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Shame on you ubisoft


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you know... when Ubispft annouced all their wii games shortly after red steel, i was like 'way to go'


now i'm like, 'what a waste'


the two 'stars' red steel and rayman have both had mixed reviews and neither have lived up to their initial promise


the remainder of the line up - in particular far cry, and splinter cell are just very dodgey ports..


lets face facts


1: ubisoft have been using unreal 2.5 in the launch titles (except for

rayman which uses the BGAE 'jade' engine, but does not support prog scan).


Unreal 2.5 will never get good results on the wii and it's use is just lazy... very lazy.


the result is that all their games look like bottom-tier xbox 1 games... whereas the wii should easily be able to outshine the best that gamecube ever did. look at far cry - it's shockingly bad. and the water effect? both twilight princess and sonic show the kind of water that the wii can do - and far cry is a game famous for sparkling tropical views with lush jungle reflecting in pristine seas. Zelda has been more ambitious with it's graphics in a MINI GAME than far cry has with it's whole visual presentation.


2: every single one of the titles lacks any sort of real polish... for crying out loud, what good does it do to rush your games for the launch and then have them review poorly?


3: for all their talk of being 'amazed by wii' after e3, ubisoft has spectacularly failed to deliver... in the case of red steel, this is a crime in itself as the team was one of the first to get their hands on the wiimote - and yet they have revised the controls 3 times in the last few months of development.


ubisoft are fast becoming one of my most loathed developers - most of their stuff is juts the same tom clancy rubbish recycled and swapped around over and over.


if they feck up prince of persia wii.... i'll never forgive them.


sorry i just wanted to get that off my chest!

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Any comparison between Zelda and Ubisoft games is unfair, there's always this statistic Red Steel and Zelda have similar production values (in $$$) but Zelda has been engineered for a lot longer and at the Wii's home.


I've not given a second of thought to any Ubisoft games besides Red Steel and Rayman though. It shows on the forum (as none of them have their own threads) that these games are going to sell to kids with low standards.

The control method alone will probably make them love it.

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Actually i'm here to back up Ubisoft. They've produced a lot of titles in a very short amount of time. Sure there are problems with the games, but there are teething problems for a system as different as the Wii. Red Steel had big problems with it controls, but there was no lack of effort in Red Steel, so I don't think you can call it lazy.

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Not that I want to turn this intellectual debate about the corporate placement of Ubisoft at the heart of the Wii launch into (another) debate about graphics. But I thought I would post this because Rayman is a labour of love.




Yeah the other titles are lazy rehashes but it's unfair to generalise against these two games.

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Actually i'm here to back up Ubisoft. They've produced a lot of titles in a very short amount of time. Sure there are problems with the games, but there are teething problems for a system as different as the Wii. Red Steel had big problems with it controls, but there was no lack of effort in Red Steel, so I don't think you can call it lazy.


I agree.


I think it's awfully brave of Ubisoft to show so much dedication to Nintendo. Alright, maybe none of the titles could match up to their first party games, but you know me a system where a 3rd party has shown so much dedication on launch day, whilst also bringing big names such as Rayman and Splinter Cell to that exact same console.


Fair enough, Red Steel has problems. It's a new system, and it will take time before we see the best use of the 'mote and 'chuck for FPSs. Rayman actually looks great, i want it. Far Cry could be better, but apparantly they've delayed it to enhance it. (possibly online?).


So, cut them some slack. They're trying, and that's good enough for me. I know we'll see better games from them. Have a little faith, son.

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I think UbiSoft deserves credit for being by far Wii's biggest supporter.


Two exclusive first-person shooter (although they are both pretty mediocre it's an important genre to attract more "mature" gamers), two racing games (not good, but with a free plastic wheel) and Rayman which is probably the second best launch game and Splinter Cell seems pretty OK.

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you know... when Ubispft annouced all their wii games shortly after red steel, i was like 'way to go'


now i'm like, 'what a waste'


the two 'stars' red steel and rayman have both had mixed reviews and neither have lived up to their initial promise


the remainder of the line up - in particular far cry, and splinter cell are just very dodgey ports..


lets face facts


1: ubisoft have been using unreal 2.5 in the launch titles (except for

rayman which uses the BGAE 'jade' engine, but does not support prog scan).


Unreal 2.5 will never get good results on the wii and it's use is just lazy... very lazy.


the result is that all their games look like bottom-tier xbox 1 games... whereas the wii should easily be able to outshine the best that gamecube ever did. look at far cry - it's shockingly bad. and the water effect? both twilight princess and sonic show the kind of water that the wii can do - and far cry is a game famous for sparkling tropical views with lush jungle reflecting in pristine seas. Zelda has been more ambitious with it's graphics in a MINI GAME than far cry has with it's whole visual presentation.


2: every single one of the titles lacks any sort of real polish... for crying out loud, what good does it do to rush your games for the launch and then have them review poorly?


3: for all their talk of being 'amazed by wii' after e3, ubisoft has spectacularly failed to deliver... in the case of red steel, this is a crime in itself as the team was one of the first to get their hands on the wiimote - and yet they have revised the controls 3 times in the last few months of development.


ubisoft are fast becoming one of my most loathed developers - most of their stuff is juts the same tom clancy rubbish recycled and swapped around over and over.


if they feck up prince of persia wii.... i'll never forgive them.


sorry i just wanted to get that off my chest!


Sorry sir, but you're an eejit! Kindly explain to me what Ubisoft could have done better with the resources they had?

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I have to say I'm glad Ubisoft are with the Wii and are producing so many games for it, its a launch window, they've just ported as many games as they felt they could to make as much money as they can and who can blame them? they need the money to carry on developing games after all, then after this intial batch and especially after the PS2 (and xbox i guess) has gone (so they stop porting games over from these versions) we will start seeing games created from the scratch or from the 360/PS3 builds and then scaled down.



as you can see from this article on 1up:




launches very rarely have more than 1 great title we should be grateful we have Zelda, and that Ubisoft have shown they are ready to get behind the console.

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I'm backing Ubi on this. They've thrown their weight behind the Wii, and I'm grateful for that. The launch window gamelist would be a fair bit lighter if it weren't for them.


I'm not sure about Red Steel (will rent it), but I've preordered Rayman and am looking forward to many mad games with my family. :D


As has been said before, it's important to remember Ubi had so little time in which to pump out all those games - and every single game was an experiment. Given more time, who knows just what they can do on the Wii?

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1: ubisoft have been using unreal 2.5 in the launch titles (except for rayman which uses the BGAE 'jade' engine, but does not support prog scan).


Unreal 2.5 will never get good results on the wii and it's use is just lazy... very lazy.


the result is that all their games look like bottom-tier xbox 1 games... whereas the wii should easily be able to outshine the best that gamecube ever did. look at far cry - it's shockingly bad. and the water effect? both twilight princess and sonic show the kind of water that the wii can do - and far cry is a game famous for sparkling tropical views with lush jungle reflecting in pristine seas. Zelda has been more ambitious with it's graphics in a MINI GAME than far cry has with it's whole visual presentation.



That is nothing to do with the engine. Assassin's Creed used the Unreal 2.5 engine, too, and that looks great.


edit: But, basically, Ubisoft has been lazy in utilising what the engine can do.

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Sorry sir, but you're an eejit! Kindly explain to me what Ubisoft could have done better with the resources they had?


maybe not try and milk the cash cow by having so many games and try and do more with what could obviously have been gems. do you really think a sub par far cry, or shite like gt pro are doing you any favours as a consumer?


not quite sure what's idiotic about being let down by average games.... i guess all the gamecube owmers here have gotten far too used to it.


That is nothing to do with the engine. Assassin's Creed used the Unreal 2.5 engine, too, and that looks great.


edit: But, basically, Ubisoft has been lazy in utilising what the engine can do.


yes but the wii uses a different shader system and will never make unreal 2.5 games look as good as is either A: possible on the wii... or B: what the unreal 2.5 can do on the right hardware

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