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I think Dante used to work for us, under the name Kigan. Also, bear in mind, that you simply can't just copy and paste news for the main site. You can quote, but it ain't that simple. Then, you have to use coding such as HTML to actually get the stuff on the mainsite.


Yeah, it's very time consuming. And couple that with the fact that us newsies have things such as uni and...jobs, and social lives, it's more like a second life. :heh:


On-topic: Oooo, new tales game.

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Nice, that would be lovely. I started playing ToS through yesterday in multiplayer, it's really quite good fun.


But still I've not really played a new killer RPG for many years, It sure would be nice to have something on the scale of Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy 6 and 7 or Vagrant Story on the way...


And is it just me, or have graphics in RPGs gone waaay down since the PS1 era (skies of arcadia and shenmue notwithstanding)?? I mean, the Final Fantasys, Chrono Cross, Alundra etc all had prerendered backdrops, which looked absolutely beautiful, even though they meant that the camera was static, but I'd take pre renders over full motion camera in an RPG any day.

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Yeah its definately fake unfortunately, but I hear Sword of Legendia is the sequel to Tales of Legendia, although I have a feeling it won't be a proper RPG and more like how that Dragon Quest Swords looks :hmm:
A sequel to Tales of Legendia on Wii doesn't make much sense unless they port the prequel aswell.


Tales of Symphonia by it's turn was a prequel to Tales of Phantasia, that came out on SNES (only in Japan though).


Ohh well, if it's RPG and it's from Namco... I'm sure to get it.

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Least it's confirmed to be fake.I really want a good RPG like ToS or BK soon-ish on the Wii.I need my RPGs >.<

Yeah like me and pedro have been discussing in the Tales of the Tempest thread, the RPG scene on DS/Wii is rather worrying. The most irritating thing is that RPGs on Wii have so much potential.

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According to Korean gaming website VideogamerX.net, as well as Sword of Legendia, Namco is also working on another RPG - Tales of Heart for the Nintendo Wii.




:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:


whoops didn't read the last couple posts.


at least we have tales of the tempest to look forward to

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