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Status Updates posted by Ashley

  1. What do you wish to know (says a graduate working at Maccies! :p)


    Feel free to make a new thread.

  2. When you said its a touch too much I knew,

    I knew,

    That I'd be walking home again.

  3. Why don't you want to admit I know my shit? :(



  4. Woop indeed. Only 100 days :)


    That would be awkward. And you know when you leave a job you're supposed to actually leave, not just go upstairs :heh:

  5. Working for me.


    Sorry, reporting on the Ubi conference so can't help much more at the mo.

  6. Yeah that place. Scotland is all the same to me. I only really know of Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Peebles.


    By the sounds of it they were just looking for some gossip. Decided what you're doing with yourself?

  7. Yeah that's a real bummer. Its such an immense ending to season four. As Jennifer Carpenter said before the finale aired "you'll need therapy".


    Season five is dealing with that and there's not an overall 'big bad'. They said they couldn't top Lithgow and I think they're right. So there's smaller storylines that are spanning a few episodes. Obviously dealing with what happened at the end of S4 too. Its all good.

  8. Yo! (yeah I'm ghetto, what of it?)


    http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/07/iphone-4-vs-evo-4g-fight/ They have a comparison of the iPhone4 and Evo 4G and promise more comparisons soon so may be worthwhile keeping an eye on the site :)

  9. Yo.


    So do you use Unity then? As I mentioned, trying to learn it myself right now. Slowly but surely...

  10. You are?


    I don't recall doing that.


    Although it sounds like something I would do.

  11. You getting a new job = me getting a job? :p


    Congrats though dude :)

  12. You know we don't appreciate blatant slander about any member right? I find it highly unlikely that everything he says is a lie.


    What's your brother's friend's username?

  13. You need to dress your new baby up in this:


  14. You not coming here before 10th June then?


    I found one traditional but its level 2 and then no information was going in my brain as its late. Another day ^_^


    Good luck with all your work. Surely you can just send your tutors the RedBubble shirts in London shop news thing (I phrased that well...) and say "this should be enough!" ::p


    Night :)

  15. You replied on your own profile, silly man :p

    And no, it was about Desperate Housewives. Although I think its a pretty similar situation wtih Gossip Girl.

  16. You were in my dream last night!


    Well, it kinda looked like you and in my mind it was you. But I was at some giant shopping centre/school combined thing (which im guessing was local hence why you appeared) which had a swimming pool and you were just around. Don't think we spoke or anything.


    Thought I'd share. I'll try and stop being weird now :p

  17. You're into film now yeah? I reckon you should check out The Fall. Visually one of the most striking (urr stunning :p) films I've seen.




    Shot over 20-odd (I wanna say 26...) countries. Plus the plot is alright/has the odd interesting twist. And a cute as buttons Russian girl. What's not to love?

  18. You're just trying to find excuses to get my number aren't you you sleazy old man?


    Season 3 yes?

  19. Your post reminded me of this:



    Not sure why and I'm aware lobsters and crabs are different.

  20. Your vagina is an island of flowers.


    I don't have the time to watch that. Remind me in two weeks?
