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Spoiler-Free The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Thread


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Guest Stefkov

I cant remember what I posted above, however I may have meant that I had spent another 2 hours on the game, not 2 hours to get to the second temple. So it took me another 2 hours to get to the second temple....I think.


Anyway 9 hours in and im getting to the third temple.

(I must have meant another 2 hours played)

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Only started this yesterday (Cube version) - did about 8 hours worth , and have just completed the Forest Temple (yep , I am taking my time and unbelievably I did get a bit lost early on, oops).


But this game is absolutely incredible and definately has the potential to rival OoT , but I want to slow myself down (can I go any slower though) as I don't want this to ever end.

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Just got to the Goron Mine and i'm clocked in at 7 hours (i got a little lost in the Forest Temple). This game is definetly worth my money.


My next dungeon/temple is the third one i believe! 12 hours into it!


How many dungeons/temples are there? PLEASE say i'm no-where near the end!


I read somewhere that TP has 8 big dungeons and 5 or six smaller ones as well. Much better than Wind Waker's number.

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TP has 9 dungeons. The ninth being the same sort of thing as Ganon's castle from OoT or the Moon from MM.


Also bear in mind that dungeons 5, 6 and 7 are much smaller than the first 4. More than OoT, dungeon wise? I'm not so sure.


The extra stuff to do between dungeons make it a longer and better game though.

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The extra stuff to do between dungeons make it a longer and better game though.


I disagree, fair enough there's more to do between the first 3 dungeons that there was with OoT, but between dungeons 4, 5 and 6 there's pretty much 10 minutes of playing time between them which is very disappointing. Not to mention the fact that dungeons 5, 6, and 7 are in effect mini-dungeons.

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I disagree, fair enough there's more to do between the first 3 dungeons that there was with OoT, but between dungeons 4, 5 and 6 there's pretty much 10 minutes of playing time between them which is very disappointing. Not to mention the fact that dungeons 5, 6, and 7 are in effect mini-dungeons.


The only dungeon I would really consider a mini dungeon is the 8th one, discounting the 9th because those last ones are never true dungeons. All the ones before 8 were really cool locations and took a fair bit of time to do. It's absurd to suggest the 5th, 6th and 7th dungeons were mini-dungeons.


Even looking back, the 8th dungeon wasn't exactly mega short. I do agree that the objectives between dungeons drying up later on was slightly disappointing though.

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The dungeon after the mansion (the 6th I think), was incredibly short. 8 floors maybe, but 1 room per floor?? Added to the fact that it was pretty much a straight line made it even more disappointing. As cool as the item, location and boss were, I think they could have done more with it.


Don't get me wrong, I think all the dungeons so far (I'm only up to 7) are very fun, they're just deceptive in terms of how big the game is. Under the Well in OoT for example, I would say was as big as dungeon 6 in TP for example.


Then again, as has been said there's so much to do outside the temples (early on at least) that it in someway makes up for it later on but to call this game bigger than OoT might be pushing it I think. Just because the land itself is enormous there's not actually that much to do in that land, further showing how deceptive this game can be in terms of size.


I'll admit there is more to do than in OoT, and it will probably take longer than OoT to complete but still, it's not the enormous quest I was expecting.

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I'll admit there is more to do than in OoT, and it will probably take longer than OoT to complete but still, it's not the enormous quest I was expecting.


Then maybe in the end it all comes down to whether or not you were expecting too much.


The game delivered what I expected from it. Another brilliant Zelda experience, and of course it isn't perfect, but it's pretty much as close as a Zelda game since Ocarina has ever gotten. Ocarina's premise and concept alone ensures it'll always be the golden Zelda experience, but in terms of another spin on the story and characters I think Twilight Princess does what it does wonderfully.


Twilight Princess mixes a genuinely interesting plot with some incredibly fine-tuned and fun gameplay with a length other Zelda games in the past could only have dreamed of. 50 hours is a very decent playtime for a game, let alone an action adventure one.

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Completely agree with everything you said. Please don't get me wrong, I still think that Twilight Princess is one of the finest games ever created, let alone one of the finest Zelda games. All I was arguing about was dungeon size and travel time between them later on in the game being a bit disappointing.

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Hmm, not got the game yet because I plan on playing the Wii version (and haven't found a Wii yet) but this dungeon talk is interesting. I'm shocked to hear the dungeons get smaller as the game goes on, generally it's the other way around, ignoring the final dungeons in the 3d games anyway.


How long approximately does it take to get through 5,6 and 7 then? At least an hour each still right?


I wish the 3d games could get it right in the Link to the Past way. From what I recall, each dungeon in that game was longer and more ingenius than the last...and it had like 10 or 11 main dungeons, including a proper massive final dungeon without any silly fight bosses all over again rubbish or anything. There were tons of mini-dungeons too.

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How long approximately does it take to get through 5,6 and 7 then? At least an hour each still right?


I'd say it took me at least two hours for each and that's being generous. Don't worry too much - the only small dungeons is 8, and that's hardly tiny. What it lacks in size it also makes up for in sheer cool.


One theory is the dungeons might have been rearranged during that year the game was delayed to make it better and thus accounts for the inconsistency in size/length as the game goes on.

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Well assuming there actually is one in the game (I saw it mentioned before but I'm not sure if it's real), is this temple a good length? Please tell me it's not the 8th one because it sounds like the coolest theme of all the ones I've heard so far and hadn't been done in a 3d game before.


Sky dungeon/temple



If there's not one in the game after all and I'd heard wrong could someone confirm that for me? It's a shame if there's not though because I liked that they had one in the Minish Cap.

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I'd say 2 hours is about right, maybe 1 hour for 6. Haven't done 7 yet so I don't know.


Still I'm pleased cause I have no idea what 8 is. I would have thought that given the storyline 7 should be the last one before the finale (considering what I've been collecting) but the fact that there's one more is good news for me :)


James: that's number 7. Haven't gotten there yet so can't say.

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Sky dungeon/temple



If there's not one in the game after all and I'd heard wrong could someone confirm that for me? It's a shame if there's not though because I liked that they had one in the Minish Cap.


Quite small. But not short. Also has a fantastic boss fight.

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Sky dungeon/temple



If there's not one in the game after all and I'd heard wrong could someone confirm that for me? It's a shame if there's not though because I liked that they had one in the Minish Cap.


It's a good one but it wasn't at all how I thought it would be. With the few mentions of it beforehand it allowed my mind to wander and it wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but it was still really good and the boss was brilliant.



I just beat the game last night... 40-45 hours I think I've been playing. Fun boss but relatively easy, I don't think I lost more than 3/4 hearts.

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Saw it last night but stopped playing. Agree it wasn't how I thought it would be either.


Having realised that the only real 'temple' in the game is the forest one, they should have changed the name of that to Forest Sanctuary, or Forest something-or-other to keep a running theme throughout the game. Also to make sure it doesn't get confused with the Forest Temple from OoT.

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he he am I the only one tired of dungeons? I have always enjoyed all the action outside the dungeons much more.. all those little side quests... also I know that dungeons means advancement in the storyline and I don't want this game to end... boy its going to be hard to find a game afterwards to "replace" TP.. the only contender I can see so far is Metroid

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Just at the 7th dungeon I think. I love it :) I love the music.


Is it possible to clear a dungeon without taking the heart container? I think it would be nice to clear the game with 3 hearts. Would be a bit more challenging. It would be cool to do this in OoT or so, too. I've never tried so I'll just ask.

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Great game from start to finish, i liked the pacing, even the quick transitions from dungeon to dungeon. The graphics ranged from very adequate to amazing in some cases and i loved some of the new items.


spoiler free complaints:


-once again, the rupee/wallet system sucks. See the original NES Zelda for a good example of how it should be


-none of the songs were what i would call 'infectious', like they were in OoT and LttP


-the coolest items didnt get that much use


-im weary of light/dark themes and parallel worlds in video games. Nintendo is the biggest offender, please get a new angle.


-Link and Zelda have no personality. Thank god for Midna, the end bosses, and a few of the NPC's

Why cant Zelda bad-mouth her oppressors or hurl a fireball at them or something, anything!

Why cant Link crack a joke or question what hes asked to do or verbally assault Ganon before battle


I love the series up to this point but i would like to see it evolve these issues

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-none of the songs were what i would call 'infectious', like they were in OoT and LttP


I haven't completed the game yet but you got a word here. But if there would be an OST I would definitely buy it. I love the theme of the 7th (I think so xD) dungeon. I just finished it and I fell in love with it :D

I forgot to try something: As mentioned above I would like to know if it's possible to clear the game with only 3 hearts. And I didn't attempt to warp without taking the heart container :( So if anybody knows then write :D


Thank god for Midna


Oh yeah, she's is soooo sarcastic. I love it :D


the end bosses


The boss in the 7th dungeon was the best so far...not because of the fight but because of something else...but you will know why sooner or later ;)

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