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Everything posted by Hamish

  1. I love the Tardis. I love how it is falling apart and the control panel is made up of bits and bobs that the Doctor has collected over the years. Loose wires hanging out everywhere. Little time is spent in there in the show as the writers what to get them out to get on with the story, but I think it is genius. Better than in other shows with perfectly polished space ships.
  2. A K9 Animated TV Show has been announced. Oh god. It will be shown on CBBC later this year.
  3. I loved Billie in the lunch room in the preview. Looks hilarious. Oh, and I love his glasses. When he puts them on, you know he's working it out. But, major plot hole...what happened to the monks?? They killed the werewolf but did the monks just disappear?
  4. Torchwood is an innstitute of alien study, like a British Area 51. They made that flipping great big laser in the Christmas Invasion and are built on the cobalt pyramids (said by Anne Droid. ) They will have a part in the series but I think the spin off is more of a "so, what did they actually do" and you won't need to watch it to enjoy the main event.
  5. Well to make you happy the new series goes to two alien planets. The second of which is meant to be one of the most dangerous and "tough" planets the Doctor has been to. Called "the Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit"
  6. I was a huge fan of the show in the 80s and have loved watching the older episodes. They are great. The reason why the first (or as I am talking to you, the 27th) series never went to an alien planet was that, quite frankly, those episodes arn't as interesting. I mean, when the Doctor asked Rose to come with him in a spaceship in the first episode she said no. But when he said it also travels in time, she went with him. Most humans would prefer to go into time rather then into space. The second series goes to two alien worlds. New Earth and an unamed one which is bet to be horrifing. Unless manking isn't involved in some way, then it just isn't really that interesting. We don't get the scale, the threat or anything if it is aliens being invaded by aliens. Just because the new series has evolved and changed doesn't mean that makes it worse. I think it gives it extra depth. Saying that it is different to the old series shouldn't be a bad thing. It is a good thing. Times change, people change and television changes and it isn't always for the worse.
  7. Yeah. I wonder if they will crack a Bad Wolf joke. Is that your quarrel with it? That the show is not stuck in the 70's anymore and has been adapted for modern viewing? Not every one who lives in Council Estates are chavs you know. I love all the background stuff with Rose and her family. If it weren't there, I would wonder what the hell her family would be wondering if she just slipped out of excistance. It adds an extra needed level to Doctor Who. Oh, and after the Christmas Invasion, I think Mickey and Rose got back together, and Mickey joins the TARDIS team in Episode Three. So we'll have to see how their relationship continues on from there.
  8. This is a trailer for Series Two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BustV-Z4b4g&search=doctor%20who%20red%20button%20david%20tennant%20billie%20piper Looks very cool. I had doubts about the Cybermen but I think they look terrorfying in this clip.
  9. I wasn't sure about the Cybermen (thought they looked too clunky) until I saw that click on the BBC Red Button Interactive clip. They looked terrifing. And the monks look so OTT, I LOVE DOCTOR WHO! How it can get away with just stupidity.
  10. Medium Nintendo shows Super Smash Bros Revolution, and King Dedede is not a playable character!!!
  11. The next episode looks pretty fine and spooky.
  12. Great. Really good. I love it. Smashing. "I'm beating out a samba" "I've got a head full of big face" "Oh my God I'm a Chav" "That's text-book enigmatic" "Yep...still got it..." "The flesh is free!" "It's like being inside a bouncy castle!"
  13. The New Series looks so much better though. :wink:
  14. A lot of Doctor Who fans can't understand the difference between Soap and Drama. They think that just because the character which brings all the spaceships and aliens down to earth has a mum, a boyfriend and a home it is instantly a soap opra. This is wrong. It gives the show a fresh new dimension that, although different to the old series, helps us relate to the different things we see. The new series is much more like the vey first series, when the companions and the Doctor were equal. This is a much better format as the viewers can be the companion. It is hard to understand but it is a vast improvement to the old demonating Doctor. Billie Piper is staying on for a Third Series which I am glad about. She is as important as the Doctor in this new series. Also, the Doctor isn't bisexual as such, but Cpt. Jack is from a time where pretty much everyone is bi because in the future everyone becomes more open and relaxed about such things. The Doctor understands this and happily does playful banter with Jack. I know a lot of Doctor Who fans (I'm Mr. 5 on Outpost Gallifrey Forum BTW) and their is a divide between the fandom. You either love it or you hate it (the new series I mean) but the ones that hate it are mostly the ones that feal the old series as theirs and not of the BBC's and that nobody can ever change it. Also, rokhed00, you set you could script a better Doctor Who series, then go on. Fine, I won't do that. But why not say 13 episode ideas for a new series. I garentee that your anwsers will be a Canival of Fanwank!
  15. I think the new series has all the magic, humor, charm and ... wonder of the old series. I loved the old series and think the new series is just as good. People who disagree are usually (usually) just trying to find cons, because they don't want to like the new series.
  16. The new series has: Cybermen Werewolves Peggy Mitchell 2 Alien Planets Satanists from Space Peter Kay Mickey becomes and companion Alternative Realities Queen Victoria Alien Monks K9 and Sarah Jane Smith! Evil Teachers Cat People The Return of Lady Cassandra Maybe a Dalek (still very much rumoured) And according to RTD, the biggest cliffhanger at the end of the series in film and television history. Bring on Saturday to start it all.
  17. I'm writing a script for a film about Cosplay. A female Elvis impersonator goes on a mission to find Elvis as she is convinced he was upducted by aliens. He friends include various people from cosplay including someone dressed up as a Chibimon (like Pikachus), a fat girl dressed up as Sarah Hutchcroft (like Lara Croft), someone called Mr. 5 (man with a box on his head) and a man dressed up as a made up anime character called Junken X.
  18. Thanks. I just thought that as the forum discription said "Here you can post about your own creativity, about anything from artistic talent to computer programming" then both would be completely acceptable.
  19. Aparantly the new Bean film brings it back to it's routes and doesn't leave London. I read that Teddy goes missing or something.
  20. http://www.scribbleboxstudios.com Scribble Box Studios.com is the number one spot for doodling. Think that your doodle is crap, you know, the one you drew in a Chemistry Lecture, then you are wrong! All doodles are accepted over at the box! And we want to see them! Also, there are (or more there will be) Flash Movies by me, Weekly Comics, Contests, Features and a really cool forum! Join the forum and you can Beta Test games and movies and see comics before they are released. also go to... http://s15.invisionfree.com/Continent_RPG/index.php?http://s15.invisionfree.com/Continent_RPG/ Here is a forum RPG which I helped make. It is a really good laugh and the forum is for people who don't really take forum RPGs seriously. Though it may look scary at the start, what with all the information you got to think about in battles and stuff, but once you learn it, it because a very enjyoable experience. It uses Pokemon and Golden Sun sprites alot...so it must be goo!
  21. Of course Nintendogs wasn't the first Dog Simulator. The first one was in fact for the PS1 and there have been many since including the recent Dogz! for GBA. But this is obviously identical and piggybacking on Nintendo's success. Now you can see why Nintendo are afraid of Sony just stealing their ideas with the Revolution.
  22. http://www.dsgaming.co.uk/html/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1364
  23. "Do you remember the day the snow turned to rain?" "Oh, the day the snow turned to rain?" "That day." "What was I doing on that day?" "I see." "I don't know. What not ask Naguimi-san?" "Naguimi-san?" "She works at the butchers." "I see." TING! "Do you remember the day the snow turned to rain, Naguimi-san?" "Oh, the day the snow turned to rain?"
  24. All the Duke Nukem ones are just copied from the Evil Dead films. Gotta love Evil Dead! I love the star fox ones: "Your good...But I'm better!" "Your dad screamed real good before he died!" Listen to the Resident Gigalo: http://www.residentevilfan.com/multimedia.asp Best Resident Evil quotes put together to form a porno! Hilarious!
  25. I really enjoyed Doom, Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy because I am not fans of the game. I think fans are far to protective of their favourite genres. I didn't think Resident Evil was unwatchable. Just be a little less of a fan boy and you can enjoy these films. They are purely to make money and just be a fun pop corn flick. Final Fantasy: Advent Children was really boring as all it seemed to do was just please the fans.
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