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Everything posted by Hamish

  1. It's alright, I guess. Nothing special, but it does it's purpose. Nice font. 6/10
  2. Yeah, about that. Sorry I never really continued posting on the forum. I'll go back there in a tick...see what's hanging...
  3. Woah. How do you remember things like that? Yeah, I did, but I changed it a bit and now its called Moon Town. I linked to my DeviantART pages because I hadn't put them up at Moon Town yet, but I have now and I will link to my site when the next one comes out...which is tomorrow. Halloween special! Thanks. Guess what colour the next issue will be.
  4. Oi! Robot I know a little robot. He was built in the Evil Robot Company. He was meant to be the first robot built with ordinary intelligence. A robot, with the same intelligence as your average man. However, the scientist was disappointed with his creation, not knowing how dumb the average man is, and tossed him on the scrap heap. There, the robot (who named himself Oi, after the initials of Ordinary Intelligence on his back) met a giant monster called Raoul. I turned it into a webcomic. It started all drawn and scanned in. There was then a one off origin comic, and now I have gone into a flash cartoon style look and have started again. Issue 4 "Change" Issue 5 "Costume" I will update this topic every so often. On Wednesdays, the comic is first shown on my forum. On Thursdays, it is show on my site, and then on Saturday, I post it anywhere else I am (like on DeviantART and on forums).
  5. I thought that a nice idea might be something like in Lego Star Wars. An online match that goes on forever! And I mean forever. It starts with 4 people, but as soon as someone leaves, or is killed, another person takes their place instantly. So it would never end, and people would never get bored because as soon as they leave they are replaced. It could use the Wii Connector 24 by putting yourself in the waiting list, and when you are in, it tells you, you can join at any minute. But there could be loads of these games going on.
  6. I searched but could find no topic like it and I don't see why this is lock material. EDIT: I'm not trying to start some silly flame war but I'm not exactly a "noob". I don't want an argument over the internet because like the special olympics, weather you win or loose, your still a retard. I'm sorry, You can lock this, but you don't need to insult me for that... is quite frankly, noobish.
  7. What's coming, on Revolution Europe? It's days away, but for those days, we can speculate. Me? I assume it's changing it's name to Wii Europe. What do you think?
  8. Where has Lego Star Wars for the Gamecube gone? On all recent official release date calendars, Lego Star Wars 2 has just disappeared for the Gamecube. It still lists it's release date on Playstation, Xbox and DS, but not Gamecube... I've seen this on the interent, on Game Central and in Game and Gamestation pamflets I got recently. So is it still heading to Gamecube?
  9. I caught the music video and loved it. Funky and kept you watching. Much better then that American Rock crap when their all in the underground performing in front of lots of black and white oily people.
  10. I saw it when it was first one, but these programs draw you in and you end up watching the whole thing, especially with Bobo narrating. Poor Bobo, Super Mario Bros didn't get in the 100. He must be turning in his grave. Anyway, I can't remember where the Goonies came, but I assume around the #1 mark. That movie is the best movie ever. Also, I like PotC, but noway does it deserve to be THAT high when Back to the Future is only in 7th place. Actually, that is pretty high. I was glad to see Spirited Away up there, even if it wasn't that high. Beetlejuice, Bugsy Malone, Edward Scissorhands and Gremlins all deserved their place. Ghostbusters as well. And Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Oh! They're all good I guess.
  11. No, I've toyed with it before, but like many of my projects, it was a completely stupid idea. I mean, really, it couldn't work. I guess I just wanted to make Doctor Who sprites I guess.
  12. Dalek: "The Cybermen are better then the Daaaaaleks in only one way!" Cyberman: "What is that?" Dalek: "They are better at dying!!" RTD's scripts make me laugh a lot!
  13. I am currently making a adaptation of the book "A Wonderful Wizard of Oz" into an RPG. Think about it, think about the plot, it suits an RPG format perfectly. My other projects have been Shenmue 3, Continent (about dinosaurs really) and Pure Light: Fire and Water (a spoof of RPGs). I also secretly want to make a Doctor Who game.
  14. The question was "What is the name of the Black Dalek?" We are taking this far to literally. I bet that the awnser is the Dalek Supreme. All the Daleks were wiped out in the Time War (so we thought). One Dalek fell through time to Utah in 2012 and then that was destroyed. However, in the Time War, the Emporer's Ship drifted off into space and avoided the fate of the other Daleks (I still think it is far more likely that the Dalek in the episode "Dalek" didn't kill itself but instead teleported and became the emporer. That's just speculation though) Rose then wiped all these Daleks out of time. However, a Void Ship takes you to the Void, where there is no time and no space. 4 Daleks entered into the Void ship with the Genisis Arc. I bet that the Genisis Arc is something that repulates the Dalek race. So what did the Daleks do for all that time in the Void Ship: http://www.insertcredit.net/doctorwho/orion/10yearsinthesphere.mp3
  15. I think we should give her a chance. She is playing a different character and in her role in Army of Ghosts all the script asked her to do was be a little bit cheeky, and then just a robot...then die. So I don't think that we can really judge her on 10 minutes of acting.
  16. Billie Piper has confirmed she will be leaving and won't be in series three.
  17. The face of Bo is meant to be in Series Three.
  18. Well, here is an early concept sketch of Dr. Zoidberg from the Futurama Season 1 DVD: Eerie ain't it. I don't know if this blatant copy stuff is coincidence. As well as the obvious influences in certain episodes, some the enemies recently have seemed like copies of movie monsters. The Krillitains looked just liked the Pugbats from King Kong (both also have very similar shots in them) and the Clockwork droids look very similar to V for Vendetta. Cat Women aren’t exactly original, the Werewolf looked like it came out of Harry Potter and I don't think faceless people are exactly original.
  19. I hate Grace too. It is strange how much opinions change on people. For example, when Shabaz went in the house I thought he would be a laugh (much like Derek was last year) but after seeing him for about a day I just found him annoying. The exact opposite happened with Lea (sp?)
  20. Thank god! That is another one ticked off my hate list. Next is Grace.
  21. Wow. The Impossible Planet was my favourite episode of New Who. Yikers. Loved the Ood, loved the characters, loved the plot and can not wait till the showdown between the Doctor ... and Lucifer.
  22. Yeah, but it doesn't mean they have to be in it.
  23. I loved this episode. In Parting of the Ways it never gave a good impression that there were loads of Daleks, but tonights episode really did. Also, Torchwood features in the last episode. The episode description for "Doomsday" is "The cybermen appear in our universe with help from someone from the Doctors past..." Could well be Jack. Look, Torchwood is featured in this series. It mainly features as "Queen Victoria founded it..." and "It is in the last epsiode." That is all casual viewers need to know. However, what happens in between this is the spin-off show "Torchwood."
  24. umm...interesting 6/10 What does everyone have against yellow?
  25. They are very different. Digestive are rather plain and Hobnobs are more wheaty. Has anyone ever had these delicious variants? Hobnob Flapjacks (probebly the best name for anything ever. Better then Flapnob, Jack Hob?) Orange Chocolate Hobnobs White Chocolate Hobnobs Mini Hobnobs
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