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Er.., why did people think there would be another Tales game for Wii when there is one in the works already? They will want to see how well that does before even considering any more.


Well there are already Tales Of games in the works for all the other system's listed in their hint thing, so it sort of nulifies your point I guess.


Whatsmore, the Wii one we currently know is more of a spin off then a new series. They've already had proven success on the GameCube so I guess they'll have enough faith to go with the Wii, Japan sales pretty much say it all.


Time shall tell anyway, if this isn't a Wii game then there will no doubt be another Tales Of gaming to come along and take that role. Failing that, another awesome RPG of some kind.

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Rather the Wii than any other console :heh:


Didn't the PSP have a couple in the works around the same time or something?


They are making a port/remake of Tales of Rebirth and a port/remake of either Tales of Destiny or Tales of Destiny 2. I'm not sure what games they are making for the PSP, but I know all it is getting are port, remakes and spin-offs.


The picture of the logo to Tales of Vesperia is beautiful.


I don't think it will be on PS3 or 360 because of the picture showing the four platforms. DS is getting Tales of Innonence. Wii is getting ToS II. PSP is getting ports/remakes and PS2 is getting a port/remake of the ToD game the PSP isn't getting. I don't think it will be released on the DS because of the graphics and PS2 is unlikely for a brand new game. I place my money on Wii.


Btw, is there any news about Sword of Legendia? Have Namco Bandai ever said anything about the game? Is it a game? >_>

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Some guy who saw the trailer in person:


I'll tell you guys one thing, me and another english speaking tales fan despite looking at the trailer in person, had absolutely no clue as to what platform it is going to be on. Likewise with pretty much everyone else in the entire convention hall except for the Tales producer, who had already gone backstage =P
Source: http://tales.namco.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=2220650&highlight=#2220650
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The picture of the logo to Tales of Vesperia is beautiful.
Reminds me of Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria in a good way.
I don't think it will be on PS3 or 360 because of the picture showing the four platforms. DS is getting Tales of Innonence. Wii is getting ToS II. PSP is getting ports/remakes and PS2 is getting a port/remake of the ToD game the PSP isn't getting. This could be released on any of the consoles except DS because of the graphics and PS2 is unlikely for a brand new game.
I really dunno, might be a HD console, but I just can't be happy if it is, given that in that case we're getting the short end of the stick with a spin-off who recycles scenarios while they invest in a new Tales game for other console; KoR is good being what it is, but it's certainly not the best deal.


It would be kinda like spitting on us really.

Btw, is there any news about Sword of Legendia? Have Namco Bandai ever said anything about the game? Is it a game? >_>
Nothing new, but I sure hope it has turned into this one, Vesperia. But the character designs sure don't match up.


But who knows.

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The picture showing the 4 platforms is to illustrate the 'path' the Tales of series is taking in 2008. I think the size of the bubbles speak for themselves, with the Wii and DS getting the main series and big name games, while PSP and PS2 will be seeing remakes and spin offs.


Namco seem to be putting alot into the Wii at the moment, that Fragile game looked pretty nifty and now the Tales of support is coming. I'm guessing the return they saw from Eternal Sonata was non-exsistant so it only makes logical sense, here's hoping other third parties will be doing the same :P.

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The picture showing the 4 platforms is to illustrate the 'path' the Tales of series is taking in 2008. I think the size of the bubbles speak for themselves, with the Wii and DS getting the main series and big name games, while PSP and PS2 will be seeing remakes and spin offs.


Namco seem to be putting alot into the Wii at the moment, that Fragile game looked pretty nifty and now the Tales of support is coming. I'm guessing the return they saw from Eternal Sonata was non-exsistant so it only makes logical sense, here's hoping other third parties will be doing the same :P.

I'm still not convinced it's for the Wii though; I rather be negative than setting myself for a fall so let's not hype ourselves so much until we hear more. Logic, third party's and Nintendo don't go well historically, and by the 3rd party's fault.


All we know is it might be a Wii game (hopefully).


They wouldn't include X360/PS3 in that roadmap if they weren't gonna announce games for it then (although they could put a extra game in there for 2008, or something, or perhaps Wii comprised both games in it's bubble, but we dunno)


Ninja EDIT:


I saw the trailer, and from how the celshading looked, it was quite hi-res and smooth, as in the models themselves appeared quite hipoly. Coupled with your normal background art, I had to say it looked quite swank.
Source: http://forum.tales-cless.org/tales-series/tales-of-vesperia/msg8502/#msg8502
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A PS3 version would not make sense at all.
Welcome to the world where logic only applies to Nintendo consoles; if it doesn't sell on here they say it's because Nintendo First Party is too strong (when they're doing a spinoff sequel with recycled material and didn't advertise it, or something), if they flop on another console they just say they have no explanation instead of getting a reason. :indeed:
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Do I think it is for Wii, no. There was only one Tales game on Gamecube and they are now making a follow up on Wii. My bet is on the PS3, this would seem like the right time to be start working on a PS3 version for release towards the end of 2008.


We seem to like getting hyped up about nothing all the time. I won't get excited till it's actually announced for Wii.

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It won't be PS3 or 360, unless it's coming out in 2009 (which they said it wasn't). The 'path' thing for 2008 didn't include the console, which pretty much sums their attitude towards it.


There are 3 Tales of Games annouced at this thing though? So we can guarentee at least one of them will be for the Wii. I'd guess 2 for Wii and 1 for DS, seeing as DS just had that Tales of Innocense game released in Japan.

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24.12.07 - Bandai Namco hat auf dem Jump Festa 2008 das Rollenspiel Tales of Vesperia angekündigt. Das Charakter Design stammt von Kosuke Fujishima, die Grafik setzt auf einen Cell Shading-Stil.


Um die Animationen kümmert sich Production I.G. Die Veröffentlichung soll 2008 in Japan stattfinden, eine Plattform wurde nicht genannt.


Womöglich erscheint Tales of Vesperia für PS3, weil auf Bandai Namcos Erscheinungsliste noch ein 'New RPG' aufgelistet ist, bei dem es sich um Tales of Vesperia handeln könnte


Ok I cant speak German but maybe someone can translate :) It does mention PS3 in there so does this mean its on the PS3?

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Ok I cant speak German but maybe someone can translate :) It does mention PS3 in there so does this mean its on the PS3?
Not really, pure speculation asking if there's a link from the listed "New PS3 RPG" Namco has been doing a while ago and this one; a "what if that title is Tales of Vesperia".


Might be though, but I don't see reason for the secrecy then.

Also if you check this pic out the people playing it looks as if they are holding a normal pad.



Vesperia was not playable... (and in that case we'd have a confirmed platform)


That's Tales of Destiny: Directors Cut remake for PS2; look at the cardboard, that's clearly Stahn and Leon.

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I'll give it a shot, though it might not be 100% correct as I'm translating it from my 3rd to my 2nd language :p


24.12.07 - Bandai Namco hat auf dem Jump Festa 2008 das Rollenspiel Tales of Vesperia angekündigt. Das Charakter Design stammt von Kosuke Fujishima, die Grafik setzt auf einen Cell Shading-Stil.


Um die Animationen kümmert sich Production I.G. Die Veröffentlichung soll 2008 in Japan stattfinden, eine Plattform wurde nicht genannt.


Womöglich erscheint Tales of Vesperia für PS3, weil auf Bandai Namcos Erscheinungsliste noch ein 'New RPG' aufgelistet ist, bei dem es sich um Tales of Vesperia handeln könnte


Bandai Namco announced ToV at the Jump Festa 2008. The character design comes from Kosuke Fijishima, known for his cell-shading (not sure about that last bit).


Production IG will do the animations. The 'announcement' (maybe launch?) should take place in Japan in 2008, a platform has NOT been mentioned.


ToV could POSSIBLY be on PS3, because there's a 'new rpg' their release list, so ToV could be the one in question.


It's pretty clear to me that they're speculating it being on PS3, however they refer to a release list with a 'new rpg'. Wether this new rpg is listed as a PS3 title is not clear (though likely).

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t's pretty clear to me that they're speculating it being on PS3, however they refer to a release list with a 'new rpg'. Wether this new rpg is listed as a PS3 title is not clear (though likely).
Yeah, it's there:


-> http://namco-ch.net/list_game/list.php?hid=28 (third one counting from top)


It's been there for a long time (since at least TGS 2006), it's been said Sony even financed/funded Namco to create a studio for that RPG. Thing is nothing warrants that to be a Tales game.


Also Namco Bandai also has unanounced games for Nintendo, not to mention Sword of Legendia is still listed.

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I think this pratically confirms it's for PS3 doesn't it? as i guessed.
Not yet, it was a line of thought that could be traced since they've shown it, doesn't explain why people who saw the trailer can't really say for sure it's not for the Wii and why no platform was revealed.


This said I was negativistic since the beggining so yes, I think it might end up being that.

Nintendo does not get such a great thing from Bandai Namco, not even now.
Not even in Christmas? :blank:
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