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Everything posted by Hamish

  1. 1) Love ... aww 2) Return of the DALEKS!!! WOOT! 3) DS...lovely 4) Meeting Danny Wallace and becoming a baron of lovely 5 Summer...glorious
  2. Their are alot of spelling mistakes on my site... I don't really care though. I'll change when I have the time.
  3. Sky Rider is my new 5 part sci fi comedy flash series. The main character, Sky Rider, is a foul mouthed, drunk Irish smoker. Did I mention he is an alien. Go to my site ( http://www.scribbleboxstudios.com) , then Doodle Pads, then Concepts, and you can see some piccys of him. The whole concept came about with the idea of if Bernard Black from Black Books was Doctor Who. That is the basis but as it has grown it is so much different now. Anyway, I need someone to play him. The original guy ducked out...please help me. What you need: - 18 or over. Sky Rider is 31 and he needs to sound it. - Can do an Irish accent. Nothing stereotypical. Just faint and nice. (Like Dylan Moran) - Will be able to have a clear sounding recording, and have them sent to me by email - Will be willing to re-record anything - Will be willing to both swear and show emotion in this. I think that is it...please, everyone audition. Don't submit them to Putfile as that is rubbish, please just post in here and send me an email with the sound attached. This is the audition line: Said in an iritated sigh "Yeah. And if I could walk that way I wouldn't need the talcum powder."
  4. I always thought that was how racing games would work... because the controller can spin around another meaning of the word revolution
  5. Surely the last secret is the name?
  6. I'm sure you all have ideas of who you want to see in the next Smash Brothers game...so hit me! And please don't say Sonic, Tales, ect... Anyway, I think that: King Dedede ... from Kirby, he deserves it... Totekeke ... from Animal Crossing would be really funny, hitting people with his guitar... Wario ... wheres Wario? Kecleon ... you know, that chamelion from Pokemon Little Mac ... from Super Punchout! or... Urban Kid ... from Urban Champion Andi ... from Advance Wars, would have guns and stuff Issac ... from Golden Sun, has a sword and pyscic powers...OoooOoOoh! ...umm, any ideas?
  7. Well, I was never thinking of getting one (most of the games seem either to be racing or war games) but then I so Dead Rising. Now that looks like the game I have dreamed for as long as I have been playing games...so now it is more of a maybe...
  8. 1) Super Mario Bros 3 (NES) Though the first two were good, this one clarified that Super Mario was going to work. It tied up all the lose ends really. Before, in the first one, the Mushroom Kingdom seemed just pixels which looked alright together, like not much thought had gone into it. But this one showed that the Mushroom Kingdom ment something. I don't know if I am making sence... 2) Animal Crossing (N64) 3) Paper Mario (N64) 4) Pokemon Gold Silver Crystal (GBC) 5) Wario Ware (GBA) Ohh, I so wanted Goldeneye in there...sigh
  9. With all the video clips and information of the Revolution and the DS being around, does anyone else feel that there Gamecube is getting really dusty. I never seem to play mine that much, and whenever I look or think about it I just have this image of it in the corner, covered in cob webs and stuff. All n' all, the Gamecube was a so-so console. All the games for it were great but just not as good as the previous N64 version (Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, Double Dash). Maybe TP will change my mind (if that gets released for the Gamecube ) I don't know. I love my DS, but I can see my Gamcube crying because I have made a new friend.
  10. I surpose this could be the OFFICIAL topic if you want... News--- Cyberman Revealed One of the doctor's oldest nemesi, the Cybermen, will be returning in the second series, and they have been given a funky new make over: Producer, Phil Collinson says: ‘The villainous Cybermen are as much a part of Doctor Who heritage as the Daleks and so it’s a huge personal thrill to see them back. I hope that the evil silver giants will terrify a whole new generation of viewers as they confront the tenth Time Lord.’ Children In Need Special On the Children In Need, there will be a 5 minute "official" episode of Dr. Who set directly after the last episode of the first series. That is next Friday. --- I loved this show, so if you have anything to say about this go on, do it!
  11. I love this show. I have two mates who are exactly like Jez and Mark. I loved it when Jez was drunk in the supermarket. "Don't tell him I hate the dips!"
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