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I fucking new it, I've been telling my missus for weeks that Fox was a figment of Pauls imagination.


it was a rather good plot twist i thought, it makes sense looking back how he egged him on and whenever 'they' wrecked up the place he ran off

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone else hope that this little shit which is apparently Ned's will be ravaged by his dog and die? They keep putting questions in his mouth which no kid would use. "Why did mum say you were special, what makes you so special?" Maybe when she actually said it perhaps. But to being it up later.


Plus the whole sob story bullshit he's piling on got annoying after the first five minutes.

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  • 1 month later...
But ringo is a don of vagina.

I do hope that was an insult, because it was awesome. I will be using that in the future.


Ringo's shit eating grin is starting to get on my nerves. That and Nicky's presence. I do hope he dies in that crash, but his appearance in the new intro refutes this.


It moves too quickly. You can barely see half of the characters since they vanish so quick.

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Maybe it's the girl in me, but I've never enjoyed soap weddings before, todays episode was great though, did Rocco have something up his sleeve, when did Frazer go from wiggling his toe to standing, Harold doing the Camenetti twelve step, the list goes on. Why did Ned have to have another brother though, he's as lame as every other member of the Parker clan.

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Maybe it's the girl in me, but I've never enjoyed soap weddings before, todays episode was great though, did Rocco have something up his sleeve, when did Frazer go from wiggling his toe to standing, Harold doing the Camenetti twelve step, the list goes on. Why did Ned have to have another brother though, he's as lame as every other member of the Parker clan.


Lol, I dunno when Harold learned that. Frazer stood up on Thursday or Friday there but I don't think he actually walked? I caught the end of it there today and I'll try and see it all later for the new intro and to see how cheesey the wedding really was, but regarding the big crash... I hope the kid dies too. And Steff has long since outstayed her welcome. And Ringo, we need shot of him.

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I hoped it would blow up when they got Carmella out, so Ringo was sure to have gone. And I wished Nicky would come in to help Ned. So he could've gone too.


Do not doubt the eevil. I couldn't agree more.




Also Ringo's ex....um.....Rachael? Yes, she annoys me more than them all put together. :shakehead

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I hoped it would blow up when they got Carmella out, so Ringo was sure to have gone. And I wished Nicky would come in to help Ned. So he could've gone too.


Yeah, that was a real missed opportunity.

They seriously need some sort of culling, like the plane crash.

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Yeah, I wish one or two or three or four had been taken outta the game in that crash. Whats the point of it if they're all surviving? The only one I would really want to survive it was Toady... and he could be gettin done for drink driving? Wise up like.


I hope Nicky runs properly away and is never to return.

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