4 is released 🙃
  23. GameXplain has a video and they call that number. Just a voice message from Luigi pointing you to the site basically. They also point out a number of Easter eggs on that site. For example try clicking the "as seen on TV" image.
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