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Yes, you read that right. Our Nik's heading to Nintendo to play their first-party titles later today (monday). I was going to give this more time, but I thought he was going later on in the week, so sorry for the short timespace.


Basically, Nik's going to be playing the following games:


Wii Sports

Wii Play

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

WarioWare: Smooth Moves

Metroid Prime Corruption

Super Mario Galaxy


So if you guys have any questions about how these titles play you'd like him to keep in mind, hit us up with them. Bear in mind, he's probably leaving in about six hours or so (god, is it after 4am already? damn battlestar galactica), so hit those keys quick!


Cheers guys.


How do Metroid Prime 3's new Expert controls feel?


Is there anything new from this Mario Galaxy demo?


Could you try asking them what the full list of launch titles is for europe? (Wii games and Virtual Console)


That's about all I can think of at the mo, have fun!... you lucky (grumble grumble)


Could he find out what the 2 "secret" games in Wii Play are?


And the same with "training" modes in Wii Sports, if possible.


Now that is one lucky.. Uhm.. Person.


I just want to know whether or not I'm right about that the feeling of flinging your wrist around in Zelda and watch link bash enemies with his sword is awesome, as to settle the recent debate in the TP topic.

Other than that, just.. Uhm.. Oh, it'd be great if he could give, like, a good guide on what the SMG controls are like, because I'm kinda confused as to the controls in that game so far.. Not much confused, but kinda confused.


EDIT: Crap, I'm probably too late.. Maybe.


No, you're not. :)


Still a couple of hours left. I have to say that Metroid and Mario are probably not playable. On the other hand, Red Steel maybe is.


I'd like to know more about Wireless LAN gaming. That subject has disappeared (the same way DVD playback did). Any news on that would be great.


I'd also like to know the structure of SMG. Does it have a non linear set up like SM64 and SMS or are we going back to a sequencial level system? Anything about powerup or other characters would also be nice.


And I know its not a title you're gonna play Nick but ask them how Smash Bros. is coming along eh?

  Jamba said:
I'd also like to know the structure of SMG. Does it have a non linear set up like SM64 and SMS or are we going back to a sequencial level system? Anything about powerup or other characters would also be nice.


Yeah, I'm interested in that too.. I hope it's non-linear.


I have just remembered something though. Don't expact the NOE staff to be able to answer any of our questions. They don't really have much to do with anything but localisation and publishing. The people Nick will be talking to are likely to be PR people.


Have fun Nik.


1. Does the nunchuk actually feature rumble?


2. Is it incorporated into any games if so?


3. Is Link's shield still actived with a thrust of the nunchuk?


4. When will Europe get the Wii Shop Channel and which Virtual Console games will be on it?


5. (Unrelated to the Wii) What's happening with Phantom Hourglass?


Not "gameplay related", but if you have the chance to speak to anyone at NoE ask them when will we get more information regarding the launch, we are about one month away from launch and there's still a lot of things we don't know like the "final" release dates for the games (Excite Truck, WarioWare, ...), if the 5000 points + free Classic Controller is happening in Europe (and if the points are valid for every European country, like for example buying a UK card and using it in another country like Portugal), more info about the VC games and the way it works (if it allows you to re-download the files, if after download it checks the file's integrity to avoid any download errors/file corruption, ...), ...


Other than that let us know if Zelda is excellent, super-excellent or mega-super-hyper-excellent... :laughing:


Yeah you can redownload VC files.


Couple more.


1. Can Virtual Console games released in NTSC regions be converted to PAL format and released in Europe?


2. Are the MSX and TurboGraphx console games available for VC download in Europe?


1. How does Link's shield work

2. Is TP camera any good?

3.How many different slashes are there?

4. Is the parry as cheap as in WW?

5. Can you circle strafe easily in MP3 without lock on?


And well, have fun. Just remember, it will be weird to play it, so it might not feel right at first.


Well, Nik's back. We'll be chatting about the trip in the next edition of the n-europe show (recording scheduled for friday), so if you guys have more questions about Wii gameplay, hit us up. We'll be answering as many as possible on Friday.


Nik, want to clarify for the forum folk what you ultimately got to play?

  nicolasmasset said:
Just wanted to quickly point out that Belgians can also play the wii next week at flanders expo. http://www.gamepowerexpo.be


I'd so go there if only I had someone to go with. =/

Plus I probably wouldn't really have a way of getting there, except for expensive train and bus rides. Oh well.


Would love to hear about Nik's experiences as soon as possible. =3

  Conor_NE said:
Nik, want to clarify for the forum folk what you ultimately got to play?


Sure, I played Wii Sports (with the new cool boxing game. Really better than I expected) Wii Play, Monkey Ball and Warioware.



... And Zelda of course. I also played this one with the 'old' controls at E3 so I can compare it a bit. Will try to tell you all about it in the next podcast. :awesome:

  Eenuh said:
I'd so go there if only I had someone to go with. =/

Plus I probably wouldn't really have a way of getting there, except for expensive train and bus rides. Oh well.


Would love to hear about Nik's experiences as soon as possible. =3


I'd offer you a ride, but I'm not going by car myself. At the moment, I'm probably going to go by myself, but I don't care, cause I'm going to play the wii!!! If you change your mind, don't hesitate to pm me, then we'll meet up there!

  nicolasmasset said:
I'd offer you a ride, but I'm not going by car myself. At the moment, I'm probably going to go by myself, but I don't care, cause I'm going to play the wii!!! If you change your mind, don't hesitate to pm me, then we'll meet up there!

It would be cool if every n-europe member from Belgium could meet up there. I'm not sure if I can come though. My schedule is pretty full (it's not easy being rich and famous :grin:)

  myster0n said:
It would be cool if every n-europe member from Belgium could meet up there. I'm not sure if I can come though. My schedule is pretty full (it's not easy being rich and famous :grin:)


I'd wanna go as well, but it's too expensive, and I have lots of work for school then.:sad:

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