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Waverace: Blue Storm is a strong contender for my favourite racer of all time, I don't think excite truck is going to compare even remotely. C'mon, WR was a Cube launch game and had a crapload of tracks and 4 player, you're telling me that 4 player is that damn difficult to implement.

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Waverace: Blue Storm is a strong contender for my favourite racer of all time, I don't think excite truck is going to compare even remotely. C'mon, WR was a Cube launch game and had a crapload of tracks and 4 player, you're telling me that 4 player is that damn difficult to implement.


I'm pleased someone else has love for Wave Race, I adore that game, although it seems to get a bad rap from a lot of people.

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Hang on, earlier you were saying there was no way this game could be good without the four player mode. ;)

not THAT bad in one player i suppose well it had to get marks somewhere.Been a launch game it will get higher than it should


Waverace: Blue Storm is a strong contender for my favourite racer of all time, I don't think excite truck is going to compare even remotely. C'mon, WR was a Cube launch game and had a crapload of tracks and 4 player, you're telling me that 4 player is that damn difficult to implement.


not only that it doesn even do 2 player properly.no computer controlled cars in 2 player?ok i complained about this already and i won't start again


its just i was really looking forward to this one and now.....

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I too am one of the Wave Race 'Massive'. It's a great game, but i didn't find it that fun in multiplayer. Problem is, it's not the easiest game to get into. It requires a lot of time and effort.

The people i played against were not used to the buoys (is that how you spell it??), so, you can imagine how fun that was. :heh:

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I too am one of the Wave Race 'Massive'. It's a great game, but i didn't find it that fun in multiplayer. Problem is, it's not the easiest game to get into. It requires a lot of time and effort.

The people i played against were not used to the buoys (is that how you spell it??), so, you can imagine how fun that was. :heh:


i had a lot of trouble getting people into f-zero gx.it was too fast and hard for some people and also the lack of weapons annoys some people.



wave race is.....hm i never got into it.for a launch game it was class but even the water effects were surpassed by super mario sunshine.Guess it was fun

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i had a lot of trouble getting people into f-zero gx.it was too fast and hard for some people and also the lack of weapons annoys some people.



wave race is.....hm i never got into it.for a launch game it was class but even the water effects were surpassed by super mario sunshine.Guess it was fun


F-Zero GX to me, was the best example of an evolved game over its predocessor. It gave everything what the fans wanted.

The fact remains, there was sooooo much to do in single player. Multiplayer was a small part of it.


Shit load of unlockables, story mode, super hard difficulty.


Excite trucks is like mario kart dd in terms of single player content.

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I admit, it could be better. But then, i'll always be hard-pushed to look into my games collection and think "oh, that game couldn't be any better."


This game would be much better with the split-screen, i've already admitted that. Perhaps even online. But, nevertheless, i still think i'll have fun playing this game in both the single and splitscreen multiplayer. To know that i'll have fun playing this game, even if it is shortlived, is enough for it to warrant a purchase.

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I'll sum it up. F-Zero GX is awesome for hardcores, Excite Trucks is awesome (maybe) for casuals.


In my opinion, Excite trucks doesn't have enough replay value and its a car game, which I don't like very much. BUT it looks fun and has custom songs. Good but not good enough.

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I'll sum it up. F-Zero GX is awesome for hardcores, Excite Trucks is awesome (maybe) for casuals.


In my opinion, Excite trucks doesn't have enough replay value and its a car game, which I don't like very much. BUT it looks fun and has custom songs. Good but not good enough.


Like i said earlier. Im not saying the game is shit.

But It is not worth the £30. I can see myself getting it later for £10 or so.

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*Sigh* When you people understand that launches are always full of goddamn average games, and console's first year is always less than stellar (with maybe only exception being Dreamcast)? That's simply price you must pay if you want to be early adopter.

While this may be true, at the moment it's a lot of money to spend on faith in the future. I bought three launch titles with my Gamecube which I loved (RSII, THPS3 and SA2:Battle) and had a new Zelda game and SSBM on the way - so I wouldn't say it was true with all consoles anyway.

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Either way, its not so bad, they gave OOT 9.5/10 as well.


LINK TO SHOW THAT OOT GOT 9.5/10 as well: http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages4/197771.asp

















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TWILIGHT PRINCESS PERFECT 10 FROM 1UP.COM!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I originally had posted that review first, but i'll let you take the credit seeing that I already had three automerged posts with this topic becoming stagnant. Good Result. Now Matt at IGN is under serious pressure now, there'll be a backlash if he doesn't give 10 or 9.8 at the very least.

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Either way, its not so bad, they gave OOT 9.5/10 as well.




Dude, you are one crazy.. er..


Getting the same score as what's widely considered as the best game ever isn't not so bad, it's fucking excellent. Now quit being a turd again. I was hoping they'd have banned you from this thread too..


Yeah, I saw that. And? You act as if the difference from 10 and 9.5 is the biggest in the world. In reality, it is not. 9.5 is near-perfect. In theory, no game should ever get 10/10 because no game can ever be completely perfect. Even 9.0 is near-perfect.

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Dude, you are one crazy.. er..


Getting the same score as what's widely considered as the best game ever isn't not so bad, it's fucking excellent. Now quit being a turd again. I was hoping they'd have banned you from this thread too..


Yeah, I saw that. And? You act as if the difference from 10 and 9.5 is the biggest in the world. In reality, it is not. 9.5 is near-perfect. In theory, no game should ever get 10/10 because no game can ever be completely perfect. Even 9.0 is near-perfect.


Why, I ain't flaming anyone and I haven't said in this thread, OMFG WHAT A F****N DISGRACE. The scores have been quite good for Twilight Princess overall, although I am concerned for what Gamespot will give the game as well as IGN. 10 is always better than 9.5 but seeing that they only review in .5 increments in reality, he probably would've given the game about 9.8. I don't expect this game to be the highest rating, I just want it to surpass Resident Evil 4. I'll be happy if it achieves this.

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I think by now we've established that you're the only one who cares what games TP does or does not surpass score-wise though. We all know this game will be good. We all know it'll probably be better than RE4. I know it's good if it gets good scores, but honestly, you put far too much into it.

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