Hero-of-Time Posted February 23, 2007 Posted February 23, 2007 Well I just finished Crackdown in the space of a few hours so I will have plenty time to give this a good play through tomorrow. EDIT: Star code works now.
Gizmo Posted February 23, 2007 Posted February 23, 2007 I've ordered this off Amazon but I made a mistake and it's comnig in the same package as Sonic, so I have to wait a bit It's a good thing really, I have some important school work to do between now and then anyway and I still have Excite Truck. For those who've now played it whats the thoughts? Better than Monkey Ball but shorter?
Tom Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 i'm undecided on this. Monkey ball was a major dissapointment imo. If it plays more like the Roll minigame in zelda I think i'll like it. i have a horrible feeling that monkey ball 1 is and always will be the pinnacle of this genre though, so i might just save the money and play monkey ball 1 again.
BlueStar Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 Oh cool, I forgot I bought this until I saw this thread I'll go down and play it in a bit.
SimbaK2K Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 I got this last night from Tescos for under £30 so was pretty cheap. First impressions are really good, great game, lovely physics and a refreshing change from super monkey ball. I'd highly recommend buying it, and just ebay it once your done. Its a nice little gem of a game that shouldn't really be missed.
BlueStar Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 Love this game. Yeah, it seems short but I'm going through pretty slowly getting the green gems and gold cups. Just finished the first secret stage
Hero-of-Time Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 Just been on this for a while and its simply awesome. I done the first 20 levels and Candy World is beautifully done. My ball of choice at the moment is the Penguin Despite being very easy and not having that many levels there seems to be plenty of replay value in here. Just like BlueStar said there are Green Gems to get on every stage aswell as Gold Cups. I have unlocked lots of balls and a few secret stages aswell as various new tunes.
BlueStar Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 Just unlocked "Space Stage A" down at the bottom. Bloody hell, it's pretty epic compared to the stages I've been doing so far, only done a few of candy world.
Hero-of-Time Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 BlueStar said: Just unlocked "Space Stage A" down at the bottom. Bloody hell, it's pretty epic compared to the stages I've been doing so far, only done a few of candy world. How are you liking the presentation of the stages and the game itself? Im loving every bit of it myself. The stages are very colourful and the music gives the game a quirky look. For some reason it gives me the same feeling as when I played Chibi Robo.
RedShell Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 Hero-of-Time said: For some reason it gives me the same feeling as when I played Chibi Robo.Damn don't say that, you're making me want this game too much now. Must... resist...
BlueStar Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 I think the game's got a charm that's rarely seen nowadays and is very hard to resist. It's not without its flaws, but it just seems like a breath of fresh air.
Owen Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 I'm a Penguin as well. I'm loving this little title! Haven't had alot of time to play my Wii/DS today so have to get back into Kororinpa tomorrow. £34.99 was a little steep though, wish i got it cheaper....i think £29.99 would have been a better starting price and go down ffrom there.
Hero-of-Time Posted February 25, 2007 Posted February 25, 2007 I tried the first level of the next world before I went out last night, think its level 20, and it really took some doing to beat. The dificulty has started to pick up now but still nothing that a bit of practice cant sort out.
gekko Posted February 25, 2007 Posted February 25, 2007 I've played this for the last few days and here are my thoughts. Let's get the negative over first - the game shouldn't cost £35. When you look at it against other games where you can spend weeks/months just playing through once, a game where the first run only takes hours doesn't justify the price tag. Right, now that's over, this is actually a really beautiful game. Where Monkey Ball is manic and frustrating, for a game that requires maximum concentration, Kororinpa has a really chilled out vibe. The carved wood platforms and calm music of the first 10 levels just made be feel relaxed - the fact that these levels are all very easy helped too though! As you progress you unlock more balls, which means you can make those easy levels a little bit harder - I'm quite liking the watermelon at the moment. On the gameplay front, there are a few frustrating levels - one of the night town ones has you guiding your ball along lots of really thin roads with no sides - this took me several attempts. However, there's nothing that will have you wanting to throw the remote at the TV unlike Cobalt Caverns on Monkey Ball. The replay value is in collecting the green gems, which unlock secret levels - I've unlocked five so far, and in aiming for the trophies. There's also this weird thing going on where you can play a mirrored version of all the levels (including secret ones). I'm currently half way through my second run of the game and I'm using the mirrored option to mix it up a little. I've completed about 65% so there seems to be loads more to be done. I've got most of the balls - about two left to unlock but I think I must have many more green gems to collect - some of them are pretty tough to reach and involve you hurling your ball off platforms in a desperate attempt to hit them. The controls are definitely intuitive and I love the way it has you turning the remote over as walls become platforms. You have to be fairly dextrous at times but I never found that it got too uncomfortable. Overall, this is a really neat game with great visuals and addictive gameplay. It reminds me a bit of Katamari with its quirky flavour. This is a game made by people who know that beautiful games aren't always about having the most realistic graphics. It's more about creating an atmosphere that draws you in. I'd give it 8/10 - whilst the main game should be longer, the secret levels and multiplayer element mean there's plenty of replay value.
Bluejay Posted February 25, 2007 Posted February 25, 2007 After playing a lot more of this game, completed it in 2player in two 2 hour sittings, I can say, my early impressions were wrong, Kororinpa is pretty fun. Once you get used to the controls and the difficulty picks up, its pretty addictive. Fun but ultimately not, in any way worth more than £20. Its a 4 hour game for the basic (non mirrored) mode. Its still going on ebay as I have no further urge to play it through again. Good rental.
gekko Posted February 25, 2007 Posted February 25, 2007 Now completed 83%. Got all the green crystals and have completed the 14 secret levels (number 15 isn't unlocked until you complete all the bonus levels). I've unlocked and completed two of the five bonus levels but need to get more gold trophies to unlock the others. I've completed half of the mirrored stages, which I gather need to be done in order to get 100%.
Monkeylord Posted February 25, 2007 Posted February 25, 2007 I just picked this up today, and am loving it so far. I understand that it's short, but that's fine for me at the mo as I only get to play games in short bursts, and chances are that once I'm done I won't touch it for a while, which usually means that once I go back to it it'll be fresher. One thing though, has anyone noticed the bizarre display options? 4:3 mode = 4:3 aspect ratio 16:9 mode = 4:3 aspect ration squished between two huge black borders. It actually flattens the screen! WTH!?!
SimbaK2K Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Monkeylord said: One thing though, has anyone noticed the bizarre display options? 4:3 mode = 4:3 aspect ratio 16:9 mode = 4:3 aspect ration squished between two huge black borders. It actually flattens the screen! WTH!?! I had similar bizarreness. If I selected 4:3 it goes to full screen as it should, if I select widescreem it doesnt look right. Wii is set to widescreen and so is the tv. Setting it on 4:3 is fine and gets it full screen, but its kinda odd.
Monkeylord Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Yeah, the borders appear above and below the image, squishing it to a 16:9 shape but completely ruining the aspect ration AND forcing you to zoom in on it to get it to fill the screen. I just stick to 4:3 now... which is disappointing to say the least.
Owen Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 The borders will appear on every tv sadly, they do with mine! I'm on the city-scape levels now and they seem to be a bit more of a pain in the arse, sometimes it really wants you to dislecate your wrist.
gekko Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 I found the key was not to hold the remote too tightly. Just hold it lightly and let it roll around in your hand when you need to turn it upside down. Don't make the wrist do all the work . I've now unlocked and completed 3 bonus levels. I've got 16 gold trophies so need another 9 to unlock all the bonus levels. Getting gold trophies is starting to get pretty tricky though now as I've done all the easy ones. The bonus or space levels are a real bitch but addictive at the same time. I can't believe some of the narrow platforms I'm rolling along.
Cube Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 Owen said: I'm on the city-scape levels now and they seem to be a bit more of a pain in the arse, sometimes it really wants you to dislecate your wrist. ..Or use both of your hands.
BlueStar Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 Well, completed all the standard levels with a green gem on each. Need loads of trophies still though. What's everyone's favourite ball? I almost always use the candy call mesel.
Gentleben Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 Picked my copy up today and I'm loving it. Unlocked 3 of the secret levels and lots of the balls as well, I have around 4/5 balls left to unlock. Some of the Green Gems are uber tricky to get and I can see getting all the Gold Trophies is going to take some doing. Just reached Toy Land.
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