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Everything posted by Lammie
Cake noun a flattish, compact mass of something, esp. soap : a cake of soap.
I never really liked Power Rangers, always seemed a bit cheesy. I think it's cuz I could never really move on from Ninja Turtles. Side note: Alex Borstein of Family Guy fame (Lois, Trisha Takanawa) apparently provided the voices for some of the monsters in Power Rangers! Crazy shizzle!
Old english cheese is the shizzle!
I goddamn hate Frankie Muniz with a vengeance. Hal was the star of the show.
Thank you for that pearl of wisdom. If you don't have the attention span to read a post longer than seven words, then it's your loss.
Sing for Absolution is probably the only Muse video clip I like. All the other's I've seen are a bit half assed montages of them playing live. Rabbit in Your Headlights is one probably my fav music video, followed by Street Spirit (both directed by Jonathan Glazer coincidentally) Some of my fav clips: Mint Royale - Blue Song (Starring Noel Fielding & Julian Barratt) Radiohead - Just http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPdoRiWhwsw&search=Radiohead%20-%20Just Bjork - All is Full of Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQH4AdOg2MU&search=Bjork%20-%20All%20Is%20Full%20Of%20Love Radiohead - Street Spirit White Stripes - The Hardest Button to Button http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBiQqLg9DfQ&search=white%20stripes%20-%20hardest%20button%20to%20button Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar (awesome train ride scenery moves to the beat) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRr41l26F70&search=chemical%20brothers%20-%20star%20guitar
Super Massive Black Hole is rather different to the other tracks on the album. I'd say it's a bit of a black sheep compared to the rest.
Ever consider that perhaps having some police officers of an ethnic minority allows for them to have specific understanding of certain situations? Saying that a small percentage of the force must be of an ethnic minority isn't discrimination to whites. Why shouldn't the police be forced to reflect the mixed ethnicity of the civilian population? What exactly do you mean by traditional values? And how are they being threatened? Cultures are always in a state of change. It seems kinda xenophobic when the dominant majority starts shitting itself the moment a guy down the street wants to prey to a different god and cook curry five nights a week.
I'm not sure that some of you people realise that just about every racist/fascist political party scatters the odd 'good' policy throughout their manifesto's. Just so they can't be called 'totally evil'. I'm not totally up with the BNP, being an Aussie, but I did see a docco on the party a few years back. And I tell you now, they are bigoted white dickheads. End of story.
If you're interested in getting some solid unmediated reports about the current state of insurgents vs. the US led occupation check out anything by Michael Ware - an Australian journalist who's spent the last 3 years reporting for Time. Just saw a documentary based around his contact with Iraqi Resistance and al Qaida jihadi's. Very interesting. I could go on for a while about what he has to say, but you're better off tracking down the reports by him yourself. This is what Ware had to say about Zarqawi back in 2004: "Insurgents used to say to me, 'I'm fighting to get the U.S. out of Iraq - Iraq for Iraqis.' Now they say, 'I'm fighting for Islam.' We've created the next Bin Laden, Zarqawi. He was a marginal figure before the war, and now, he's actually competing with him for primacy."
I like it when someone mispronounces 'glasses' as 'ga-lasses'.
I don't know if you've had any experience as a soldier, but although they are trained to be very disciplined it's not like they are like zombies that mercilessly kill on command. A soldier isn't allowed to carry out orders from a commanding officer that break the rules of engagement or any other conventions that have to be ahered to. Innocents were killed. It's no cover up. I think the last report I read said at least ten civilians were injured or killed, including one woman and child. I don't know if the term 'murdered' exists in war. I think they tend to go for 'casualties' or 'collateral damage'. It's the horrible reality. That's the worst thing about this war, and every other - the civilan deaths. And yes it's unavoidable - the argument isn't about waging war without harming civilians it's about not having any war full stop. And on the topic of Fascism - I think it's kind of difficult to relate the US's current government to Hitler's or Mussolini's regime as there's alot of other factors influencing the US government. You've got lobby groups, big business and religion all with their fingers in the pie wanting the current administration to look after them. GWB isn't a psychopath like Hitler, he's just got alot of favours to repay while keeping the US economy afloat. Oh, and can people be a little more open to other's opinions, I know I didn't set a very good example earlier on but try and keep away from blatant flaming.
The US does what it does because there's this general consensus through western culture that even if though the US does do some shoddy things, in the end we're still right and the terrorists are wrong. It kinda softens the fact that they've killed a shitload more people getting rid of Saddam than the terrorists could hope to have done with Americans/British/Australians/Spanish etc.
Looking back Conzer, I was probably a bit over-critical. I'm gonna take back the fool thing. I'm pretty sure the attitude from the US is that taking out Zarqawi isn't going to have any long lasting impact on things, it's more of a symbolic thing. Sort of 'we can continously kill your terrorist leaders while you can't lay a scratch on ours'. I'm not saying it's necessarily the best way to go about things as it's what Israel has been doing for the last few decades and look where it' got them. And the whole acting undemocratically thing doesn't mean much in a war. Especially the war on terror which is all pretty fuzzy on what you can and can't do. It's a far cry form the old days of frontlines and trenches. I find it hard to debate topics like this. There's so much to consider - it's unbeleivably complex and I don't think it's possible to state one side or opinion as 100% right. Of course the US is going to act in it's own interests, there's no such thing as altruism - you don't become the most powerful military and economic power by making sure everyone else is happy and healthy first. God, I'm straying from topic and turning this into a rant. Better stop now.
God if it sounds this good in mono.......I can't wait till I get the legit (and stereo) CD.
You sir are a fool of the highest degree. To anyone who doesnt have a grasp of reality can you please refrain from posting. Thank you. If the US had the possiblity of capturing Al Zarqawi they would have. Second best thing was to bomb him to shit.
I joking when I said get it signed. But I'm sure if you really want to cash it in in the future, go ahead and ask Joby to grace it with his scribble.
I've only heard 'Guns Don't Kill People' which is pretty catchy, and funny too.
Just had my personal screening of 'Project One'. Well what can I say. Buy it people, and get Joby to sign it - it'll be an investment come 10 years time. For a film by a bunch of students and a budget of exactly nothing (see inside DVD case) it has incredible production value. It's not like they've nicked a DV Handycam and borrowed a copy of iMovie - this is pro. You've got a cache of weponry, fancy flippy-punchy fights, and the odd corpse falling 30 to 50 feet. Oh yeah, and the truck. How the fuck did you get hold of that - and who got court marshalled? It may be low on dialogue and has simple plot - but it's an action movie - it's how they should be. I've seen many an action flick where dialogue and stupidly complex scripts have made what should be an enjoyable 90 minutes equatable to watching compost decompose (ie: most Schwartzenegger movies and every season of 24). That said, with the minimal dialogue you still know what is exactly going on - so Joby has obviously got the skill of directing nailed. So sit back and watch the blood spurt and the grey matter spray. Plus it stars that guy who was in that short movie about him sleeping all day and whacking off. Tops.
I'm pretty sure its at the Post Office waiting for me to pick it up. Would have had it Monday but I've been at uni 9-5 the last 3 days so by the time I get home the PO is shut. Fecking public sector....what about after hours!
Yeah, that's how you are meant to have a 'bomb' (aka depth charge, etc) pouring it in is just not right. Although some places wont actually let you drop the shot glass in (can break/chip glass) or they serve shots in shoddy plastic things that just float and refuse to sink and mix properly. Jager Bombs are the best. Mmmmmm.
Another variation is to float the Baileys on the Jameson's in a shot glass, hen drop the shot glass into the Guinness pint. Slightly less deadly as you only have half as much Baileys/Jamesons.
It looks like a hand grenade. Does it explode when you pull the lid off?
The Cleveland steamer reminds me of a story my mate told me (one of those 'It happened to a friend of a friend of mine' things). Some guy picked up a girl at a bar and they've gone back to his place to get it on. So they're in bed, nekkid, and she whips out a handkerchief and pokes it up his butt, only leaving a little bit hanging out. They proceed to get it on and about halfway through the girl yanks the handkerchief out resulting in the guy shatting all over the bed. The guy freaks out and runs to the bathroom to clean himself up, apologising on the way. He cleans himself up and comes out to find the girl rolling around on the bed in his shite. He legs it out of there and now has a phobia of handkerchiefs. I'd say thats a great way to end a relationship.
Ordered! Huzzah!