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Everything posted by Karl619

  1. Ganondorf! He can transform himself into all sorts of crazy shit !
  2. Not sure if it's been discussed yet or not but does anyone know or have an inclination as to who the lady in white is? She also was a timelady at the end?
  3. Karl619


    Does it make it a white Christmas if there is snow on the ground or does it have to be actively snowing. I know the MET office say it has to be snowing but for me as long as its white out there its a white Christmas..obviously!
  4. Hopefully I will be unwrapping dragon ages on Christmas morning
  5. I wonder what a dream therapist would make of this
  6. According to TOTP2 christmas edition on now "Stop the Cavalry" was a number one hit at Easter in France! This topic nearly had me ranting about the validity of RATM as a Christmas number one. Christmas number ones should have sleigh bells by default!
  7. The food, the giving and receiving of prestents, the music, the joy, the TV, the weather, the parties, the drink, the laughs, the anticpation for the new year, the reflection of the year gone buy, the celebration of big J's birthday, the reindeers, the cards, the carol singers, the christmas shopping, the wrapping of presents. AHHH it really is a wonderous time of year
  8. Bit of a random thread this .I'm thinking of buying a Christmas hamper to treat my family but I've got a bit stuck as to what to stick in it. All the ones I've seen online are full of crap I have no intention of eating and any hamper which only has 4 mince pies in but costs £70 is pathetic. So I've decided to make my own. Sooo what food do you think has to go in the hamper. What are your favourite Christmas treats?
  9. The airport section seems to me like its controversial for controversy sake. It was oddly empowering though, I liked the slow motion stroll through the airport; it made something horrfic casual. Personally I'm not offended by it but if I had a relative who died as the result of an aiport massacre then I probably would lol As for the issue of the better players being empowered online, well surely they deserve to have kick ass perks . I think the multiplayer is perhaps more balanced this time. If you do suck then its up to you to improve!
  10. I couldn't be bothered to go to game at midnight so I was torn between going sainsburies which opened at 8 this mornin or going to Tesco. So I went to neither , I went to Asda which opened at 7- they had none left so then I went Tesco and paid the £39. Do I mind? When it's cod........naaaah ! :-D As for the maps.... they're all good but I haven't got any favourites or there aren't any stand out ones. That's possibly because of my over familiarity with the cod4 maps. Great fun though! I love the aid box or whatever its called - which you can drop from an helicopter. Especially when it randomly gives you helicopter support . Please can people add me, I know you don't know me but add me anyway! I'll be an easy kill for you :-)
  11. Karl619

    Fifa 10

    Question!!!!!!!!! Which has probably been asked a million times before but hey ho! What system should I get FIFA on? ive played the PS3 demo and like it but I'm used to FIFA 2009 on the xbox. Are there any features missing on one version? Thank you!
  12. Dont you hate it when your day was exactly the same as the day before just because you were stuck in a crippling work environment :-S
  13. Stoke on Trent ( voted worst city in U.K 2004)
  14. God knows how Rachel got in the bottom two. Maybe something to do with her appearing first
  15. He made the curtain hairstyle cool ! For that he will be sorely missed . R.I.P
  16. I feel like I have to watch the X factor because if I don't I would be in the minority. Most of the acts are overated but they do unearth the odd gem
  17. I'm a fan of his! Well not a fan but I do think he's funny. You have been watching was a good show and I have a book of his I haven't read yet. He does need to cheer the **** up though
  18. Hello all !Can anyone recommend any good websites where I can get myself hold of a PS3? I've looked at the main retailers... comet, curries, pc world etc etc and they're mostly out of stock. I originally wanted to pay for it on credit so if anyone knows any websites who sell PS3's this way do please tell! Basically I'm after the best priced PS3 bundle. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  19. I love Derren Brown. I hate the numerous theories though, some are so cock sure that their theory is correct when they're probably a mile off, it is fun to guess though. My favourite theory is the "The Debbie McGee, wearing the cloak of invisibility, wrote on the balls, theory". haha http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/tvandradioblog/poll/2009/sep/10/derren-brown-television
  20. Well I haven't seen too many cartoons where the character is forced to lower their pants to proove their gender but yes you're correct :-D
  21. Why don't they just pull her pants down !!! Surely that will give the answer. Blimey, sod genes testing
  22. I'm loving Port Vales destruction of an entire footballing city :-D.
  23. Simon Cowell is a man who wears shirts which show off his nipples too much and I never trust people who wear their trousers too high! Distinctly average! Wish I had his money though.
  24. Well the IGN review...and all the tabloid reviews I've seen so far hate it! hmm then again they're hardly sourced from the world's greatest film critics
  25. I've read reviews that Inglorious Basteurds is a bit well.....shit and that Brad Pitt's acting is ........well the pitts :-p. Are they a being a bit harsh?
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