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Everything posted by Hamish

  1. 7/10, only because it's Rimmer. It really isn't that good.
  2. No. I mine hasn't arrived yet, and so it is driving my parents isane. They just wish I had never wanted it, and are punishing me for the fact that they have spent at least 3 hours on the phone to Argos. So, if it ever does come, I can sence there being a very sour feel towards the console.
  3. The voice acting in Beyond Good and Evil is great. I love it. I would love to have voice acting in Zelda. Only trouble is it would take double the amount of time for the game to be translated and brought over here. I can only imagine it in cutscenes, not just when talking to random people though. I think Link should have a voice. I doubt it would be squeeky and high like in Wind Waker (when he says "Come On!") I am sure if the next one was realistic graphics, Nintendo would go for Lord of the Rings tone, with none country specific voices (kinda of british, but not british enough for you to just say "they aren't american!") Can't explain it. But I'd love it. I wanna talk to Gorons!
  4. I was gonna start this topic, but thought it was pointless with the Christmas topic. I'll post mine later.
  5. What is this craze with putting "The Official" in thread titles? What makes this thread any more official then another? Are you Nintendo? Anyway, I know this game isn't going to be great, but for £5, I might as well.
  6. A bad Wii player always blaims their Wiimote.
  7. Bravo Nintendo. Bravo. But I don't get it. We all know this, but my mates think that "Nintendo is going down the drain."
  8. Thanks. I will, but I do keep all info regarding it in any of the links in my sig.
  9. "D'you have anything to declare sir?" "I have nothing to declare but my genius!" "...shall I put that as nothing then?
  10. Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers for the NES. A platformer often over looked, yet it features something that no other Mario game does (and should), two players, on one screen.
  11. Children of Men, Casino Royale, Borat, Snakes on a Plane and Pan's Labyrinth. They are my top 5 movies of the year.
  12. I haven't got my Wii yet so... 1) Gears of War - played it at my friends house and I know it's amazing. 2) New Super Mario Bros 3) Lego Star Wars II
  13. A Zelda game that is 100%. It won't happen, but maybe Nintendo will surprise us and make a god awful Zelda game.
  14. So what is the problem with Boxing?
  15. I don't think this game for it is violent and the noises are too noisy. It's awesome.
  16. The War idea would be cool. Maybe you would only fight in a few battles, but it would be cool if that was just going on in the background. Maybe a plot involving you not knowing if the King of Hyrule truely is a good person, that kinda thing. I'd also like Zelda to die and for there to be a proper story between Link and her. Although Zelda stories are good, they never have that ompth that other games have for some reason. It just always seems to be a bit ... go there, do that, go there, do that again. It doesn't flow. And also, a good show of the graphics the Wii is capable of.
  17. It's a comedy, about ... Sky Rider. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/43583946/ Enjoy! My present to you for christmas!
  18. That is annoying as one of those could be mine. Argos still hasn't delivered.
  19. Scissor Sisters - Ta-Dah! Muse - Black Holes and Revelations Lilly Allen - Alright, Still
  20. Hmm...I may not be getting one ever though I did preorder it. lol. Yeah, it is pretty good praise I suppose, even though everyone here knew it was true.
  21. I think that Miis are fulfilling their full potential. Why can't a game read what codes you have used to make the Mii and incorporate your choices in the graphical style of the game. Surely that would not be hard? EDIT: Posted at the same time Kurt R. Great minds think alike eh.
  22. The Wii was featured on Five's Gadget Show yesterday (11th December). Two of the presenters were showing off their Christmas gadget of choice to 3 technophobes. One chose the Wii, and another chose a Blue Ray Disc Player. The Wii got a unanimous vote with the people saying how they never played games but would consider buying one now. I kinda feel sorry for these people, because now they can't buy them as all of us have instantly gobbled them up.
  23. I thought Pikmin on the DS would be great, but I think with the Wii, you could have literally thousands of Pikmin on screen without any slow down. It would be cool. And you just know that there would be amazingly cute noises coming out your wiimote.
  24. I can live with a score that is not orchestrated but am annoyed because Nintendo confirmed that it did have an orchestrated score.
  25. Urrr...Boxart changes from country to country you know. Some of this could be Official for America and some for the UK.
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